

戴洪興(H.X. Dai),男,博士,教授,博士生導師,1964年8月出生,江西省樂安縣人,1987年畢業於南京工業大學化工系化工專業,獲學士學位,1990年畢業於北京工業大學環化系多相催化專業,獲碩士學位,2001年4月畢業於香港浸會大學化學系,獲理學博士學位,他是催化專家。


戴洪興,自1990年8月至1998年3月在北京化工大學應用化學系任教, 主講《實用催化》、《精細化工工藝學》、《專業外語》和《結構化程序設計》等本科生課程。1998年3月赴香港浸會大學(Hong Kong Baptist University)化學系學習多相催化, 於2001年3月獲理學博士學位。自2001年4月起, 先後在香港浸會大學化學系、美國著名高等學府加州大學伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley)化學工程系和勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)化學部 從事博士后研究工作, 分別師從於表面科學與催化專家Chak Tong Au教授(“Applied Catalysis A: General”主編)和Ching Fai Ng 教授(香港浸會大學前校長)以及世界著名催化專家、美國工程院院士、美國藝術與科學院院士Alexis T. Bell教授(“Catalysis Review-Science and Engineering”主編)和美國工程院院士Enrique Iglesia教授(“Journal of Catalysis”前主編)。2003年9月受聘於北京工業大學環境與能源工程學院化學化工系, 擔任教授,博士生導師, 系主任,化學工程與技術一級碩士學科責任教授,化學工程與技術北京市重點建設學科負責人。主講《分析化學》、《催化化學》、《催化劑工程》、《化學反應動力學》及《高等波譜學》等本科生和研究生課程。戴洪興教授先後獲得過北京化工大學校優秀班主任、應用化學系先進工作者、教學評估優秀獎、香港浸會大學研究生獎學金、香港李寶椿獎學金、美國勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室博士后獎研金、北京工業大學“教學名師”獎、北京工業大學教學優秀獎、北京工業大學“優秀教師標兵”、北京工業大學“優秀共產黨員”和北京工業大學“立德樹人榜樣”獎等眾多榮譽。2011年獲北京市優秀博士學位論文指導教師獎。2012年獲全國優秀博士學位論文指導教師獎。2014年榮獲“Journal of Catalysis”、“Applied Surface Science”和“Materials Research Bulletin”國際學術期刊的傑出審稿專家稱號。


(1) 低碳烷烴選擇催化氧化,旨在研發高轉化率和高選擇性新型催化劑體系及建立整套完善的催化劑可控制備工藝技術;(2) 天然氣和揮發性有機物催化燃燒,旨在研發高效低污染排放的氧化催化劑及建立催化燃燒動力學模型;(3) 納米低維規整孔材料的可控制備與表徵及催化性質,旨在研究具有特定結構和特定功能的新型納米多孔材料的形成機理及開闢其在多相催化領域中的應用前景;(4) 納米介孔光催化劑的製備、表徵及催化性能,旨在研究鈦基和非鈦基紫外(可見)光光催化劑的可控制備工藝及開發其在空氣凈化和光解水規模製氫等方面的應用技術。


高分散MOx/介孔分子篩(M=Cr,Ni, Mo, V)丁烷氧化脫氫催化劑的可控制備、表徵及催化性能研究(國家自然科學基金面上項目
天然氣催化燃燒催化劑MOx/RE0.6Zr0.4-xYxO2 (M=Pd, Ag, Au;RE=Ce,Pr; x=0, 0.05)的可控制備、表徵和催化性能的研究(國家人事部與北京市高層次留學回國人員科技活動擇優資助重點項目)
天然氣催化燃燒PdO/RE0.6Zr0.4-xYxO2 (RE = Ce, Pr; x = 0-0.05)催化劑的製備、表徵和催化性能研究(北京工業大學博士科研啟動基金


nano-MOy/3DOM La1-xSrxMO3 (M = Cr, Mn, Co)的可控制備及其氧化VOCs的催化性能研究(國家自然科學基金面上項目)


目前擔任國際學術期刊“The Open Catalysis Journal”、“The OpenConferenceProceedings Journal”、“Current Catalysis”、“The Scientific World Journal”、“Advances in Environmental Research”、“International Journal of Environment and Resource”、“Journal of Applied Chemistry”、“Journal of Environmental and Human”、“SOP Transactions on Catalysis”、“Aperito Journal of Nanoscience Technology”和“American Journal of Modern Chemical Engineering”編委,國際學術期刊“The Global Environmental Engineers”主編(Co-Editor-in-Chief),國際學術期刊“Journal of Applied Chemistry”編輯(Editor),“Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences”編輯(Editor),中文核心期刊“材料研究學報”編委,中文核心期刊“能源發展前沿”編委,中文核心期刊“精細石油化工”特邀編委,中國化學會催化專業委員會委員,全國環境催化與環境材料學術委員會委員,中國化工學會無機酸鹼鹽專業委員會第三屆“無機化工領域學術帶頭人”。
擔任100餘種國內外學術期刊的審稿專家:Angewandte Chemie International Edition; Chemical Communications; Journal of Catalysis; Chemistry of Materials; ACS Catalysis; Nanoscale; Inorganic Chemistry; Environmental Science & Technology; Journal of Physical Chemistry C; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental; Journal of Hazardous Materials; International Journal of Hydrogen Energy; ChemSusChem; Scripta Materialia; Scientific Reports; The AIChE Journal; Langmuir; Nano; Nano Energy; Carbon; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; Crystal Growth & Design; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; Applied Catalysis A: General; Catalysis Today; Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical; Catalysis Communications; ChemCatChem; Chemical Engineering Journal; Microporous and Mesoporous Materials; Energy & Fuels; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Catalysis Letters; Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering; RSC Advances; Catalysis Science & Technology; Current Nanoscience; Current Catalysis; The Open Catalysis Journal; Materials Chemistry and Physics; Ceramics International; Physica B-Condensed Matter; Environmental Engineering Science; Journal of Electrochemical Society; Journal of Alloys and Compounds; Journal of Materials Science; Journal of Materials Science & Technology; Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance; Journal of Solid State Chemistry; Materials; Materials Letters; Materials Express; Materials Research Bulletin; The Open Ceramic Science Journal; Applied Surface Science; Solid State Sciences; Separation and Purification Technology; Journal of Physical Chemistry of Solids; Advanced Chemical Engineering Research; Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing; Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters; CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water; InternationalJournalofSmartandNanoMaterials; Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry; Latin American Applied Research; Arabian Journal of Chemistry; Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers; Journal of Polymer Research; Journal of Experimental Nanoscience;Journal of Environmental Sciences; Frontier of Environmental Science and Technology in China; Acta Metallurgica Sinica;Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie;Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry;中國科學B輯;科學通報化學學報高等學校化學學報;高等學校化學研究中國稀土學報;石油化工;催化學報中國化學環境工程學報化工環保環境化學物理化學學報;材料研究學報;應用化學結構化學化學研究與應用新型炭材料 等。


在近12年內共發表論文240餘篇,其中SCI收錄論文100餘篇【SCI影響因子IF高於3.0的論文44篇,其中催化領域世界頂級刊物Journal of Catalysis論文8篇,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental論文4篇,Inorganic Chemistry論文3篇,Environmental Science & Technology論文2篇,Journal of Physical Chemistry C論文3篇,Applied Catalysis A: General 論文9篇,Catalysis Today論文9篇,Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical論文2篇,以及主編特邀長篇綜述論文1篇(Current Topics in Catalysis: Research Trend)】,科學通報、高等學校化學學報、催化學報等中文核心期刊論文50餘篇,國內外學術會議論文或摘要90餘篇。主編和與他人合編教材或參考書4部,申請專利36項(含1項美國發明專利,已獲授權16項)。


Publications in 2015
236. Wei Tan, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang, Guangsheng Guo*,Hongxing Dai*.“CeZrYOnanorods supported gold and palladium alloy nanoparticles:High-performancecatalystsfortolueneoxidation”,Nanoscale, 2015,in press.
235.Yujuan Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang,Hongxing Dai*.“Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic properties of MnO/SBA-16 for toluene oxidation”,Advanced Materials Research, 2015,in press.
234.Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Kemeng Ji, Hongyu Sun, Yanyan Zhao, Junhua Li.“Enhanced catalytic efficiency of Pt nanoparticles supported on three-dimensionally ordered macro-/mesoporous CeZrYOfor methane combustion”,Small, 2015,doi: 10.1002/smll.201402951.
233.Yucheng Du, Liping Wang,Jinshu Wang, GuangweiZheng,Junshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.“Flower-, needle-, wire-,andsheet-like MnOdepositeddiatomites:Highly efficient absorbents for the removal ofCr(VI)”,JournalofEnvironmentalSciences,2015,29:71-81.
232.Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Han Zhang, Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*.“Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous PrOand TbOwith mesoporous walls: preparation, characterization, and catalytic activity for CO oxidation”,Catalysis Today, 2015,245:28-36.
231.Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Kemeng Ji, Hongyu Sun, Junhua Li.“Pt nanoparticles embedded in colloidal crystal templating derived 3D ordered macroporous CeZrYO: Highly efficient catalysts for methane combustion”,ACS Catalysis, 2015,5:1781-1793.
230.Yang Jiang, Jiguang Deng,Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang,Hongxing Dai*.“Au/MnO/3DOM LaSrMnO: Highly active nanocatalysts for the complete oxidation of toluene”,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2015,54(3):900-910.
229.Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*,Jiguang Deng, Hongjun Zang, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Hamidreza Arandiyan.“3DOM BiVOsupported silver bromide and noble metals: High-performance photocatalysts for the visible-light-driven degradation of 4-chlorophenol”,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015,168:274-282.
228. Kemeng Ji, Jiguang Deng, Hongjun Zang, Jiuhui Han, Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.“Fabrication and high photocatalytic performance of noble metal nanoparticles supported on 3DOM InVO-BiVOfor the visible-light-driven degradation of rhodamine B and methylene blue”,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015,165:285-295.
227.Shaohua Xie, Jiguang Deng, Simiao Zang, Huanggen Yang, Guangsheng Guo,Hamid Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*.“Au-Pd/3DOM CoO: Highly active and stablenanocatalystsfor toluene oxidation”,Journal of Catalysis, 2015,322:38-48.
226.Yong Qin, Zhimin Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.“Photocatalytic synthesis of isopentenyl polyether-acrylate copolymer overFe-TiOand its performance”,Journal of ShanxiUniversity (Nat. Sci. Ed.),2015,38 (1):125-129.(in Chinese).
Publications in 2014
225.Hongxing Dai*.“Editorial”,The Global Environmental Engineers, 2014,1(1):1-2.
224.Wei Tan, Guangsheng Guo, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Yang Jiang,Hongxing Dai*.“Au/CeZrYOnanorods:Highlyactivecatalystsfor the oxidation ofcarbon monoxide and toluene”,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014,53(48):18452-18461.
223.Yazhou Wang, Jiguang Deng, Sixu Deng, Hao Wang, Hui Yan,Hongxing Dai.“Morphologically controlled synthesis of porous spherical and cubic LaMnOwith high activity for the catalytic removal of toluene”,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014,6(20):17394-17401.
222.Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.“Preparation and catalytic performance of Fe-SBA-15 and FeO/SBA-15 for toluene combustion” (Cover article),Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014,59 (31):3993-4002.
221. Yucheng Du,GuangweiZheng, Liping Wang,Jinshu Wang, Junshu Wu,Hongxing Dai*.“MnOnanowires in situ grown ondiatomite: Highly efficient absorbents for the removal of Cr(VI) and As(V)”,Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2014,200:27-34.
219. Fang Wang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Wen Han. “Preparation and catalytic performance of nanoplate-aggregated CoOmicropheres for the combustion of toluene”,Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2014,35 (9):1475-1481.
218. Shaohua Xie,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yucheng Du, Huanggen Yang, Wen Han,Hamidreza Arandiyan, Guangsheng Guo.“Preparation and high catalytic performance of Au/3DOM MnOfor the oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene”,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014,279:392-401.
217.Huanggen Yang,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Wen Han,Guangsheng Guo.“Porous cube-aggregated CoOmicrosphere-supported gold nanoparticles for oxidation of carbon monoxide and toluene”,ChemSusChem, 2014,7 (6):1745-1754.
216.Hamidreza Arandiyan,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Yuan Wang, Hongyu Sun, Shaohua Xie,Bingyang Bai, Yuxi Liu, Kemeng Ji, Junhua Li. “Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous LaSrMnOsupported Ag nanoparticles: Highly active catalysts for the combustion of methane” (Cover article),Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2014,118 (27):14913-14928.
215. Zongcheng Zhan, Xiaojun Liu, Dongzhu Ma, Liyun Song, Jinzhou Li, Hong He,Hongxing Dai.“Novel synthetic approaches and TWC catalytic performance of flower-like Pt/CeO”,Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2014,8 (4):483-495.
214. Wen Han, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang,Hongxing Dai*, Chak Tong Au.“Gold supported on iron oxide nanodisk as efficient catalyst for the removal of toluene”,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2014,53 (9):3486-3494.
213. Kemeng Ji,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Han Zhang, Lei Zhang, Haiyan Jiang. “Sucrose-assisted PMMA-templating fabrication andcatalytic performanceofthree-dimensionallyordered macroporousEuFeOfor toluene combustion”,Solid State Sciences, 2014,27:36-42.
212.Yuxi Liu,Hongxing Dai*, Jiguang Deng, Shaohua Xie, Huanggen Yang, Wei Tan, Wen Han, Yang Jiang, Guangsheng Guo.“Mesoporous CoOsupported gold nanocatalysts: Highly active for the oxidation ofcarbon monoxide, benzene, toluene, ando-xylene”,Journal of Catalysis, 2014,309:408-418.
211. Yujuan Zhang, Jiguang Deng, Lei Zhang,Hongxing Dai*.“Preparation and catalytic performance of Fe-SBA-15 and FeO/SBA-15 for toluene combustion” (Cover article),Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014,59 (26):2595-2603 (in Chinese).
210.Deng Jiguang, He Shengnan, Xie Shaohua, Yang Huanggen, Liu Yuxi,Dai Hongxing*.“Research advancements of ordered porous metal oxide catalysts for the oxidative removal of volatile organic compounds”,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities,2014,35 (6):1119-1129(in Chinese