















27. Zhu, D.C., Wang, Q., Zhao, Z.D., 2017. Constraining quantitatively the timing and process of continent-continent collision using magmatic record: Method and examples. Science China - Earth Sciences 60, 1040-1056.
26. Zhu, D.C., Wang, Q., Cawood, P.A., Zhao, Z.D., Mo, X.X., 2017. Raising the Gangdese Mountains in southern Tibet. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth 122, 214–223.
25. Li, S.M., Zhu, D.C*., Wang, Q., Zhao, Z.D., Zhang, L.L., Liu, S.A., Chang, Q.S., Lu, Y.H., Dai, J.G., Zheng, Y.C., 2016. Slab-derived adakites and subslab asthenosphere-derived OIB-type rocks at 156 ± 2 Ma from the north of Gerze, central Tibet: Records of the Bangong–Nujiang oceanic ridge subduction during the Late Jurassic. Lithos 262, 456-469.
24. Xie, J.C., Zhu, D.C*., Dong, G.C., Zhao, Z.D., Wang, Q., Mo, X.X., 2016. Linking the Tengchong Terrane in SW Yunnan with the Lhasa Terrane in southern Tibet through magmatic correlation. Gondwana Research 39, 217-229.
23. Zhu, D.C., Chung, S.L., Niu, Y.L., 2016. Recent advances on the tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Greater Tibetan Plateau: A special issue in honor of Prof. Guitang Pan. Lithos 245, 1-6.
22. Zhu, D.C., Li, S.M., Cawood, P.A., Wang, Q., Zhao, Z.D., Liu, S.A., Wang, L.Q., 2016. Assembly of the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes in central Tibet by divergent double subduction. Lithos 245, 7-17.
21. Zhu, D.C., Wang, Q., Zhao, Z.D., Chung, S.L., Cawood, P.A., Niu, Y.L., Liu, S.A., Wu, F.Y., Mo, X.X., 2015. Magmatic record of India-Asia collision. Scientific Reports 5, 14289, doi: 10.1038/srep14289. (This article is also posted at http://www.mantleplumes.org/IndiaAsiaSlabBreakoff.html).
20. Wang, Q., Zhu, D.C*., Cawood, P.A., Zhao, Z.D., Liu, S.A., Chung, S.L., Zhang, L.L., Liu, D., Zheng, Y.C., Dai, J.G., 2015. Eocene magmatic processes and crustal thickening in southern Tibet: Insights from strongly fractionated ca. 43 Ma granites in the western Gangdese Batholith. Lithos 239, 128–141.
19. Wang, Q., Zhu, D.C*., Zhao, Z.D., Liu, S.A., Chung, S.L., Li, S.M., Liu, D., Dai, J.G., Wang, L.Q., Mo, X.X., 2014. Origin of the ca. 90 Ma magnesia-rich volcanic rocks in SE Nyima, central Tibet: Products of lithospheric delamination underneath the Lhasa-Qiangtang collision zone. Lithos 198-199, 24-37.
18. Li, S.M., Zhu, D.C*., Wang, Q., Zhao, Z.D., Sui, Q.L., Liu, S.A., Liu, D., Mo, X.X., 2014. Northward subduction of Bangong-Nujiang Tethys: Insight from Late Jurassic intrusive rocks from Bangong Tso in western Tibet. Lithos 205, 284-297.
17. Chen, Y., Zhu, D.C*., Zhao, Z.D., Meng, F.Y., Wang, Q., Santosh, M., Wang, L.Q., Dong, G.C., Mo, X.X., 2014. Slab breakoff triggered ca. 113 Ma magmatism around Xainza area of the Lhasa Terrane, Tibet. Gondwana Research 26, 449–463.
16. Xia, Y., Zhu, D.C*., Wang, Q., Zhao, Z.D., Liu, D., Wang, L.Q., Mo, X.X., 2014. Picritic porphyrites and associated basalts from the remnant Comei Large Igneous Province in SE Tibet: records of mantle-plume activity. Terra Nova 26, 487-494.
15. Sui, Q.L., Wang, Q., Zhu, D.C*., Zhao, Z.D., Chen, Y., Santosh, M., Hu, Z.C., Yuan, H.L., Mo, X.X., 2013. Compositional diversity of ca. 110 Ma magmatism in the northern Lhasa Terrane, Tibet: Implications for the magmatic origin and crustal growth in a continent-continent collision zone. Lithos 168-169, 144-159.
14. Zhu, D.C., Zhao, Z.D., Niu, Y.L., Dilek, Y., Hou, Z.Q., Mo, X.X., 2013. The origin and pre-Cenozoic evolution of the Tibetan Plateau. Gondwana Research 23, 1429-1454.
13. Zhu, D.C., Zhao, Z.D., Niu, Y.L., Dilek, Y., Wang, Q., Ji, W.H., Dong, G.C., Sui, Q.L., Liu, Y.S., Yuan, H.L., Mo, X.X., 2012. Cambrian bimodal volcanism in the Lhasa Terrane, southern Tibet: Record of an early Paleozoic Andean-type magmatic arc in the Australian proto-Tethyan margin. Chemical Geology 328, 290-308.
12. Guan, Q., Zhu, D.C*., Zhao, Z.D., Dong, G.C., Zhang, L.L., Li, X.W., Liu, M., Liu, M.H., Mo, X.X., Liu, Y.S., Yuan, H.L., Crustal thickening prior to 38 Ma in southern Tibet: Evidence from lower crust-derived adakitic magmatism in the Gangdese Batholith. Gondwana Research 21, 88–99.
11. Wang, Q., Zhu, D.C*., Zhao, Z.D., Zhang, X.Q., Guan, Q., Sui, Q.L., Hu, Z.C., Mo, X.X., Magmatic zircons from I-, S- and A-type granitoids in Tibet: Trace element characteristics and their application to detrital zircon provenance study. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 53, 59-66.
10. Zhu, D.C., Zhao, Z.D., Niu, Y.L., Dilek, Y., Mo, X.X., 2011. Lhasa Terrane in southern Tibet came from Australia. Geology 39, 727-730.
9. Zhu, D.C., Zhao, Z.D., Niu, Y.L., Mo, X.X., Chung, S.L., Hou, Z.Q., Wang, L.Q., Wu, F.Y., 2011. The Lhasa Terrane: Record of a microcontinent and its histories of drift and growth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 301, 241-255.
8. Zhu, D.C., Mo, X.X., Zhao, Z.D., Niu, Y.L., Wang, L.Q., Chu, Q.H., Pan, G.T., Xu, J.F., Zhou, C.Y., 2010. Presence of Permian extension- and arc-type magmatism in southern Tibet: Paleogeographic implications. GSA Bulletin 122, 979-993.
7. Zhu, D.C., Chung, S.L., Mo, X.X., Zhao, Z.D., Niu, Y.L., Song, B., Yang, Y.H., 2009. The 132 Ma Comei–Bunbury large igneous province: Remnants identified in present-day SE Tibet and SW Australia. Geology 37, 583-586.
6. Zhu, D.C., Mo, X.X., Niu, Y.L., Zhao, Z.D., Wang, L.Q., Liu, Y.S., Wu, F.Y., 2009. Geochemical investigation of Early Cretaceous igneous rocks along an east-west traverse throughout the central Lhasa Terrane, Tibet. Chemical Geology 268, 298-312.
5. Zhu, D.C., Mo, X.X., Niu, Y.L., Zhao, Z.D., Wang, L.Q., Pan, G.T., Wu, F.Y., 2009. Zircon U–Pb dating and in - situ Hf isotopic analysis of Permian peraluminous granite in the Lhasa terrane, southern Tibet: Implications for Permian collisional orogeny and paleogeography. Tectonophysics 469, 48-60.
4. Zhu, D.C., Pan, G.T., Zhao, Z.D., Lee, H.Y., Kang, Z.Q., Liao, Z.L., Wang, L.Q., Li, G.M., Dong, G.C., Liu, B., 2009. Early Cretaceous subduction-related adakite-like rocks in the Gangdese, south Tibet: Products of slab melting and subsequent melt-peridotite interaction? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 34, 298-309.
3. Zhu, D.C., Mo, X.X., Pan, G.T., Zhao, Z.D., Dong, G.C., Shi, Y.R., Liao, Z.L., Zhou, C.Y., 2008. Petrogenesis of the earliest Early Cretaceous basalts and associated diabases from Cona area, eastern Tethyan Himalaya in south Tibet: Interaction between the incubating Kerguelen plume and eastern Greater India lithosphere? Lithos 100, 147-173.
2. Zhu, D.C., Pan, G.T., Chung, S.L., Liao, Z.L., Wang, L.Q., Li, G.M., 2008. SHRIMP zircon age and geochemical constraints on the origin of Early Jurassic volcanic rocks from the Yeba Formation, southern Gangdese in south Tibet. International Geology Review 50, 442-471.
1. Zhu, D.C., Pan, G.T., Mo, X.X., Liao, Z.L., Jiang, X.S., Wang, L.Q., Zhao, Z.D., 2007. Petrogenesis of volcanic rocks in the Sangxiu Formation, central segment of Tethyan Himalaya: A probable example of plume–lithosphere interaction. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 29, 320-335.


1. 在前人基礎上,較為定量地刻畫了印度-歐亞板塊的碰撞時代和過程,將其劃分為初始碰撞(70-65 Ma)、主碰撞(55-50 Ma)和后碰撞(45-35 Ma以來)三個階段。創新點在於,較為定量地刻畫了印度-歐亞大陸碰撞過程的變化,將其劃分為初始碰撞、主碰撞和后碰撞三個階段,認為每一階段都是一個漸進過程,不是一蹴而就的,可以持續很長一段時間,將早期教科書中有關兩大陸的碰撞時代(45Ma)至少提前了20Ma。隨著地質調查和研究的深入,越來越多的證據顯示了上述論述的合理性。
2. 系統地研究了特提斯喜馬拉雅帶二疊紀-白堊紀火山岩的分佈特點、規律和形成背景,提出該帶可能並不是傳統認為的穩定型大陸邊緣,而很可能是一個相對活動的火山裂陷型大陸邊緣,不同時期火山岩可能與深部地幔物質上涌引起的主動裂谷作用有關。
3. 創造性地將喜馬拉雅帶東段早白堊世火成岩印度洋Kerguelen地幔柱聯繫起來,提出它們可能是Rajmahal暗色岩所代表熱點的早期產物。