2006.11 – 2015.11 香港科技大學博士后、副研究員、研究助理教授、霍英東研究院大氣研究中心經理
2015.12 – 華南理工大學教授
招生專業:083000環境科學與工程(學術型博士、學術型碩士)、 085229環境工程(專業學位碩士);截止到2018年,袁自冰教授團隊擁有博士研究生5名,碩士研究生8名(包含已經畢業碩士研究生一名),畢業設計本科生多名
1. 大氣反應性有機物來源量化與校驗:
2. 光化學活躍區臭氧非線性變化控制機制研究:
3. 氣候變化背景下大氣氧化性演變對近地面臭氧污染影響研究:
1. Huang, Z.J., Hu, Y.T., Zheng, J.Y.*, Yuan, Z.B., Russell, A.G.*, Ou, J.M. and Zhong, Z.M. A new combined stepwise-based high-order decoupled direct and reduced-form method to improve uncertainty analysis in PM2.5 simulations, Environmental Science and Technology, 2017, 51, 3852-3859.
2. Zhong, Z.M., Sha, Q.E., Zheng, J.Y.*, Yuan, Z.B., Gao, Z.J., Ou, J.M., Zheng, Z.Y., Li, C. and Huang, Z.J. Sector-based VOCs emission factors and source profiles for the surface coating industry in the Pearl River Delta region of China, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 583, 19-28.
3. Yin, X.H., Huang, Z.J., Zheng, J.Y.*, Yuan, Z.B., Zhu, W.B., Huang, X.B. and Chen, D.H. Source contributions to PM2.5 in Guangdong province, China by numerical modeling: results and implications, Atmospheric Research, 2017, 186, 63-71.
4. Ou, J.M., Yuan, Z.B.*, Zheng, J.Y.*, Huang, Z.J., Shao, M., Li, Z.K., Huang, X.B., Guo, H. and Louie, P.K.K. Ambient ozone control in a photochemically active region: short-term despiking or long-term attainment?, Environmental Science and Technology, 2016, 50, 5720-5728.
5. Xue, J., Yuan, Z.B., Griffith, M., Yu, X., Lau, A.K.H. and Yu, J.Z.* Sulfate formation enhanced by a cocktail of High NOx, SO2, particulate matter, and droplet pH during haze-fog events in megacities in China: an observation-based modeling investigation, Environmental Science and Technology, 2016, 50, 7325-7334.
6. Li, C., Yuan, Z.B., Ou, J.M., Fan, X.L., Ye, S.Q., Xiao, T., Shi, Y.Q., Huang, Z.J., Ng, S.K.W., Zhong, Z.M. and Zheng, J.Y.* An AIS-based high-resolution ship emission inventory and its uncertainty in the Pearl River Delta region, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 573, 1-10.
7. Lin, C.Q., Li, C.C.*, Lau, A.K.H., Yuan, Z.B., Lu, X.C., Tse, K.T., Fung, J.C.H., Li, Y., Yao, T. and Su, L. Assessment of satellite-based aerosol optical depth using continuous lidar observation, Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 140, 273-282.
8. Yin, S.S., Zheng, J.Y.*, Lu, Q., Yuan, Z.B., Huang, Z.J., Zhong, L.J. and Lin, H. A refined 2010-based VOC emission inventory and its improvement on modeling regional ozone in the Pearl River Delta region, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 154, 426-438.
9. Li, Z.Y., Yuan, Z.B.*, Lau, A.K.H. and Louie, P.K.K. Characterization and source apportionment of health risks from ambient PM10 in Hong Kong over 2000-2011, Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 122, 892-899.
10. Su, L., Yuan, Z.B.*, Fung, J.C.H. and Lau, A.K.H. A comparison of HYSPLIT backward trajectories generated from two GDAS datasets, Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 506-507, 527-537.
11. Lin, C.Q., Li, Y.*, Yuan, Z.B., Lau, A.K.H., Li, C.C. and Fung, J.C.H. Using satellite remote sensing data to estimate the high-resolution distribution of ground-level PM2.5, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2015, 56, 117-128.
12. Huang, Z.J., Wang, S.S., Zheng, J.Y.*, Yuan, Z.B., Ye, S.Q. and Kang, D.W. Modeling inorganic nitrogen deposition in Guangdong province, China, Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 109, 147-160.
13. Yin, S.S., Zheng, J.Y.*, Lu, Q., Yuan, Z.B., Huang, Z.J., Zhong, L.J. and Lin, H. A refined 2010-based VOC emission inventory and its improvement on modeling regional ozone in the Pearl River Delta region, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 154, 426-438.
14. Xue, J., Yuan, Z.B.*, Yu, J.Z. and Lau, A.K.H. An observation-based model for secondary inorganic aerosols, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2014, 14, 862-878.
15. Xue, J., Yuan, Z.B., Lau, A.K.H. and Yu, J.Z.* Insights into factors affecting nitrate in PM2.5 in a polluted high NOx environment through hourly observations and size distribution measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research– Atmospheres, 2014, 119, 4888-4902.
16. Yu, X., Yuan, Z.B., Fung, J.C.H., Xue, J., Li, Y., Zheng, J.Y. and Lau, A.K.H.* Ozone changes in response to the heavy-duty diesel truck control in the Pearl River Delta, Atmospheric Environment, 2014, 88, 269-274.
17. Yuan, Z.B., Yadav, V., Turner, J.R., Louie, P.K.K. and Lau, A.K.H.* Long-term trends of ambient particulate matter emission source contributions and the accountability of control strategies in Hong Kong over 1998-2008, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 76, 21-31.
18. Yuan, Z.B., Zhong, L.J., Lau, A.K.H.*, Yu, J.Z. and Louie, P.K.K. Volatile organic compounds in the Pearl River Delta: Identification of source regions and recommendation for emission-oriented monitoring strategies, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 76, 162-172.
19. Zhong, L.J., Louie, P.K.K.*, Zheng, J.Y., Wai, K.M., Ho, J.W.K., Yuan, Z.B., Lau, A.K.H., Yue, D.L. and Zhou, Y. The Pearl River Delta regional air quality monitoring network– regional collaborative efforts on joint air quality management, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2013, 13, 1582-1597.
20. Deng, X.J.*, Wu, D., Yu, J.Z., Lau, A.K.H., Li, F., Tan, H.B., Yuan, Z.B., Ng, W.M., Deng, T., Wu, C. and Zhou, X.J. Characterization of secondary aerosol and its extinction effects on visibility over the Pearl River Delta Region, China, Journal of Air and Waste Management Association, 2013, 63, 1012-1021.
21. Zhong, L.J., Louie, P.K.K.*, Zheng, J.Y., Yuan, Z.B., Yue, D.L., Ho, J.W.K. and Lau, A.K.H. Science-policy interplay: Air quality management in the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 76, 3-10.
22. Lu, Q., Zheng, J.Y.*, Ye, S.Q., Shen, X.L., Yuan, Z.B. and Yin, S.S. Emission trends and source characteristics of SO2, NOx, PM10 and VOCs in the Pearl River Delta region from 2000 to 2009, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 76, 11-20.
23. Louie, P.K.K.*, Ho, J.W.K., Tsang, R.C.W., Blake, D.R., Lau, A.K.H., Yu, J.Z., Yuan, Z.B., Wang, X.M., Shao, M. and Zhong, L.J. VOCs and OVOCs distribution and control policy implications in Pearl River Delta region, China, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 76, 125-135.
24. Li, Y.C., Yu, J.Z.*, Ho, S.S.H., Schauer, J.J., Yuan, Z.B., Lau, A.K.H. and Louie, P.K.K. Chemical characteristics and source apportionment of fine particulate organic carbon in Hong Kong during high particulate matter episodes in winter 2003, Atmospheric Research, 2013, 120, 88-98.
25. Li, Y.C., Yu, J.Z.*, Ho, S.S.H., Yuan, Z.B., Lau, A.K.H. and Huang, X.F. Chemical characteristics of PMand organic aerosol source analysis during cold front episodes in Hong Kong, China, Atmospheric Research, 2012, 118, 41-51.
26. Zheng, J.Y.*, He, M., Shen, X.L., Yin, S.S. and Yuan, Z.B. High resolution of black carbon and organic carbon emissions in the Pearl River Delta region, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 438, 189-200.
27. Lau, A.K.H., Yuan, Z.B.*, Yu, J.Z. and Louie, P.K.K. Source apportionment of ambient volatile organic compounds in Hong Kong, Science of the Total Environment, 2010, 408, 4138-4149.
28. Yuan, Z.B., Lau, A.K.H.*, Shao,M., Louie, P.K.K., Liu, S.C. and Zhu, T. Source analysis of volatile organic compounds by positive matrix factorization in urban and rural environments in Beijing, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2009, 114,doi:10.1029/2008JD011190.
29. Huang, X.F., Yu, J.Z.*, Yuan, Z.B., Lau, A.K.H. and Louie, P.K.K. Source analysis of high particulate matter days in Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43, 1196-1203.
30. Yuan, Z.B., Lau, A.K.H.*, Zhang, H.Y., Yu, J.Z., Louie, P.K.K. and Fung, J.C.H. Identification and spatiotemporal variation of dominant PMsources over Hong Kong, Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40, 1803-1815.
31. Yuan, Z.B., Yu, J.Z.*, Lau, A.K.H., Louie, P.K.K. and Fung, J.C.H. Application of positive matrix factorization in estimating aerosol secondary organic carbon in Hong Kong and its relationship with secondary sulfate, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2006, 6, 25-34.
32. Huang, X.F., Yu, J.Z.*, He, L.Y. and Yuan, Z.B. Water-soluble organic carbon and oxalate in aerosols at a coastal urban site in China: Size distribution characteristics, sources and formation mechanisms, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2006, 111,doi:10.1029/2006JD007408.
33. Lo, J.C.F., Lau, A.K.H.*, Yuan, Z.B., Chen, F. and Fung, J.C.H. A physical modeling approach for identification of source regions of air pollutants, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2006, 6, 6467-6496.
34. Li, C.C., Mao, J.T.*, Lau, A.K.H., Yuan, Z.B., Wang, M.H. and Liu, X.Y. Application of MODIS satellite products to the air pollution research in Beijing, Science in China Series D– Earch Sciences, 2005, 48, Suppl. 2, 209-219.
35. Li, C.C., Mao, J.T.*, Lau, A.K.H., Chen, J.C., Yuan, Z.B., Liu, X.Y., Zhu, A.H. and Liu, G.Q. Characteristics of distribution and seasonal variation of aerosol optical depth in eastern China with MODIS products, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48, 2488-2495.
36. Fung, J.C.H.*, Lau, A.K.H., Lam, J.S.L. and Yuan, Z.B. Observational and modeling analysis of a severe air pollution episode in western Hong Kong. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2003, 110,doi: 10.1029/2004JD005105.