共找到6條詞條名為左強的結果 展開
- 中國農業大學資源與環境學院教授
- 黑龍江伊春市委組織部幹部一科科長
- 湖南省華容縣委常委、人武部部長
- 漢朝的天師
- 品牌研究專家
- 紅河衛生職業學院黨委委員、副院長
【5】Zuo, Q. and R. Zhang, 2002, Estimating root-water-uptake using an inverse method, Soil Science, 167(9):561-571;
【10】Zuo, Q., L. Meng and R. Zhang, 2004, Simulating soil water flow with root-water-uptake applying an inverse method, Soil Science, 169(1):13-24;
【12】Zuo, Q., F. Jie, R. Zhang and L. Meng, 2004, A generalized function of wheat’s root length density distributions, Vadose Zone Journal, 3(1):271-277;【13】左強,孟雷,王東,2004,應用實測含水量剖面估算冬小麥相對根長密度,農業工程學報,20(4):1-6;
【15】Zuo, Q., J. Shi, Y. Li and R. Zhang, 2006, Root length density and water uptake distributions of winter wheat under sub-irrigation, Plant and Soil, 285(1-2):45-55;
【16】羅長壽, 李保國, 左強, 王東,2006,遺傳演演算法在鹽分脅迫下冬小麥根系分佈預報中的應用,中國農學通報,22(2):107-109;
【17】Shi, J., Q. Zuo and R. Zhang, 2007, An inverse method to estimate the source-sink term in the nitrate transport equation, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 71(1):26-34;
【18】Wang, C., Q. Zuo and R. Zhang, 2008, Estimating the necessary sampling size of surface soil moisture at different scales using a random combination method, J. of Hydrology, 352(3-4), 309-321;
【19】Shi, J. and Q. Zuo, 2009, Root-water-uptake and root nitrogen mass of winter wheat and their simulations, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 73(6): 1764-1774;
【22】Zhu, X., Q. Zuo and J. Shi, 2010, Analyzing soil soluble phosphorus transport with root-phosphorus-uptake applying an inverse method, Agricultural Water Management, 97(2): 291-299 (doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2009.09.020);
1. Liang, Hao, Kelin Hu, Wei Qin, Qiang Zuo, Yanan Zhang, 2017, Modelling the effect of mulching on soil heat transfer, water movement and crop growth for ground cover rice production system, Field Crops Research, 201: 97-107.
2. Yao, Zhisheng, Xunhua Zheng, Chunyan Liu, Shan Lin, Qiang Zuo and Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, 2017, Improving rice production sustainability by reducing water demand and greenhouse gas emissions with biodegradable films, Scientific Reports, 7:39855.
3. Wu, Xun, Wenjing Zhang, Wen Liu, Qiang Zuo, Jianchu Shi, Xudong Yan, Hongfei Zhang, Xuzhang Xue, Lichun Wang, Mo Zhang, Alon Ben-Gal, 2017, Root-weighted soil water status for plant water deficit index based irrigation scheduling, Agricultural Water Management, 189: 137-147.
4. Li, Sen, Qiang Zuo, XiaoyuWang, Wenwen Ma, Xinxin Jin, Jianchu Shi and Alon Ben-Gal, 2017, Characterizing roots and water uptake in a ground cover rice production system, PLoS ONE, 12(7): e0180713.
5. Yao, Zhisheng, Xunhua Zheng, Yanan Zhang, Chunyan Liu, Rui Wang, Shan Lin, Qiang Zuo, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl. 2017, Urea deep placement reduces yield-scaled greenhouse gas (CH4 and N2O) and NO emissions from a ground cover rice production system. Scientific Reports, 7: 11415.
6. Zhang, Yanan, Meiju Liu, Gustavo Saiz, Michael Dannenmann, Lin Guo, Yueyue Tao, Jianchu Shi, Qiang Zuo, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Guoyuan Li, Shan Lin. 2017, Enhancement of root systems improves productivity and sustainability in water saving ground cover rice production system, Field Crops Research, 213: 186-193.
8. 金欣欣, 石建初, 李森, 馬雯雯, 左強,2017,根系吸水模型模擬覆膜旱作水稻氣孔導度,農業工程學報,33(9):107-115.
9. 范豫川,閆旭東,張宏飛,逄好勝,劉利寧,王天舒,李淑娟,俞楊瀏,左強,石建初,2017,內蒙古宜耕沙地作物適宜性評價與節水灌溉方式配置,農業工程學報,33(21):115-127.
10. 李顯溦,石建初,王數,左強,2017,新疆地下滴灌棉田一次性滴灌帶埋深數值模擬與分析,農業機械學報,48(9):191-198.
1. 石建初;吳訓;左強;李保國;閆旭東;張宏飛;張沫. 基於根系與水鹽分佈的智能灌溉控制系統(RWS-ITC).2017SRBJ0706
2. 石建初; 左強; 戴秋明. 基於作物根區土壤水分與根系分佈的灌溉控制方法與系統. ZL201310462562.3.
3. 石建初; 左強; 戴秋明; 李保國. 用於鹽鹼地的灌溉控制方法與系統. ZL201310462376.X.
1. 土壤物理與作物生長模型. 中國水利水電出版社, 2015年, 參編.
3. 農業水資源利用與管理. 高等教育出版社, 2003年, 主編.
4. 雨水集蓄利用技術與實踐. 中國水利水電出版社, 2001年, 參編.
5. 世界之水. 中國農業大學出版社, 2000年. 主譯.
6. 農田土壤水-動態、模型及應用. 科學出版社, 2000年, 參編.
2. 國家重點研發計劃項目重點課題“多尺度多組分水鹽運移耦合與生態效應及調控模式”(2016-2020)
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“土壤水分虧缺對冬小麥耗水的脅迫影響及其定量表徵”(2015-2018)
4. 國家自然科學基金重點項目“水稻覆膜旱作節水、防污和減排溫室氣體的效應與機理”(2012-2016)
6. 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃)重點項目課題“水鹽調控精量灌溉技術”的研究(2006-2010,協助主持)
7. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“冬小麥根系吸水、吸氮功能與根系分佈互反饋機制的研究”(2006-2008)
8. 教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃“冬小麥根系吸收功能的定量表徵”(2005-2007)
9. 教育部高等學校博士學科點專項基金“冬小麥根系吸水功能與根系分佈互反饋機制的研究”(2005-2007)
10. 霍英東高等院校青年教師基金項目“冬小麥根系吸水特性與根系構型及根/冠關係的研究”(2002-2004)
11. 科技部中以國際合作項目“非飽和帶的鹽漬化與污染及其對地下水污染的影響”(1999-2002)