共找到4條詞條名為王啟華的結果 展開









2009年至2012年 教育部長江學者雲南大學特聘教授。
2009年1月1日至今,Ann. Inst Math. Statist.編委
2012年1月1日至今,Open Journal of Statistics主編






·《Electronic Research Archive》,編委
·《Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics》Associate Editor(編委)
·《Biostatistics & Epidemiology》Associate Editor(編委)
·《Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics》 Associate Editor(編委)(2007-2017)
·《中國科學》中英文版編委 (2005-2012)
· 中國現場統計研究會高維數據統計分會理事長
· 國際一般系統研究會中國分會概率統計專業理事會副理事長
· 中國現場統計學會生物統計分會副理事長
· 中國現場統計研究會生存分析分會副理事長
· IMS-China委員會理事(2012-2015)
· IBS-China常務理事
· ICSA-Shanghai委員會委員
· 中國現場統計學會常務理事(2002-2006)
· 中國概率統計學會理事(2006—2010)
· 中國生存分析學會常務理事


· 黑龍江大學兼職特聘教授(2002-2005)
· 中國科技大學兼職博導
· 中科院研究生院教授
· 教育部長江學者雲南大學特聘教授(2009-2012)
· 深圳大學特聘教授(兼職,2013.10—2018.9)


2010年12月19-22日,廣州大學,The Eighth ICSA International Conference,一小時大會特邀報告
2015年7月6日-7日,復旦大學,The Second International Workshop on Frontiers of Statistics with Applications to Finance,特邀報告
2017年8月18-20日,ICSA-Canada Chapter 2017 Symposium,邀請報告,加拿大溫哥華
2017年5月24日-27,Contemporary Theory and Practice of Survey Sampling—A celebration of Research Contributions of J.N.K. Rao,特邀報告,中國雲南
2017年9月23-27日,The 2nd Sino-Russian Seminar on Asymptoic Methods in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics,特邀報告,中國長春
2018年6月14日至6月17日, 2018 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, 邀請報告,New Brunswick,USA


● 全國第五屆鍾家慶數學獎, 鍾家慶紀念基金委員會與數學學會, 1998年11月
● 首界全國優秀博士論文獎,國務院學位辦公室與國家教育部,1999年
● 國家傑出青年基金, 國家自然科學基金委, 2008年—2011年
● 教育部長江學者獎勵計劃特聘教授,2009年—2010年
● 第十屆全國統計科學研究優秀成果獎二等獎,2010年12月
● 2009年北京市科學技術獎三等獎, 2010年4月
● 中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院2011年十大科研進展
● Elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)



1. 網路化知識的基礎理論與應用,國家自然科學基金委創新群體(61621003),2017年1月至2022年12月,1200萬,六位核心骨幹成員之一
2. 缺失數據分析中若干重要問題研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(11871460), 2019年1月1日至2012年12月31日,55萬元,主持




王啟華共出版專著3部,Springer出版社出版的書中2章, 發表論文130多篇,其中百餘篇發表在JASA,The Annals of Statistics與Biometrika等國際重要刊物,100多篇被SCI收錄,部分工作得到了國際知名統計學家公開發表的高度評價,一些方法、結果及證明被一些重要文獻使用,特別是一些理論結果被一些重要文獻引作引理使用。2014年——2017年連續4年被Elsevier列入中國高被引用專家。


1、Wang Qihua and Hu Dahai (2020). LPRE criterion based estimating equation approaches for the error-in-covariables multiplicative regression models. Statistica Sinica. 30: 955-975.
2、Sun Yifan and Wang Qihua (2020). Function-on-function quadratic regression models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 142: 106814.
3、Sheng Ying and Wang Qihua (2020). Conditional probability estimation based classification with class label missing at random. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 176, 104566.
4、Sheng Ying and Wang Qihua (2020). Model-free feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional classification. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 178, 104618.
5、Zhang Jing, Wang Qihua and Kang Jian. Feature screening under. missing indicator imputatiuon with non-ignorable missing response. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 2020, 149, 106975.
6、Yang Xiaojie and Wang Qihua(2019). Sufficient dimension reduction under dimension-reduction-based imputation with predictors missing at random. Statistica Sinica,29,1751-1777.
7、Sheng Ying and Wang Qihua(2019).Simultaneous variable selection and class fusion with penalized distance criterion based classifiers,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.(133),138-152.
8、Chen Xiaolin, Liu Yi and Wang Qihua(2019). Joint feature screening for ultra-high-dimensional sparse additive hazards model by the sparsity-restricted pseudo-score estimator,Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics,71, 1007-1031.
9、Wang Qihua and Wang Xuan (2018). Analysis of censored data under heteroscedastic transformation regression models with unknown transformation function. The Canadian Journal of Statisrics. 46(2), 233-245.
10、Wang Qihua and Li Yongjin (2018). How to make Model-free feature screening approaches for full data applicable to the case of missing response? Scandinivian Journal of Statistics, 45, 324-346.
11、Liu Y. and Wang Qihua (2018).Model-free feature screening for ultrahigh-dimensional data conditional on some variables, Ann. Inst. Stat Math,, 70, 283-301.
12、Liu Y., Wang Qihua and Liu Xiahui (2018). Testing conditional independence via integrating-up transformation, Statistics, 52(4), 734-749.
13、Ling Bingqing, Pang Zhen and Wang Qihua (2017). Cluster feature selection in high-dimension linear models, Random Matrices: Theory and Application, 6(4), 1750015-1-1750015-23.
14、Liu Xiaohui, Wang Qihua and Liu Yi. (2017). A consistent jackknife empirical likelihood test for distribution function. Ann. INst. Stat. Math. 69, 249-269.
15、Deng Jianqiu and Wang Qihua (2017). Dimension reduction estimation for probability density with data missing at random when covariables are present. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 181: 11~29.
16、Li Yongjin, Zhang Qingzhao and Wang Qihua (2017). Penalized estimation equation for an extended single-index model. Ann Inst Stat Math. 69: 169~187.
17、Lin Bingqing, Wang Qihua, Zhang Jun and Pang Zhen (2017). Stable prediction in high-dimesnional linear models. Stat. Comput. 27, 1401-1412.
18、Liu Xiaohui, Zuo Yijun and Wang Qihua (2017).Finite sample breakdown point of Tukey’s halfspace median. Science China—Mathematics, 60 (5), 861-874.
19、Li Yongjin, Wang Qihua, Zhu Liping and Ding Xiaobo (2017). Mean response estimation with missing response in the presence of high-dimensional covariates.Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 42(2), 628-643.
20、Wang Qihua and Zhang Tao (2016). An extended single-index model with missing response at random. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 43,1140-152.
21、Dai Pengjie, Ding Xiaobo and Wang Qihua (2016). Dimension reduction based linear surrogate variable approach for model free variable selection. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 169, 13-26.
22、Lai Peng, Zhang Qingzhao, LianHeng and Wang Qihua (2016).Efficient estimation for the heteroscedastic single-index varying coefficient models. Statistics and Probability Letters. 110, 84-93.
23、Zhang Tao and Wang Qihua (2016). Functional singular component analysis based functional additive models. Science. Science China—Mathematics,59, 2443-2462.
24、Ding Xiaobo, Zhou Xiao-Hua and Wang Qihua (2015). A partially linear single-index transformation model and its nonparametric estimation. The Canadian Journal of Statistics. 43(1), 97-117.
25、Liu Yi and Wang Qihua (2015). Copula-graphic estimators for the marginal survival function with censoring indicators missing at random Statistics and Probability Letters. 107, 101-110.
26、Chen Xiaolin and Wang Qihua (2015). Semiparametric proportional mean residual li8fe model with censoring indicators missing at random. Communications in Statistics. 44, 5161-5188.
27、Wang Xuan, Wang Qihua and Zhou Xiao-Hua (2015). Partially varying coefficient single-index additive hazard models. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math., 67(5), 817-841.
28、Wang Xuan and Wang Qihua (2015). Semiparametric linear transformation model with differential measurement error and validation sampling. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 141, 67-80.
29、Wang Xuan and Wang Qihua (2015). Estimation for semiparametric transformation models with length-biased sampling. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 156, 80-89.
30、Luo Ruimiao and Wang Qihua (2015). Empirical likelihood based weighted GMM estimation with missing response at random. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 156, 64-79.
31、Lai Peng ,Wang Qihua and Zhou Xiao-Hua(2014). Variable selection and semiparametric efficient estimation for the heteroscedastic partially linear single-index model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 70, 241-156.
32、Zhang Tao, Zhang Qingzhao and Wang Qihua (2014) Model detection for functional polynomial regression. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 70, 183-197.
33、Lai Peng, Wang Qihua and Zhou Xiao-Hua (2014). Variable selection and semiparametric efficient estimation for the heteroscedastic partially linear single-index model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 70, 241–256.
34、Zhang Qingzhao and Wang Qihua(2013). Local least absolute relative error estimating approachfor partially linear multiplicative model. Statistica Sinica.23, 1091-1116.
35、Chen Xiaolin and Wang Qihua (2013). Variable selection in the additive rate model for recurrent event data Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 57, 491–503.
36、Wang Qihua and Cui Wenquan (2013). Probability density estimation with surrogate data and validation sample. Front. Math. China , 8(3): 665–694.
37、Chen Xiaolin and Wang Qihua (2013). Semiparametric proportional mean residual life model with covariates missing at random Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 25, No. 3, 647–663.
38、Peng Lai, Qihua Wang and Heng Lian (2012). Bias-corrected GEE estimation and smooth-threshold GEE variable selection for single-index models with clustered data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 105, 422-432.
39、Wei Chuanghua and Wang Qihua (2012). Statistical inference on restricted partially linear additive errors-in-variables models. Test, 21, 757–774.
40、Chen Xiaolin, Wang Qihua, Cai Jianwen, Shankar Viswanathan (2012). Semiparametric additive marginal regression models for multiple type recurrent events. Lifetime Data Analysis, 18, 504-527.
41、Wang Qihua, Tong Xingwei and Sun Liuquan (2012). Exploring the varying covariate effects in proportional odds models with censored data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 109, 168–189.
42、Xue Liugen and Wang Qihua (2012). Empirical likelihood for single-index varying-coefficient models. Bernoulli 18(3), 836-856.
43、Li Xiayan and Wang Qihua (2012). The weighted least square based estimators with censoring indicators missing at random. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142, 2913–2925.
44、Wang Qihua, Dinse, Gregg E. and Liu Chunling (2012). Hazard function estimation with cause-of-death data missing at random.. Ann Inst Stat Math 64, 415–43.
45、Zhang Tao and Wang Qihua (2012). Semiparametric partially linear regression models for functional data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142, 2518–2529.
46、Ding Xiaobo and Wang Qihua (2011). Fusion-Refinement procedure for dimension reduction with missing response at random.. Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA). 106 (495). 1193-1207. (國際頂尖刊物)
47、Wang Qihua and Luo Ruimiao (2011). Semi-empirical pseudo-likelihood for estimating equations in the presence of missing responses. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 141(8), 2589–2599.
47、Lai Peng and Wang Qihua (2011). Partially linear single-index model with missing responses at random. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 141(2), 1047-1058.
48、Wang Qihua and Dinse G.E. (2011). Linear regression analysis of survival data with missing censoring indicators. Lifetime Data Analysis. 17(2),256-279.
49、Wang Qihua and Xue Liugen (2011) Statistical Inference in partially-varying-coefficient single-index model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 102(1), 1-19.
50、Wang Qihua and Lai Peng (2011). Empirical likelihood calibration estimation for the median treatment. difference in observational studies. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 55, 1596–1609.
51、Wang Qihua and Qin Yongsong (2010). Empirical likelihood confidence bands for distribution functions with missing responses. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 140, 2778–2789.
52、Huang Bin and Wang Qihua (2010) Semiparametric analysis based on weighted estimating equations for transformation models with missing covariates. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 101, 2078-2090.
53、Liu Chunling and Wang Qihua (2010) Semiparametric estimation for regression coefficients in the Cox model with failure indicators missing at random. Statistica Sinica, 20, 1125-1142.
54、Duan, Xiaogang, Qin Jing and Qihua Wang (2010). Optimal estimation in surrogate outcome regression problems. Canadian Journal of Statistics38(4), 63-646.
55、Wang Yanhua,ShenJunshan, He Shuyuan and Wang Qihua (2010) Estimation of single index model with missing response at random. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 140, 1671–169.
56、Yao Lili, Sun Zhihua and Wang Qihua (2010). Estimation of average treatment effects based on parametric propensity score model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 140, 806–816.
57、Wang Wei, Wang Jane-Ling and Wang Qihua (2009). Proportional hazards regression with unknown link function. IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series. 57, 47-66.
58、Wang Qihua and Zhang Riquan (2009). Statistical Estimation in Varying Coefficient Models with Surrogate Data and Validation Sampling. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100, 2389-2405.
59、Sun Zhihua, Wang Qihua (2009). Checking the adequacy of a general linear model with responses missing at random. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 139, 3588-3604.
60、Wang Qihua,Liu Wei and Liuchunling (2009).Probability density estimation for survival data with censoring indicators missing at random. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 100, 835-850.
61、Wang Qihua, Yao, Lili and Lai Peng (2009). Estimation of the area under ROC curve with censored data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 139, 1033-1044.
62、Wang Qihua (2009). Statistical Estimation in Partial Linear Models with Covariables Data Missing at Random. Ann. Inst. Stat. Math. 61, 47-84.
63、Sun Zhihua, Wang Qihua and Dai Pengjie (2009). Model Checking for Partially Linear Models with Missing Responses at Random. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 100, 636-651.
64、Wang Qihua and Dai Pengjie (2008). Semiparametric Model Based Inference In the Presence of Missing Responses. Biometrika. 95, 721-734. (國際頂級刊物)
65、Wang Qihua and Ng Kai W. (2008). Asymptotically efficient product-limit estimators with censoring indicators missing at random. Statistica Sinica. 18, 749-768.
66、Wang Qihua and Shen Junshan (2008). Estimation and Confidence Bounds of A Conditional Survival Function with Censoring Indicators Missing at Random. Journal of Multivatiate Analysis. 99, 928-948.
67、Wang Qihua (2008). Probability density estimation with data missing at random when covariables are present. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 138, 568-587.
68、Wang Qihua and Sun Zhihua (2007). Estimation in partially linear models with missing responses at random. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 98, 1470-1493
69、Wang Qihua and Yu Keming (2007). Likelihood-based kernel estimation in semiparametric error-in-covariables models with Validation Data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98, 455-480.
70、Wang Qihua (2007). M-estimators based on inverse probability weighted estimating equations with response missing at random. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 36: 1091-1103.
71、Sun Zhihua and Wang Qihua (2007). Semiparametric estimation of survival function with cause of death data missing at random. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics. 2. 189-209.
72、Wang Qihua(2006). Nonparametric regression function estimation with surrogate data and validation sampling. Journal of Multivariate Analysis,97,1142-1161.
73、Wang Qihua and Yao Lili (2006). Estimation in varying coefficient proportional hazard regression model. Metrika , 64, 271-288
74、Wang Qihua (2006). Edgeworth expansion and bootstrap approximation for studentized product-limit estimator with truncated and censored data. Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 35, 609-623.
75、Wang Lichun and Wang Qihua (2006). Empirical Bayes Estimation Under Random Censorship. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 30, 779-778.
76、Wang Lichun and Wang Qihua (2006). Empirical likelihood for parametric model under imputation with missing data. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 9, 1-13. 
77、Wang Qihua(2005). Estimation by method of moment under two-sample location-scale model under random censorship. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 17, 1-14.
78、Wang Qihua and Hardle Wolfgang (2004). Empirical likelihood-based dimension reduction inference for linear error-in-responses models with validation staudy. Science in China, 47, 921-939.
79、王啟華(2004),經驗似然統計推斷方法發展綜述,數學進展, 33(2), 141-151.
80、Wang, Q.H., Linton,O. and Hardle,W.(2004): Semiparametric Regression Analysis with Missing Response at Random. Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA.), 99(466), 334-345 (國際頂尖刊物)
81、Wang, Q.H. (2004). Likelihood-based imputation inference for mean functionals in the presence of missing responses. Ann.Inst. Statist. Math., 56(3), 403-414.
82、Wang Q.H. and Jing B.Y. (2003): Empirical likelihood for partial linear models. Ann.Inst. Statist. Math. 55(3), 585-595.
83、Wang Q.H. (2003): Dimension reduction in partly linear error-in-response model error-in-responsemodels with validation data Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 85(2), 234-252.
84、Li Gang and Wang Q.H.(2003): Empirical likelihood regression analysis for right censored data. Statistica Sinica 13(1),51-68.
85、Wang Q.H.(2003): Estimation of partial linear error-in-response models with validation data. Ann. Inst.Statist.Math., 55(1), 21-39.
Wang Q.H. and Rao,J.N.K.(2002): Empirical likelhood-based inference under imputation for mssing response data. The Annals of Statist. 30(3), 896-924. (國際頂級刊物)
86、Wang Q.H. and Rao, J.N.K.(2002): Empirical likelihood-based inference in linear error-in-covariables models with validation data. Biometrika, 89(2), 345-358.(國際頂級刊物)。
87、Wang, Q.H. and Rao, J.N.K.(2002): Empirical likelihood-based inference in linear models with missing data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 29(3), 563-576.
88、Wang, Q. H. and Li, G. (2002): Empirical likelihood semiparametric regression analysis under random censorship. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 83, 469-486.
89、Wang Q. H. and Rao, J.N.K. (2001): Empirical likelihood for linear regression models under imputation for missing responses. Canadian Journal of Statistics. 29(4), 597-608.
90、Wang Q.H. and Wang J. L. (2001): Inference for the mean difference in the two-sample random censorship model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 79(2), 295-315.
91、Wang Q.H. and Jing B.Y. (2001): Empirical likelihood for a class of functionals of survival distributions with censored data. Ann. Inst. Math. Statist. 53(3), 517-527.
92、Wang Q.H. and Zhu L.X.(2001): Estimation in partly linearerror-in-covariables models with censored data. Commun. Statist-Theory and Method. 30(1), 41-54.
93、Wang Q.H. and Zhu L.X.(2001): Berry-Essen inequality for the Kaplan-Meier L-estimator. Acta Math. Sinica-English Series 17(1), 169-180.
94、Wang Q.H.(2000): Estimation of linear error-in-variables model with validation data under random censorship. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 74, 245-266.
95、Wang Q.H.(2000): Moment and probability inequalities for the bivariate product limit estimator. Statistics and Probability Letters 46, 1-12.
96、Wang Q.H. and Jing B. Y.(2000): Local Asymptotic Normality and Asymptotically minimax efficiency of the MLE under random censorship. Science in China 43, 591-600.
97、Wang Q.H. and Jing, B.Y.(2000): A martingale-based bootstrap inference for a class of functional of survival disitribution with censored data. Commun. Statist. 29, 401-415.
98、Wang, Q.H.(2000): Some inequalities for the kernel density estimator under random consorship.Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 12, 731-751.
99、Wang Q.H.(2000): Edgeworth expansion and bootstrap approximation for the studentized MLE from randomly censored exponential samples. Acta Mathematica Scientia. 20B(4), 522-532.
100、Wang Q.H. and Jing, B.Y.(1999): Empirical likelihood for partial linear models with fixed design. Statistics and Probability Letters,41, 425-433.
101、Wang Q.H.(1999): Some bounds for the estimator of the hazard function from randomly censored data. Statistics and Probability Letters,44, 319-326. 
102、Wang, Q.H.(1999): Estimation of partial linear error-in-variables models with validation data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis,69, 30-64.
103、王啟華(1999): 隨機刪失下位置---刻度模型的估計理論. 數學物理學報, 19, 1-10.
104、Wang, Q.H.and Zheng, Z.G.(1998): The Edgeworth expansions and the smoothed bootstrap approximation for the studentized Kaplan-Meier estimator. Statistica Sinica,8, 571-588.
105、Wang, Q.H.(1998), Asymptotic theory for MLE from randomly censored exponential samples. Chinese Science Bulletin,43, 1071-1076.
106、Wang, Q.H.(1998), Some large sample results for a class of functionals of Kaplan-Meier estimator. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 14, 191-200.
107、Wang, Q.H. and Zheng, Z.G.(1997), Some asymptotic properties for semiparametric regression models with censored data. Science in China, 40, 945-957.
108、Wang, Q.H.(1997): Edgeworth expansion for bivariate product limit estimator. Science in China, 40, 1136-1147.
109、Wang Q.H.(1997): Some approximation theorems for product-limit estimator from truncation and censored data. Chinese Annals of Mathematics 4, 491-502.
110、王啟華(1997): 隨機刪失下概率密度核估計的光滑Bootstrap逼近, 應用數學學報, 第三期, 367-377.
111、王啟華(1996): 二維乘積限估計的一些漸近性質,科學通報,1996年第1期, 3-5。
112、Wang, Q.H.(1996): Consistent estimators in random censorship semiparametric regression models. Science In China, 1996 39, 163-171.
113、王啟華(1996): 基於隨機截尾樣本非參數回歸函數加權核估計的一些收斂性質, 應用數學學報,1996年第三期, 338-150。
114、王啟華,鄭忠國(1996) 學生化乘積限估計的正態逼近速度, 應用數學學報,1996年第四期, 579-608。
115、王啟華(1996): 次序統計量線性函數的隨機加權逼近速度, 系統科學與數學, 1996年第四期, 352-360。
116、Wang, Q.H.(1995), Some asymptotic properties of an estimator of the hazard function from randomly censored data. Chinese Science Bulletin 1995 40, 632-635.
117、Wang Q.H.(1995): Strong Embedding of Bivariate Product Limit Estimator, Acta Math. Scientia, (supplement), 增刊, 123-132。
118、王啟華(1995): 隨機刪失下的一種截尾非參數估計的均方收斂與強相合性,數理統計與應用概率,1995年第1期, 87-93。
119、王啟華(1994): 線性模型L-估計及光滑Bootstrap統計量的一些漸近結構。數學物理學報,1994年第2期, 376-384。
120、王啟華(1994): 應用廣義模型對儲存壽命分佈進行擬合檢驗,科技通報,1994年第1期, 6-10。
121、Wang Q.H.(1994): Some Asympototic Behaviours of Probability Density Kernel Estimator Based on Censored Data,應用概率統計,1994年第2期, 164-174。
122、王啟華(1994): 一類廣義線性模型的Bayes估計與經驗Bayes估計,數學研究記事,1994年第1期, 98-105。
123、王啟華(1994): 隨機時截尾壽命試驗Weibull分佈的Bayes統計分析,數學的實踐與認識,第3期, 13-17。
124、王啟華(1994): 失效率的一種截尾非參數估計,數學的實踐與認識,1994年第3期,32-36。
125、王啟華(1993): 一類離散分佈參數經驗Bayes估計的一些漸近性質及其Bootstrap逼近,數理統計與應用概率,1993年第2期, 26-33。
126、王啟華(1992): 非參數回歸函數加權核估計的強相合性, 數理統計與應用概率,1992年第4期, 43-48。


1.王啟華,隨機刪失模型中的漸近理論, 高等教育出版社,2002.
3. 王啟華,現代統計研究基礎,科學出版社,2010.