



註:本篇法規已被《中華人民共和國技術進出口管理條例》(發布日期:2001年12月10日 實施日期:2002年1月1日)廢止中華人民共和國技術引進合同管理條例施行細則(1987年12月30日國務院批准, 1988年1月20日對外經濟貿易部發布)


第一條 根據《中華人民共和國技術引進合同管理條例》(以下簡稱《條例》)第十二條的規定,制定本細則。
第二條 《條例》第二條規定的受方和供方簽訂的下列技術引進合同,不論供方國別和地區、受方資金來源和償付方式,均應當按照《條例》和本細則的規定向審批機關申請辦理審批手續:
第三條 沒有對外技術引進經營權的公司、企業、團體或者個人引進技術時,應當委託具有對外技術引進經營權的公司、企業對外簽訂技術引進合同,並出具委託書。
第四條 在中華人民共和國境內設立的中外合資經營企業中外合作經營企業、外資企業(以下簡稱外商投資企業)從供方獲得技術所簽訂的技術引進合同,應當按照本細則的規定辦理審批手續。
第五條 技術引進合同的審批機關是對外經濟貿易部(以下簡稱經貿部)和經貿部授權的省、自治區、直轄市、沿海開放城市、經濟特區和計劃單列省轄市的對外經濟貿易廳、委、局及其他管理機關(以下簡稱授 權審批機關)。
第六條 技術引進合同,按照下列規定分級審批:
第七條 技術引進合同應當訂明下列事項:
第八條 涉及在中國取得專利或者商標權的轉讓或者許可的技術引進合同,應當寫明有關專利號或者專利申請號商標註冊號和附具商標式樣。屬於專利權轉讓的,應當按照《中華人民共和國專利法》的規定,向專利局備案;屬於商標許可的,應當按照《中華人民共和國商標法》的規定,向商標局備案。
第九條 供方應當保證所提供的技術或者文件資料完整、準確、有效,能夠達到合同規定的技術目標.技術文件交付的時間應當符合受方工程的計劃進度要求。
第十條 受方需要供方提供引進技術所需的原材料、零部件或者設備的,其價格不得高於國際市場上同類產品的價格。
第十一條 供方應當保證自己是所提供技術的合法擁有者,或者保證自己有權轉讓或者許可該項技術.受方使用轉讓或者許可的技術生產或者銷售產品如被第三方指控侵權.應當由供方負責應訴;如被第三方指控的侵權成立,受方的經濟損失由供方負責賠償。
第十二條 在合同有效期內,改進技術的所有權,包括申請專利的權利,屬於改進方。在受方向供方提供改進技術時,其條件應當與供方向受方提供改進技術的條件相同。
第十三條 對供方提供或者傳授的專有技術和有關技術資料,受方應當按照合同約定的範圍和期限承擔保密義務.保密期限一般不得超過合同有效期限;因特殊情況需要超過合同有效期的,應當在合同中訂明,並在申請辦理審批手續時申明理由。
第十四條 未經審批機關批准,合同中不得含有限制受方利用引進技術生產的產品出口的條款.但屬下列情況之一的除外:
第十五條 未經審批機關批准,合同中不得規定禁止受方在合同期滿後繼續使用技術的條款。合同期滿時,引進技術所涉及的專利尚未期滿的,應當按照《中華人民共和國專利法》的有關規定辦理。
第十六條 供方應當按照中華人民共和國稅法的規定納稅。
第十七條 技術引進合同的受方或者代理對外簽約的公司、企業,應當在簽約之日起30日內,按照本細則第六條的規定向審批機關報送下列正式文件:
第十八條 本細則第十七條規定報送的技術引進合同及其他文件中有下列情況之一的,審批機關應當責成當事人限期修改,不修改的,不予批准:
第十九條 審批機關應當在收到申請之日60日內決定批准或者不批准,審批
第二十條 合同自批准之日起生效,由審批機關頒發經貿部統一印製和編號的《技術引進合同批准證書》。
第二十一條 技術引進合同超過《條例》第八條規定的十年期限或者含有《條例》第九條規定的限制性條款的,受方應當在按照本細則的規定辦理審批手續時,向審批機關提交申請報告,詳細說明理由。
第二十二條 修改經批准的技術引進合同的技術標的內容、價格、期限及保密期限條款,應當經簽約各方協商一致並徵得原審批機關書面同意,該項修改與原批准的技術標的內容不符或者超過原批准所需外匯金額的,應當按照《條例》第四條和第十一條以及本細則第六條的規定重新辦理審批手續。
第二十三條 授權審批機關應當在批准技術引進合同之日起10日內,將《技術引進合同批准證書》的複印件及其他有關資料報送經貿部備案。
第二十四條 技術引進合同在執行過程中辦理有關銀行擔保信用證、支付、結匯、報關納稅等項業務時,應當按照規定向有關機關出示《技術引進合同批准證書》或者其複印件;不能出示的,銀行、海關、稅務機關有權拒絕受理。
第二十五條 本細則由經貿部負責解釋。由經貿部自行修訂。
第二十六條 本細則自發布之日起施行.1985年9月18日經貿部發布的


對外貿易與經濟合作部(含原對外經濟貿易部)(已變更) 發布日期:1988年01月20日 實施日期:1988年01月20日 (中央法規)


REGULATIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON ADMINISTRATION OFTECHNOLOGY-INTRODUCTION CONTRACTS Important Notice: This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA GOVERNING FOREIGN-RELATED MATTERS" (1991.7) which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China Legal System Publishing House. In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail. Whole Document REGULATIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON ADMINISTRATION OF TECHNOLOGY-INTRODUCTION CONTRACTS (Promulgated by the State Council on May 24, 1985) Article 1 These Regulations are formulated with a view to further expanding foreign economic and technological cooperation, upgrading the scientific and technological level of the country and promoting the national economic growth. Article 2 Introduction of technology referred to in these Regulations means acquisition of technology by any corporation, enterprise, organization or individual within the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the recipient) from any corporation, enterprise, organization, or individual outside the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the supplier), by means of trade or economic and technical cooperation, such as: 1. assignment or licensing of patent or other industrial property rights; 2. proprietary technology provided in the forms of drawings, technical data, technical specifications, etc, such as technological processes, formulae, product designs, quality control and management skills; 3. technical services. Article 3 The technology to be introduced must be advanced and appropriate and shall at least conform to one of the following requirements: 1. capable of developing and producing new products; 2. capable of improving quality and performance of products, reducing production cost and lowering consumption of energy or raw materials; 3. favourable to maximum utilization of local resources; 4. capable of expanding product export and increasing earnings of foreign exchange; 5. favourable to environmental protection; 6. favourable to production safety; 7. favourable to improvement of management; 8. contributing to advancement of scientific and technical level. Article 4 The recipient and the supplier shall conclude in written form a technology-introduction contract (hereinafter referred to as the contract). An application for examination and approval of the contract shall be submitted by the recipient, within days from the date of conclusion, to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People's Republic of China or to any other agency authorized by the Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the examining and approving authorities). The examining and approving authorities shall decide to approve or disapprove the contract within 60 days from the date of receipt. An approved contract shall come into effect as of the date of approval. Contracts on which the examining and approving authorities does not make a decision within the specified period of time shall be regarded as approved and shall come into effect automatically. Article 5 The conclusion of technology-introduction contracts must comply with the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Economic Contracts Involving Foreign Interest and other laws. The contracting parties must specify in the contract the following items: 1. contents, scope and essential description of the technology to be introduced, and a list of patents and trademarks if they are involved; 2. technical targets to be attained and the time limit and measures for attaining the targets; and 3. remuneration, composition of remuneration and modes of payment. Article 6 The supplier shall ensure that it is the lawful owner of the technology to be provided and that the technology provided is complete, accurate, effective and capable of attaining the technical targets specified in the contract. Article 7 The recipient shall undertake the obligation to preserve, in accordance with the scope and duration agreed upon by both parties, the non-open technical secrets contained in the technology provided by the supplier. Article 8 The duration of the contract shall conform to the time needed by the recipient to assimilate the technology provided and, unless specially approved by the examining and approving authorities, shall not exceed ten years. Article 9 The supplier shall not oblige the recipient to accept requirements which are unreasonably restrictive. Unless specially approved by the examining and approving authorities, a contract shall not include any of the following restrictive provisions: 1. requiring the recipient to accept additional conditions which are not related to the technology to be introduced, such as requiring the recipient to purchase unnecessary technology, technical service, raw materials, equipment or products; 2. restricting the freedom of choice of the recipient to obtain raw materials, parts and components or equipment from other sources; 3. restricting the development and improvement by the recipient of the introduced technology; 4. restricting the acquisition by the recipient of similar or competing technology of the same kind from other sources; 5. non-reciprocal terms for exchange of improved technology between the contracting parties; 6. restricting the quantity, variety or sales price of products to be turned out by the recipient with the technology acquired; 7. unreasonably restricting the sales channels or export markets of the recipient; 8. forbidding the continued use by the recipient of the acquired technology after expiration of the contract; and/or 9. requiring the recipient to pay for or to undertake obligations for patents which are unused or no longer effective. Article 10 In applying for approval of a contract, the following documents shall be submitted: 1. a written application for approval of the contract; 2. copies of the contract and its translation; and 3. documents certifying the legal status of the contracting parties. Article 11 Any revision or renewal of a contract shall be in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Article 4 and Article 10 of these Regulations. Article 12 The authority to interpret these Regulations and to formulate the rules for implementing these Regulations resides in the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. Article 13 These Regulations shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.