
(12)江山市城市岩溶地質環境評價方法研究及信息管理系統開發,2005-2006 。
(13)曙四區油藏精細描述,2005-2006 。
1.Oyinkepreye David Orodu, Zhonghua Tang, Qi FeiYakun Application of prediction models to performance of high paraffinic content oilfields: Case study Shen95 Block of Jinganbao Oilfield. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 68(3), 2009, 223-234.
2.Yiming Wu, Zhonghua Tang, Wei Zhou, Tao Wang,Numerical simulation of tracer transport in reservoir and its application to Hade Oilfield, Tarim Oilfield in Northwest China,Proceeding of the 7th international conference on carlibration and reliability in groundwater modeling, China University of eosciences, Wuhan,2009, 425-4283.Zhou Wei, Tang Zhonghua, Orodu Oyinkepreye. Case study of the impact of cold and hot waterflooding performance by simulation and experiment of high pour point oil reservoir, Liaohe Oilfeild, North-East China, SPE 128873
4.Ren Yakun, Zhonghua Tang and Lichun Zhao, Tide-induced groundwater head fluctuation in a coastal aquifer system with a submarine outcrop covered by a thin silt layer. Hydrological processes, 2008, 22, 605-610.
5 li Hailong, J J Jioa, Tang Zhonghua, Semi-numerical simulation of groundwater flow induces by periodic forcing with a case-study at an island aquifer, J . of Hydrology。
7.董少剛、唐仲華、劉白薇、姜月華. 垃圾填埋場淋濾液對地下水的污染模擬預測—以嘉興垃圾填埋場為例。水文地質工程地質,2008,(增):296-300.
11.Zhang Jichang, Tang Zhonghua, Li Hailong, Numerical modeling and optimization study on injection of waste water into Shiwu reservior. Water-Rock Interaction-Bullen & Wang(Eds),2007, 677-680
12.Dong Shaogang, Tang zhonghua, Liu Baiwei, the characteristics and genetic mechanism of hydrochemical facies in the shiwu Depression of Songliao Basin. Water-Rock Interaction-Bullen & Wang(Eds),2007, 497-500.
23.Tang Zhonghua, Y.H.Wu and P.F.Siew, Grew topologic model for predicting oil production by steam injection recovery techniques. J. of Grey System, 2003, V15. No.3. 267-270
24.Xie, XN, JJ Jiao, ZH Tang, & C Zheng, Evolution of abnormally low pressure and its implications for the hydrocarbon system in the Southeast Uplift zone of Songliao Basin, China, AAPG Bulletin, v.87. No.1, 2003, 99 –119 (SCI).
25.林麗蓉,唐仲華,基於GIS技術的地下水及溶質運移數值模擬系統,地質科技情報,2003年第二期。Vol. 22(2), 103-106
28.Tang Zhonghua,Wu Yonghong, He Sheng, An Improved Method for Calculating Paleoheat Flow from Vitrinite Reflectance Profile, Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol.12, No.4, 2001,p337-342.
29.Tang Zhonghua, Y.H. Wu and P.F. Siew, An optimization model for recovering petroleum by using horizontal wells, Procedings of Industrial Optimization Symposium, Perth, Australia, Oct. 2002.
30.Tang Zhonghua,Jiao, J.J., A 2-Dimensional Analytical Solution for Groundwater-flow in an Leaky Confined Aquifer System Near Open Tidal Water, Hydrological Processes, 2001, V15, Iss 4, p573-585 (SCI)
31.Jiao,J.J.,Tang Zhonghua,Comment on an Analytical Solution of Groundwater Response to Tidal Fluctuation in a leaky confined aquifer by Jiao, Jiu, Jimmy and Tang, Zhonghua-Reply, WRR, Vol.37, Iss1, 2001, p187-188 (SCI)
32.Tang Zhonghua,P. F. Siew, Y.H.Wu, Solution of an Inverse Problem of Fluid flow in Porous Media Using a Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of Hong Kong Optimal Control Congress, 2001, December.
33.Tang Zhonghua,Y.H, Wu, P.F.Siew, Numerical simulation of Horizontal well for recovering petroleum, Proceedings of International Computation Fluid Conference, 2000, Beijing, China, Oct,
34.He, S., Middleton, M. & Tang, Z.H., Characteristics and origin of underpressure system in the Shiwu Fault Depression, south-east Songliao Basin, China., Basin Res., 12, 2000, p147-158 (SCI)
35.Tang Zhonghua, P.F. Siew, Y.H. Wu, Numerical Analysis for Recovering High-melton Point Petroleum, Proceedings of the Eighth Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Shenzhen, China,1999.
38.Tang Zhonghua, He Sheng, Wu Jinfu, Thermal backstriping from Vitrinite Reflectance profiles in comparison with an extensional model for passive continental margin basins on Northern Continental Shelf of South China Sea.Vol.10,No.3, 1999, p251-257.
39.Jiao, J.J., Tang Zhonghua,An Analytical Solution of Groundwater Response to Tidal Fluctuation in a leaky confined aquifer, WRR, Vol.35, No.3, 1999, p747-751 (SCI)
41.唐仲華,向東進,越流含水層有限差分法的穩定性分析,地球科學,Vol.22,No.5,1998, p529-531.
43.Wang Yanxin,Tang Zhonghua,Major Factors Controlling Calcite Dissolution in Hydrothermal Karst Systems, Journal of China University of Geosciences, Vol.7, No.2, 1996, p204-208
45.唐仲華,朱偉武,時間序列分析模型在水文地質計算中的應用特點,勘察科學技術, 1995.5, p28-32
47.陳榮書,唐仲華,雙開關排烴模型及其在遼東灣地區應用,中國海上油氣,Vol9, No4, 1995, p253-262
52.何生,唐仲華,油氣二次運移的浮力驅動數學模型在遼東灣地區的應用,地球科學,Vol.18, No.5, 1993,p612-620
53 Changqian, Yang Kunguang, Tang Zhonghau, An Example from the Tieshan Instrusive Complex,Eastern Hubei,Exploration of Geosciences , the Press of the China University of Geosciences, June,1992, p19-26.
56.唐仲華,陳崇希,越流含水層不穩定井流問題邊界元-有限元耦合解法,工程勘察,1991年第六期, p26-32
57.楊坤光,馬昌前,李增田,唐仲華,從區域構造與岩體熱動力構造的關係分析鄂東鐵山岩體的侵位機理, 礦物學岩石學論叢,No7,1991,p118-126
60.Zhang Dehui, Tang Zhonghua, Dynamics of Forming Process of Yinshan Polymetallic Deposit in Dexing, Jiangxi Province,Proceedings of the 4th Tectono-Geochemical Symposium of China.
61.Tang Zhonghua, He Sheng, Simulation of Evolution Histories of Subsidence,Heat and Fluid Overpressure in the Yinggehai Basin,South China. 30th IGC, 0th IGC Abstracts, Vol.3, No.3, 1996, Beijing
62.Tang Zhonghua, Bao Zhengyu, The Mathematical Model of Heat-mass Transport-reaction Dynamics and Its Software. 30th IGC Abstracts, Vol.3, No.3, 1996 , Beijing
63.He Sheng, Tang Zhonhua, Liang Shengzhen, Zhao Kejing , A Study on the Genesis of Sour Oil and Gas of Highly Sulfurous Source Rock in Jingxian Sag of Bohaiwan Basin, (Abstract)30th IGC, 1996, Beijing
64.He Sheng, Tang Zhonghua, Yang Jiaming and Wu Jingfu, A Study on the Thermal-History Dynamic Inversion of the Basin in Northern South China Sea and Its Relationship With the Subsidence History,
65.He Sheng, Tang Zhonghua, A Thermal Backstripping Model for Determing the Paleoheat Flow from Vitrinite Reflectance Profiles in South China Sea Basins, 1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antoniao, Texas, Abstract p56.
66.He Sheng, Tang Zhonghua, Hydrochemical Characters and Origin of Underpressure System in the Southeast Area of Songliao Basin, China, 1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antoniao, Texas, Abstract p57.
(1) 1994年,獲IET教育基金青年教師獎
(2) 1995年,被學校評為八五期間優秀科研工作者
(3) 1996年,獲校級教學成果一等獎一項(排序一)
(4) 1996年,獲校級教學成果一等獎一項(五)
(5) 1996年,獲地礦部科技成果二等獎一項(三)
(6) 1996年,獲地礦部優秀教材二等獎一項(二)
(7) 1997年,獲湖北省教學成果三等獎一項(三)
(8) 1998年,獲地礦部科技成果(教學類)三等獎一項(一)
(9) 1999年,獲教育部教學成果二等獎(三)