共找到2條詞條名為劉俊國的結果 展開
- 北京林業大學教授
- 南方科技大學教授
劉俊國,1977年2月19日出生於山東萊蕪市。現任北京林業大學教授,博士生導師。國際應用系統分析研究所(IIASA)客座研究員, IIASA實施規劃指導委員會委員,國際水資源系統委員會(ICWRS)委員,國際水足跡網路(WFN)同行評議委員會委員,國際雜誌《Hydrology and Earth System Sciences》編輯。
2005年美國黑土地科研與擴展中心(Blackland Research and Extension Center)訪問學者。
2007-2009年瑞士聯邦環境科學技術研究所科學家(Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Eawag, Switzerland)。
2009年-至今國際應用系統分析研究所客座研究員(International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, IIASA, Austria)。
2、國際雜誌《Hydrology and Earth System Sciences》編委。
1. 專業英語
2. 濕地保護與管理
3. Globalization of Water Resources
8、第六期歐盟研究與發展框架計劃基金資助項目“Global Earth Observation – Benefit Estimation: Now, Next and Emerging” (GEOBENE) (課題負責人)
在多家SCI雜誌上發表論文20餘篇。包括在全球排名第三的綜合類學術刊物PNAS上發表原創性文章1篇,在Science和Nature發表通訊文章3篇,在水資源領域核心刊物Water Resources Research、Journal of Hydrology、Hydrology and Earth System Sciences上發表文章4篇。文章被SCI論文引用300餘次,所發表文章被Nature他引2次,被Science他引1次, 被PNAS他引5次。截至2012年4月份在Scopus資料庫中H-index=12(至少12篇文章分別被引用至少12次)。科研成果曾被《Science News》和《National Geographic》等國際知名雜誌以及《中國日報》(英文版)、《神州學人》等國內著名媒體報道。
1.Liu J., Liangzhi You, Manouchehr Amini,Michael Obersteiner, Mario Herrero, Alexander J.B. Zehnder, Hong Yang . 2010. A high-resolution assessment on global nitrogen flows in cropland. PNAS. 107(17): 8035- 8040.
2.Liu J. and Savenije H.H.G., 2008. Time to break the silence around virtual-water imports. Nature 453 (7195) : 587.
3. Liu J. , Yang H., Savenije H.H.G., 2008. China’s move to higher-diet hits water security. Nature 454 (7203): 397.
4.Liu J. and Yang H., 2009. China fights against statistical corruption. Science. 325: 675-676.
5.Liu J. and Yang H., 2010. Spatially explicit assessment of global consumptive water uses in cropland: green and blue water. Journal of Hydrology, 384(3-4)187-197.
6. Gaurav Srivastava, Sudhindra N. Panda, Pratap Mondal,Junguo Liu. 2010. Forecasting of rainfall using ocean-atmospheric indices with a fuzzy neural technique. Journal of Hydrology, 395: 190-198.
7.Liu J., A. J. B. Zehnder, and H. Yang, 2009. Global consumptive water use for crop production: The importance of green water and virtual water. Water Resources Research, 45, W05428, doi:10.1029/2007WR006051.
8. Steffen Fritz, Liangzhi You, Andriy Bun, Linda See, Ian McCallum, Christian Schill,Christoph Perger,Junguo Liu, Matt Hansen, and Michael Obersteiner, 2011. Cropland for sub‐Saharan Africa: A synergistic approach using five land cover data sets. Geophysical Research, 38, L04404, doi:10.1029/2010GL046213.
9. Liu J., Williams J.R., Wang X., Yang H., 2009. Using MODAWEC to generate daily weather data for the EPIC model. Environmental Modelling & Software 24(5): 655-664.
10. Liu J. , 2009. A GIS-based tool for modelling large-scale crop-water relations. Environmental Modelling & Software 24(3): 411-422.
11.Liu J. , 2009. Consumptive water use in cropland and its partitioning: a high-resolution assessment. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences 52 (11): 3309-3314.
12. Yang H., Zhou Y.,Liu J. , 2009. Land and water requirements of biofuel and implications for food supply and the environment in China. Energy Policy 37: 1876-1885.
13.Liu J. , Fritz S., van Wesenbeeck C.F.A., Fuchs M., Obersteiner M., Yang H., 2008. A spatial explicit assessment of current and future hotspots of hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa in the context of global change. Global and Planetary Change.64 (3-4): 222-235.
14.Liu J. , Savenije H.H.G., 2008. Food consumption patterns and their effect on water requirement in China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12: 887-898.
15.Liu J. , Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2008. Drops for crops: modelling crop water productivity on a global scale. Global NEST Journal 10 (3): 295-300.
16. Wang X., Zhong X., Liu S.,Liu J. , Wang Z., Li M., 2008. Regional assessment of environmental vulnerability in ibetan Plateau: development and application of a new method. Journal of Arid Environments 72 (10): 1929-1939.
17.Liu J. , Jimmy R. Williams, Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2007. GEPIC-modelling wheat yield and crop water productivity with high resolution on a global scale. Agricultural Systems 94 (2): 478-493.
18.Liu J. , Wiberg D., Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2007. Modelling the role of irrigation in winter wheat yield and crop water productivity in China. Irrigation Science 26 (1):21-33.
19.Liu J. , Zehnder A.J.B., Yang H., 2007. Historical trends in China’s virtual water trade. Water International. Vol. 32 (1):78-90.
20.Liu J. , Savenije H.H.G., Xu J., 2003. Water as an economic good and water tariff design - comparison between IBT-con and IRT-cap. Physics and Chemistry of The Earth 28 (4-5):209-217.
21. Liu J. , Savenije H.H.G., Xu J., 2003. Forecast of water demand in Weinan City in China using WDF-ANN. Physics and Chemistry of The Earth 28 (4-5):219-224.
1 生態系統服務價值研究進展 張振明;劉俊國北京林業大學自然保護區學院【期刊】環境科學學報 2011-09-06
2 永定河(北京段)河流生態系統服務價值評估 張振明;劉俊國; 申碧峰; 劉培斌; 魏煒; 高鵬傑; 張藝 北京林業大學自然保護區學院; 北京市水利規劃設計研究院; 北京林業大學水土保持學院【期刊】環境科學學報 2011-09-06
3 永定河(北京段)水資源、水環境的變遷及流域社會經濟發展對其影響 於淼; 魏源送;劉俊國; 劉培斌; 張振明; 魏煒; 王亞煒; 鍾佳; 楊勇; 肖慶聰; 郁達偉; 鄭祥 中國科學院生態環境研究中心; 中國人民大學環境學院; 北京林業大學自然保護區學院; 北京市水利規劃設計研究院【期刊】環境科學學報 2011-09-06
4 社會經濟發展對永定河流域(北京段)與溫榆河流域地下水的影響分析 鍾佳; 魏源送; 王亞煒; 於淼; 楊勇; 肖慶聰; 郁達偉; 鄭祥; 劉培斌; 魏煒;劉俊國; 張振明 中國科學院生態環境研究中心; 中國人民大學環境學院; 北京市水利規劃設計研究院; 北京林業大學自然保護區學院【期刊】環境科學學報 2011-09-06
2011年獲ProSPER Net—Scopus青年科學家獎,並獲“生物多樣性與自然資源管理”領域全球唯一冠軍”。
2004年UNESCO Sponsorship for 1st General Conference of WAYS (World Academy of Young Scientists), Marrakech, Morocco.
2004年Asia-Europe Foundation (Asef) Sponsorship for Asian Scientists.
2000-2002年MSc grant from DGIS Scholarship (Netherlands directorate General for International Cooperation)。
2012 UK(英國):Oral presentation on “Virtual Water Trade in Arid and Semi-arid Regions in China”. Planet Under Pressure Conference. 26-29 March 2012.
2012 North Korea(北朝鮮):Oral presentation on “Ecosystem Services and Management for Human Well-being: Case Studies from China”. Seminar for Forest and Landscape Restoration, Pyongyang, 6-13 March 2012. [Sponsored by AAAS]
2011 China(中國): Oral presentation on “A high-resolution assessment on global nitrogen flows in cropland”.Science Forum 2011: The Agriculture-Environment Nexus, Beijing, 17-19 October 2011.
2011 Israel(以色列): Invited Speaker on “Efficient Water and Fertilizer Management for Global Food Security”. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. 4-5 Oct 2011.
2011 The Netherlands(荷蘭):Invited speaker on “Colorful water research in the context of global water scarcity” at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, 19 September 2010.
2011 China(中國): Oral presentation on “Blue and green water uses in the context of climate change”. The 8th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Beijing, 18-23 August 2011.
2011 Germany(德國): Invited Speaker on “’Colourful’ water research in the context of global water scarcity”. Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany. 9-12 August 2011.
2011 Sweden(瑞典):CCICCED Writing Workshop on China’s Environment and Development Outlook Feasibility Study, Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2011.
2011 Philippines(菲律賓):Oral presentation on “Water and ecosystem service research for sustainable development”. ProSPER-Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award Symposium and Award Ceremony. The University of the Philippines, Manila. 13 July 2011.
2011 France(法國):CCICCED Workshop on China’s Environment and Development Outlook Feasibility Study, OECD, Paris, France, May 2011.
2011 Austria(奧地利):Oral presentation on “Understanding ater-agriculture-human interrelations with an ecosystem service approach”. 3rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology, Vienna, 2-5 May 2011.
2011 Denmark(丹麥):Oral presentation on “water footprint in the governmental context: a case study of China”. International Resource Panel ‘Water Footprint and Accounting’ Writing Workshop, Copenhagen, 4-6 April 2011.
2011 Sweden(瑞典):Oral presentation on “a high-resolution assessment on global nitrogen flows in cropland”. Workshop on “Agriculture and the planetary boundaries”, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 24-25 January 2011.
2010 The Netherlands(荷蘭):Invited speaker on “Virtual water assessment: from global to local” at the Strategic Workshop on “Accounting for water scarcity and pollution in the rules of international trade” organized by University of Twente and UNEP, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25-26 November 2010.
2010 Sweden(瑞典):Invited speaker on “Water footprint in China” at the Start-up Meeting for Second Report ‘Water Accounting and Footprinting” of UNEP, Stockholm, Sweden, 7 September 2010.
2010 Sweden(瑞典):Invited speaker on “Water footprint assessment: from global to local” at the Annual Partner Forum of the Water Footprint Network (WFN), Stockholm, Sweden, 9 September 2010.
2010 Republic of Korea(韓國):Invited speaker on “Investigation in Forest and Water Relations with an Emphasis on China” at the XXIII IUFRO World Congress “Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the Environment”, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 23-28 August 2010.
2010 Germany(德國):Invited speaker on “Large-scale hydro-engineering project in China” at the workshop on “Sustainable water management: linking regional and global options”, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, Germany, 8-9 July 2010.
2010 Belgium(比利時): Invited speaker on “Forest and Water Relations” at the think-tank meeting on water footprint, WWF European Policy Office, Brussels, Belgium, 24 June 2010.
2009 Sweden(瑞典): Oral Presentation on “Applying water footprint in the Chinese governmental context” at the World Water Week. World Water Week. Stockholm, Sweden, 16-22 August 2009.
2009 Italy(義大利): Invited Guest at the “YPARD Business planning workshop”. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy, 24-26 August 2009.
2009 China(中國): Oral Presentaiton on “Ramsar convention’s water-related guidance and concept of environmental flow in Ramsar resolutions”. Training course on environmental flows assessment and management. Wuhan, Hubei, China, 15-20 June 2009.
2009 Austria(奧地利): Oral Presentation on “The impacts of climate change on irrigation demand of major crops in China”. European Geosciences Union. Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April 2009.
2008 France(法國): Oral Presentation on “The impacts of global climate change on irrigation water requirement of wheat in China”. 13th IWRA World Water Congress. Montpellier, France, 1-4 Sep 2008.
2008 Kenya(肯亞): Oral Presentation on “Water and land demand of bioenergy and implications for food trade in China”. The 10th Biennial International Society for Ecological Economics Conference. ISEE 2008 NAIROBI Applying Ecological Economics for Social and Environmental Sustainability. UNEP Headquarters, UN Gigiri Complex, Nairobi, Kenya, 7-11 Aug 2008.
2007 Greece(希臘): Session Chair and Oral Presentation on “Drops for crops: modeling crop water productivity on a global scale”. 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. kos Island, Greece, 5-7 Sep 2007.
2007 Switzerland(瑞士):Oral Presentation on “Using an integrated assessment framework with respect to climate change: an example of wheat potential in Africa under climate change scenarios”. Wengen Workshop on Global Change Research: Climate Change and desertification: Monitoring, Modelling and Forecasting, 10-13 Sep 2007.
2007 Switzerland(瑞士): Postal Presentation on “ Global consumptive water use for crop production: the importance of green water”. Latsis Symposium 2007: Research Frontiers in Environment and Sustainability. Zurich, Switzerland, 17-19 Sep 2007.
2007 USA(美國): Oral Presentation on “Real and virtual water flows under future land use and trade patterns”. Global Assessment: Bridging Scales and Linking to Policy. A joint workshop of The Integrated Assessment Society (TIAS) and the Global Water System Project (GWSP). Washington DC, USA, 9-11 May 2007.
2007 Switzerland(瑞士): Invited Guest at GEO Inland and Nearshore Coastal Water Quality Remote Sensing Workshop. Geneva, Switzerland, 27-29 Mar 2007.
2007 China(中國): Oral Presentation on “Food water sustainability: water availability, food production, and virtual water trade”. International Symposium on “Food and Water Sustainability in China 2007”. Macau, China, 18-19 Jan 2007.
2006 Germany(德國): Oral Presentation on “Feeding a growing human population accelerates local and global nutrient cycles”. International Symposium on Environmental Biotechnology, Leipzig, Germany, 9-13 Jul 2006.
2006 Germany(德國): Oral Presentation on “Global crop water productivity simulation for wheat – an application of the GEPIC model”. World Congress for Agricultural Engineering for a Better World (XVI CIGR), Bonn, Germany, 3-7 Sep 2006.
2005 Hungary(匈牙利): Invited Guest at World Science Forum 2005. “Knowledge, Ethics and Responsibility”. Budapest, Hungary, 9-12 Nov 2006.
2004 Morocco(摩洛哥): Invited Guest at The 1st General Conference of WAYS, Marrakech, Morocco, 11-13 Dec 2004.
2004 Sweden(瑞典): Invited Guest at Asia-Europe Environment Forum. 3rd Roundtable and EuroScience Open Forum 2004. Stockholm, Sweden. Aug 27-29.
2003 China(中國): Oral Presentation on “Virtual Water Trade in China”. 21st Century China Youth Water Forum. Nanjing, China, 3-5 Jan 2003.
2002 the Netherlands(荷蘭): Oral Presentation on “Salmon project on integrated water resources management”. International seminar on Water and Human (In)Security. The Hague, the Netherlands, 25 Jan – 22 Mar 2002.
劉俊國:年輕學者待遇偏低 科研人才流失嚴重
【財新網(微博)】(記者 李虎軍)“現在有很多研究生、博士生、博士后,甚至是講師,沒有足夠的經濟保障,這讓他們做研究非常非常難”。2012年3月18日,第三屆“青年科學之星”環境科學領域金獎得主、北京林業大學劉俊國教授,在北京中國科技會堂舉行的“尋找青年科學之星頒獎典禮”上發出了這樣的感慨。