(1)生物質能源:用化學法或脂肪酶法製備生物柴油,用中藥殘渣製備乙醇,微生物燃料電池,生物制氫等。 (2)生物基化學品:生物柴油與1,3-丙二醇的聯產工藝,生物轉化製備1,3-丙二醇、2,3-丁二醇、丙酮、丁醇等,菌種的等離子體誘變、分子定向進化,產品的分離提取。 (3)天然藥物:小肽或環肽化學合成,水蛭素的化學修飾,丹酚酸B的提取工藝,生物轉化製備白藜蘆醇和薯蕷皂苷。 (4)計算生物學與生物系統工程:分子模擬環糊精與中藥成份的相互作用、水蛭素的PEG修飾、環肽的結構、酶催化機理、蛋白或酶與配基或藥物間的作用,微生物代謝工程,生物轉化動力學,生物轉化過程優化與分析。
1. 國家自然科學基金:微生物法連續發酵生產1,3-丙二醇過程振蕩機理研究(29806002);
3. 國家“十五”科技攻關計劃項目:發酵法生產1,3-丙二醇(2001BA708B01 -04);
4. 973項目:生物催化與生物轉化中關鍵問題的基礎研究(2003CB716000);
5. 中石油“十五”攻關項目:兩步微生物發酵法生產1,3-丙二醇.
7. 山東大學微生物國家重點實驗室開放基金:1,3-丙二醇生產菌的篩選與優化;
8. 吉林石化集團:微生物發酵法生產1,3-丙二醇;
9. “863”計劃項目:生物柴油與1,3-丙二醇聯產工藝優化研究(2007AA02Z208);
10.973項目——“工業生物技術的過程科學基礎研究”中的課題六“工業生物過程的系統控制與優化”(課題編號:2007CB714306) ;
1 Zhi-Long Xiu, An-Ping Zeng, and Wolf-Dieter Deckwer (1997): Model analysis concerning effects of growth rate and intracellular tryptophan level on the stability and dynamics of tryptophan operon and tryptophan biosynthesis in bacteria, J. Biotechnol. 58,125-140.
2 Zhi-Long Xiu, An-Ping Zeng, and Wolf-Dieter Deckwer (1998): Multiplicity and stability analysis of microorganisms in continuous culture: effects of metabolic overflow and growth inhibition, Biotechnol. Bioeng.,57,251-261.
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4 Ma, Jun-Gang, Xiu Zhi-Long, Zhang Dai-Jia, Jia Ling-Yun(2002): Concentration of liquorice acids by foam separation. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 77: 720-724.
5 Xiu Zhi-Long, Chang Zeng-Yi, Zeng An-Ping(2002): Nonlinear dynamics of regulation of bacterial trp operon: model analysis of integrated effects of repression, feedback inhibition and attenuation. Biotechnol. Prog. 18(4): 686-693.
6 Xiu Zhi-Long, Song Bing-Hui, Sun Li-Hua, Zeng An-Ping(2002):Theoretical analysis of effects of metabolic overflow and time delay on the performance and dynamic behavior of a two-stage fermentation process. Biochem. Eng. J. 11 (2-3) :101-109.
7 Chen, X, Xiu, Z-L, Wang, J, Zhang, D, Xu, P(2003). Stoichiometric analysis and experimental investigation of glycerol bioconversion to 1,3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae under microaerobic conditions. Enzyme Microbial Technol. 33: 386-394.
8 Xi Chen, Dai-Jia Zhang, Wen-Tao Qi, Su-Jun Gao, Zhi-Long Xiu, Ping Xu(2003): Microbial Fed-batch Production of 1,3-Propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae under Micro-aerobic Conditions, App. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 63(2): 143-6.
9.XIU Zhilong, ZHU Xiuling, ZHANG Daijia, YIN Jianzhong, WANG Dehe, AN Lijia (2003). A New Way for Chemical Degradation of Plastic by Natural Volatile Constituents of Ledum Palustre, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(16):1718-1721 .
10.Zhi-Long Xiu, Bing-Hui Song, Zong-Tao Wang, Li-Hua Sun, En-Min Feng, An-Ping Zeng(2004): Optimization for biodissimilation of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae in one- and two-stage continuous anaerobic cultures. Biochem. Eng. J. (in press).
12.綦文濤 修志龍(2003):甘油生物歧化為1,3-丙二醇過程的代謝和基因調控機理研究進展,中國生物工程雜誌,23(2):64-68。
14. 馬永峰,孫麗華,修志龍(2003):微生物連續培養過程中振蕩的理論分析,工程數學學報,20(1):1-6;
15.孫麗華,宋炳輝,修志龍(2003):微生物連續培養過程中動態行為研究, 大連理工大學學報,43(4):433-437。