史福貴,男,北京理工大學數學學院副院長,教授,博士生導師。出生年月1962年9月研究方向 模糊數學理論及其應用社會兼職 中國數學會理事;中國模糊數學與模糊系統委員會常務理事;北京運籌學學會常務理事和監事長;北京數學會理事; 《Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems》(SCI)、《Asian Journal of Fuzzy and Applied Mathematics》、《ISRN Geometry 》《Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology》、《數學研究期刊》和《模糊系統與數學》雜誌編委;《ZentralblattMath》雜誌評論員。

主持國家自然科學基金《格值模糊擬陣理論的進一步研究及其應用》,主持完成國家自然科學基金《模糊拓撲在擬陣研究中的應用》,參加國家自然科學基金三項。現為中國數學會理事、中國模糊數學與模糊系統委員會常務理事、北京運籌學學會常務理事和監事長、北京數學會常務理事、《Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems》(SCI)、《Asian Journal of Fuzzy and Applied Mathematics》、《ISRN Geometry 》、《Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology》、《數學研究期刊》和《模糊系統與數學》雜誌編委。在《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》、《Information Sciences》、《Computers and Mathematics with Applications》、《Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society》、《Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems》、《Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics》、《J. Fuzzy Math.》、《科學通報》、《數學學報》、《數學進展》、《數學研究與評論》、《數學雜誌》、《模糊系統與數學》等國內外刊物上發表論文100餘篇。
其研究領域涉及模糊數學的L-模糊集理論、 L-模糊代數學、L-模糊拓撲學、L-模糊擬陣等理論。
(1)提出了L\alpha 集合套與L\beta 集合套理論,給出了L-模糊集的表現定理和分解定理,它們能夠應用到很多領域。
項 目:
[1] Fu-Gui Shi, Run-Xiang Li,Semicompactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics andInformatics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 163--169, 2011.
[2] Wei Yao, Fu-Gui Shi, Quantitativedomains via fuzzy sets: Part II: Fuzzy Scott topology on fuzzydirected-complete posets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 173, no. 1, pp.60--80, 2011.
[3] Fu-Gui Shi, Measures of compactness inL-topological spaces, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, Volume2, No. 2, pp. 163--169, (2011).
[4] Fu-Gui Shi, Regularity and normality of (L,M)-fuzzy topological spaces,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol.182, no. 1, pp. 37--52, 2011.
[5] Hong-Yan Li, Fu-Gui Shi, Measures offuzzy compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces, Computers and Mathematicswith Applications, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 941–947, 2010.
[6] Xiu Xin, Fu-Gui Shi, Categories of bi-fuzzy pre-matroids, Computers andMathematics with Applications, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 1548–1558, 2010.
[7] Hong-Yan Li, Fu-Gui Shi, Degrees offuzzy compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol.161, no. 7, pp. 988–1001, 2010.
[8] Fu-Gui Shi, (L,M)-Fuzzy $sigma$-Algebras, International Journal ofMathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 2010 (2010), Article ID 356581,11 pages.
[9] Yueli Yue, Fu-Gui Shi, On fuzzypseudo-metric spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 161, no. 8, pp. 1105–1116,2010.
[10] Xiu Xin, Fu-Gui Shi, Rank functions for closed and perfect [0,1]-matroids, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 39,no. 1, pp. 31–39, 2010.
[11] Fu-Gui Shi, (L,M)-fuzzy metric spaces,Indian Journal of Mathematics, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 231–250, 2010.
[12] Fu-Gui Shi, Measures of countable fuzzy compactness and the fuzzyLindeleof property, Bulletin of The Allahabad Mathematical Society, vol. 25,no. 1, pp. 47--56, 2010.
[13] Run-Xiang Li, Fu-Gui Shi,Countable compactness and the Lindelof property in L-fuzzy topological spaces,Proyecciones, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 124--135, 2010.
[14] Chun-e Huang, Fu-Gui Shi, Fuzzy bases and the fuzzy dimension offuzzy vector spaces, Mathematical Communications, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 303--310,2010.
[15] Wei Yao, Fu-Gui Shi, Basesaxioms and circuits axioms for fuzzifying matroids, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,vol. 161, no. 24, pp. 3155--3165, 2010.
[16] Fu-Gui Shi, (L, M)-fuzzy matroids, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 160,no. 16, pp. 2387--2400, 2009.
[17] Fu-Gui Shi, L-fuzzy interiorsand L-fuzzy closures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 160, no. 9, pp. 1218--1232,2009.
[19] Fu-Gui Shi, Connectedness Degrees in L-Fuzzy Topological Spaces,International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Volume2009 (2009), Article ID 892826, 11 pages.
[20] Fu-Gui Shi, A new approach to thefuzzification of matroids, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 160, no. 5, pp.696--705, 2009.
[23] Fu-Gui Shi, A new approach to fuzzy almost compactness, ProyeccionesJournal of Mathematics, 28(1): 75--87 (2009).
[24] Fu-Gui Shi, L-fuzzy interiors andL-fuzzy closures, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 160, no. 9, pp. 1218–1232, 2009.
[25] Fu-Gui Shi, P-compactness in L-topological spaces, The Journal ofnonlinear science and applications, 2(2009), no. 4, 225–233.
[26] Fu-Gui Shi, (L, M)-fuzzymatroids,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 160, no. 16, pp. 2387–2400, 2009.
[27] Xiu Xin, Fu-Gui Shi, M-Fuzzifying bases, Proyecciones, vol. 28, no. 3, pp.271–283, 2009.
[28] Hong-Yan Li, Fu-Gui Shi, Someseparation axioms in I-fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,159(5): 573--587 (2008).
[29] Han-Liang Huang, Fu-Gui Shi, L-fuzzy numbers and their properties, Information Sciences, 178(4): 1141--1151 (2008).
[30] Fu-Gui Shi, A new approach to fuzzyS-closedness, Indian Journal of Mathematics, 50(3): 647--661 (2008).
[31] Wei Yao, Fu-Gui Shi, A note on specialization L-preorder of L-topologicalspaces, L-fuzzifying topological spaces, and L-fuzzy topological spaces, FuzzySets and Systems, vol. 159, no. 19, pp. 2586--2595, 2008.
[32] Zhen-Guo Xu, Fu-Gui Shi, Some weaklymappings on intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 25--32, 2008.
[33] Hong-Yan Li, Fu-Gui Shi, OR-convergence and weak OR-convergence of netsand their applications, Proyecciones, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 81--96,2008.
[34] Yueli Yue, Fu-Gui Shi, On (L,M)-fuzzy quasi-uniform spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 158(13): 1472--1485(2007).
[35] Fu-Gui Shi, A new definition of fuzzy compactness, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,158(13): 1486--1495 (2007).
[36] Fu-Gui Shi, Hong-Yan Li, A note on``On separation axioms in I-fuzzy topological spaces'', Fuzzy Sets and Systems,158(13): 1511--1513 (2007).
[37] Yueli Yue, Fu-Gui Shi, Generalized quasi-proximities, Fuzzy Sets andSystems, 158(4): 386--398 (2007).
[38] Zhen-Guo Xu, Fu-Gui Shi, A note onfuzzy $theta$-convergences, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 158(4): 472--474 (2007).
[39] Yueli Yue, Fu-Gui Shi, L-fuzzy uniform spaces, Journal of the KoreanMathematical Society, vol. 44, no. 6, 1383--1396, 2007.
[40] SP-convergence in L-topologicalspaces, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 139--151, 2007.
[41] Hong-Yan Li, Fu-Gui Shi, Near S*-compactness in L-topological spaces,International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2007,2007.
[42] Yueli Yue, Fu-Gui Shi, Generalizedquasi-proximities, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 158, no. 4, pp. 386--398, 2007.
[43] Fu-Gui Shi, Chong-You Zheng,Metrization theorem in L-topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems,149(3): 455--471 (2005).
[44] Jie Zhang, Fu-Gui Shi, On L-fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets andSystems, 149(3): 473--484 (2005).
[45] Fu-Gui Shi, The category of pointwiseS-proximity spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 152(2): 349--372 (2005).
[46] Fu-Gui Shi, A new notion of fuzzy compactness in L-topological spaces,Information Sciences, 173: 35--48 (2005).
[47] Fu-Gui Shi, $N_beta$-compactness inL-topological spaces, Fuzzy logic soft computing and computationalintelligence(11th IFSA World Congress), 268--272 (2005).
[48] Fu-Gui Shi, Semicompactness in L-Topological Spaces, International Journalof Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 12: 1869--1878 (2005).
[49] Fu-Gui Shi, A new form of fuzzy$beta$-compactness, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 24(2): 105--119(2005).
[50] Fu-Gui Shi, $S_beta$-compactness in L-topological spaces, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 24(2): 153--165 (2005).
[51] Fu-Gui Shi, Pointwise pseudo-metric onthe L-real line, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2(2): 15--20 (2005).
[52] Fu-Gui Shi, Countable compactness and the Lindeleof property of L-sets,Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1(1): 79--88 2004.
[53] 徐振國, 史福貴, L-拓撲空間的強擬半開集, 模糊系統與數學, 18(增刊): 107--109(2004).
[54] Fu-Gui Shi, Fuzzy proximities and totally bounded pointwise uniformities,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 133(3): 321--331 (2003).
[55] Fu-Gui Shi, O-convergence of fuzzynets and its applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 140(3): 499--507 (2003).
[56] Fu-Gui Shi, Chong-You Zheng, Paracompactness in L-fuzzy topologicalspaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 129(1): 29--37 (2002).
[57] 史福貴,鄭崇友,格上點式一致結構與度量化定理, 數學學報, 45(6): 1127--1136 (2002).
[58] Fu-Gui Shi, Products of Pointwise Pseudo-Quasi-Metrics on Lattices, 數學研究與評論,2002.4.
[59] Fu-Gui Shi, Product operations offuzzy pointwise metric spaces, J. Fuzzy Mathematics, 2001.2.
[60] 史福貴, 可數良緊性刻畫與性質, 數學雜誌, 21(4): 429--432 (2001).
[61] Fu-Gui Shi, Chong-You Zheng, Totallybounded pointwise uniformities and proximities on completely distributivelattices, 數學進展, 30(4): 322--328 (2001).
[62] Fu-Gui Shi, A note on the compactness in L-fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 119(3): 547--548 (2001).
[63] Fu-Gui Shi, Pointwise pseudo-metricsin L-fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 121(2): 209--216 (2001).
[64] 史福貴,完全分配格上的點式擬一致構與p.q.度量, 數學學報, 39(5): 701--706 (1996).
[65] 史福貴,完全分配格上的點式一致結構, 數學進展, 26(1):22--28 (1997).
[66] Fu-Gui Shi,Pointwise uniformities and metrics on fuzzy lattices, ChineseScience Bulletin, 1997.
[68] Fu-Gui Shi, Pointwise uniformities in fuzzy set theory, Fuzzy Setsand Systems, 98(1): 141--146 (1998).
[69] Fu-Gui Shi, Fuzzy pointwise completeregularity and imbedding theorem, J. Fuzzy Mathematics, 1999.2.
[70] Fu-Gui Shi, L-Fuzzy relations and L-fuzzy subgroups, J. FuzzyMathematics, 2000.8(2).