




1990.9—1995.7 清華大學水利水電工程系水工建築專業,工學學士。
1993.9—1995.7 清華大學環境工程系環境工程專業,工學學士。
1995.9—1997.7 清華大學水利水電工程系岩土工程專業,工學碩士
1995.9—2000.5 清華大學水利水電工程系岩土工程專業,工學博士。


1999.07—2000.07 清華大學水利水電工程系,講師。
2000.07—2002.04 香港科技大學土木工程系,博士后。
2002.04—-- 清華大學水利水電工程系,講師,副教授,博士生導師。


國際土力學及岩土工程學會 會員
國際土力學及岩土工程學會 環境岩土工程專業委員會(TC215)委員, 亞洲區環境岩土工程專業委員會(ATC17)委員
中國水力發電學會北京水力發電學會 理事


1. HU Liming, ZHAO Min, PU Jialiu. Centrifuge modeling of an offshore water-intake project under ice loading. Applied Ocean Research, 2010, 32(1): 49-57.
2. HU Liming, WU Xiaofeng, LIU Yan, MEEGODA J N, GAO Shengyan. Physical Modeling of Air Flow during Air Sparging Remediation. Environmental Science and Technology, ACS, 2010, 44(10): 3883–3888.
3. HU Liming, ZHANG Bingyin, MA Jie. Mechanical characteristics for interfaces between granular materials. Mechanics Research Communications, 2010, 37(1): 42-46.
4. HU Liming, DING Jinwei, LIU Haixiao. Mechanical Behavior of Marine Clay under Wave Loading. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 2010, 20(1): 72-79.
5. Meegoda J. N., Gao S, Al-Joulani N., Liming Hu. Solid waste and ecological issues of coal to energy. The third International Conference for Waste Treatment, WasteEng10, Beijing, China, May 17-20, 2010.
6. HU Liming, WU Xiaofeng, LIU Yan, DU Jianting. Physical modeling of air sparging for groundwater remediation. The 4th Sino-Japanese Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, pp. 110-115, April, 2010 Japan.
7. HU Liming, DU Jianting, WU Xiaofeng, MEEGODA J. N. Centrifuge Modeling of Air-Sparging Technique for Groundwater Remediation. Environmental Geotechnics for sustainable development, The 6th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, pp 854-859, Nov. 2010, India.
8. 胡黎明,洪何清,吳偉令. 高嶺土電滲試驗研究.《清華大學學報》,2010, 50(9): 1353-1356.
9. Dawson Andrew, Boothroyd Philip, Jie Ma and Liming Hu. Two-dimensional numerical simulation of groundwater contamination in the highway environment, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2009, 10(4): 265-276.
10. 洪何清,胡黎明, Glendinning S,吳偉令. 外荷載作用下的軟黏土電滲試驗,《清華大學學報》,2009, 49(6): 825-828.
11. 楊媛媛, 胡黎明, Nzihou, Yacoubi. 疏浚污泥資源化處理試驗研究.《岩土力學》, 2009, 30(5): 1323-1327.
12. HU Liming. Groundwater Contamination and Remediation. Keynote Lecture, International Workshop on Geo-environmental Engineering, Wuhan, March 18-20, 2009.
13. Liming HU, Jay N. MEEGODA, Irene M C LO, Yan LIU, Shengyan GAO and Zhaoqun WU. Centrifugal Modeling of Gasoline Contaminated Sites: Pollutant Transport and Remediation, Keynote Lecture, Proc. of Int. Symp. on Geoenvironmental Eng., ISGE2009, 221-235, Editors Chen YM et al., Zhejiang University Press & Springer -verlag GmbH. Sep 8-10, 2009, Hangzhou, China.
14. Liming HU, Weiling WU, and Zhaoqun WU. Numerical Simulation of Electro-Osmosis in Soft Clay. Proc. of Int. Symp. on Geoenvironmental Eng., ISGE2009, 221-235, Editors Chen YM et al., Zhejiang University Press & Springer -verlag GmbH. Sep 8-10, 2009, Hangzhou, China.
15. Zhang Bingyin, Yu Yuzhen, Fu Jian, HU Liming. Simple Shear Test for Interface between Two Granular Materials, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, 2008, 31(3): 252-260. (SCI316OK EI084511676582) (Corresponding author)
16. 胡黎明, 邢巍巍,周小文. 非飽和土中多相流動的試驗研究和數值模擬.《工程力學》, 2008, 25(11): 162-166. (EI 20085011776801)
17. 胡黎明,馬傑,張丙印. 散粒體間接觸面單剪試驗及數值模擬,《岩土力學》, 2008, 29(9): 2319-2322. (EI084411671547 )
18. 胡黎明, 劉毅. 地下水曝氣修復技術的模型試驗研究.《岩土工程學報》,2008, 30(6): 835-839. (EI082911385814)
19. 胡黎明,馬傑,張丙印. 直剪試驗中接觸面漸進破壞的數值模擬,《清華大學學報》,2008, 48(6): 943-946. (EI083111424477)
20. 胡黎明。土壤污染過程與修復技術研究。特邀主題報告,第二屆全國環境岩土工程與土工合成材料技術研討會,2008年11月14~16,中國長沙。
21. 於玉貞,胡黎明,張丙印,介玉新溫慶博. 清華大學環境岩土工程課程體系建設,東南大學學報哲學社會科學版,2008年第3期,138-141,第二屆全國土力學教學研討會,2008年10月,南京。
22. Colin JFP Jones, John Lamont-Black, Stephanie Glendinning, Dennes Bergado, Toby Eng, Andy Fourie, Hu Liming, Colin Pugh, Martin Romantshuk, Suvi Simpanen and ZhuangYan-Feng. RECENT RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS IN THE USE OF ELECETRO-KINETIC GEOSYNTHETICS. Keynote paper, the 4th European Geosynthetics Conference, Edinburgh UK, Sep 1-3, 2008.
23. HU Li-ming, HONG Heqing, WU Weiling. Experimental Study of Electro-Osmosis in Kaolin Clay. The International Symposium on Geo-Environmental Engineering for Sustainable Development, Xuzhou, Oct 22-24, 2007.
24. Hong, H.Q. and Hu, L.M. Experimental Study of Electro-Osmosis by Reversing Polarity in Kaolin Clay. The 1st Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society (SLGS) International Conference on Soil and Rock Engineering, Colombo, August 7-11, 2007.
25. Ding Jinwei, Liu Haixiao, Hu Liming. Response of marine clay to cyclic loading. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 2007, 1188-192. (EI074910957216 ISTP-BGU91 )
26. 胡黎明, 邢巍巍, 吳照群. 多孔介質中非水相流體運移的數值模擬, 《岩土力學》,2007, 28(5), 951-955. (EI072510662528)
27. 胡黎明, 馬傑, 張丙印, 於玉貞. 粗粒料與結構物接觸面力學特性縮尺效應研究. 《清華大學學報》, 2007, 47(3): 327-330. (EI20072010602673)
28. 丁金偉,劉海笑,胡黎明。土工試驗中彎曲單元系統的開發,《實驗技術與管理》,2007, 24(2): 56-60.
29. Liming Hu, Irene M. C. Lo, J. N. Meegoda. Numerical Analysis and Centrifuge Modeling on LNAPLs Transport in Subsurface System. Progress in Natural Science, 2006, 16(4): 416-424.
30. Hu, L. M., Lo, Irene M. C., and Meegoda, N. J. Centrifuge Testing Of LNAPL Migration and Soil Vapor Extraction for Soil Remediation. Practice Periodical Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, ASCE. 2006, 10(1): 33-40.
31. HU Liming, WU Zhaoqun, XING Weiwei. Centrifuge Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Soil Contamination and Remediation, The 5th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, June 26-30, 2006, Cardiff, UK.
32. Liu Haixiao, Hu Liming. Investigation on Effects of Several Factors That Influence Dynamic Analysis of Seabed-Structure Coupling System. Proceedings of The Third Chinese–German Trilateral Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Taiwan, China, 2006
33. Jinwei Ding, Haixiao Liu, Liming Hu. Mechanical Behavior of Marine Clay under Cyclic Loading. Recent Development of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering in Asia, the 4th Asian Joint Symposium on Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering (JS-Dalian 2006), Dalian, China, Nov. 23-25, 2006, pp81-86.
34. 曾向武, 胡黎明. 壓電陶瓷感測器在岩土工程中的應用, 《岩土工程學報》, 2006, 28(8): 983-988. (EI064110166306)
35. 邢巍巍*,胡黎明. 輕非水相流體污染物運移的離心模型試驗, 《清華大學學報》,2006, 46(3): 341-345. (EI06219897593)
36. 張建紅, 胡黎明. 重金屬離子和LNAPLs在非飽和土中的運移規律研究, 《岩土工程學2005
37. Lo, Irene M. C., Hu, L. M., and Meegoda, N. J. Feasibility Study of Using Centrifuge for Investigation of LNAPL Migration in Unsaturated Soils. Soil and Sediment Contamination, AHA, 2005, 14(1), 85-103.
38. 邢巍巍*,胡黎明, 牟峰*. 土工離心模型試驗中圖像採集與分析系統的開發. 《試驗技術與管理》 , 2005, 22(2): 37-42.
39. Hu Liming, Xing Weiwei, Wu Zhaoqun. Constitutive Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow In Unsaturated Soil. The 2nd Sino-Japanese Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, Oct 2005, Shanghai, China, 243-246.
40. Wen Qingbo, Hu Liming. Solid Waste Treatment in China. The 1st International Conference on Waste Treatment. May 17 ~21, 2005, Albi, France.
41. Liming HU, Jialiu Pu. Testing and Modeling of Soil-structure Interface. Journal of geotechnical and geo-environmental Engineering, ASCE, 2004, 130(8): 851-860.
42. Lo, Irene M. C., Hu, L. M. Centrifuge Modeling Of LNAPLs Transport In Unsaturated Soils. Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Engineering, ASCE, 2004, 130(5): 535-539.
43. LO I. M. C. and HU L. M. Long-term migration of light nonaqueous-phase liquids in two unsaturated soils: Clayey silt and fine sand. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 2004, 8(4): 228-237. (EI04528745638)
44. 郝榮福*, 胡黎明, 邢巍巍. 土壤中可揮發性污染物清除的離心試驗研究.《岩土力學》,2004, 25(7): 1037-1040。
45. HU, Liming, Pu, Jialiu. Application of Damage Model for Soil-structure Interface, Computers and Geotechnics, 2003, 30(2): 165-183, 2003.
46. 胡黎明, 郝榮福, 殷昆亭, 勞敏慈. BTEX在非飽和土和地下水系統中遷移的試驗研究. 《清華大學學報》,2003, 43(11): 1546-1549. (EI 04148103137)
47. 胡黎明. 地下水污染修復的活性滲濾牆技術.《水利水電技術》,34(7): 11-13, 2003.
48. Liming Hu, Irene M-C Lo, Xiangsheng Cheng. Centrifuge modeling of LNAPLs transport in soils and remediation technology. The Sino-Japanese Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering, Beijing, 2003.10.
49. 胡黎明, 濮家騮, 勞敏慈, 殷昆亭. LNPALs在非飽和土中遷移的離心試驗模擬.《岩土工程學報》,2002(6): 690-694. (EI 03047337236)
50. 胡黎明, 濮家騮, 王剛. 接觸面損傷模型應用於三維有限元分析.《水利學報》, 2002(3): 44-59. (EI 1148475)
51. 胡黎明, 濮家騮. 土與結構物接觸面損傷本構模型.《岩土力學》,2002, 23(1): 6-11(EI 1426569 ).
52. 胡黎明, 濮家騮. 損傷模型接觸面單元在有限元計算分析中的應用.《土木工程學報》, 2002, 35(3): 79-87.
53. Liming Hu, Jialiu Pu. FEM analysis on phase-II cofferdam of TGP. The 9th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2002.04.
54. L. M. Hu, S. Z. Shu, Irene M. C. Lo, J. H. Zhang, N. J. Meegoda, J. L. Pu. Centrifuge Modeling of LNAPLs Migration in Porous Media. International Conference on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, Newfoundland, Canada, 2002.07.
55. L. M. Hu, Irene M. C. Lo, S. Z. Shu, N. J. Meegoda. Centrifuge Modeling of Gasoline Transport in Unsaturated Soils. The 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology, Seoul, Korea, 2002.07.
56. 胡黎明, 濮家騮. 土與結構物接觸面物理力學特性試驗研究. 《岩土工程學報》,2001, 23(4): 432~436. (EI 1265039)
57. 胡黎明, 濮家騮. 三峽二期上游圍堰三維有限元應力應變分析.《清華大學學報》,2001, 41(4): 240~243. (EI 1585136)
58. 胡黎明, 勞敏慈, 張建紅, 濮家騮. 離心模型試驗技術在環境岩土工程中的應用現狀與展望. 《土壤與環境》,2001(4): 87-91.
59. Xiaoyun Yang, Liming Hu, Irene M C Lo. A large scale test for investigating the movement of gasoline in soil. The International Symposium on Application of Natural materials for Environmental Geotechnology, Tokyo, Japan, 2001.09.
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