共找到8條詞條名為姚文的結果 展開
主持Diamond V Science & Technology Awards Program:酵母培養物降低冬春季仔豬腹瀉和提高夏季育肥豬抗熱應激能力的研究,2010.6-2012.6
主持Novurs國際青年科研基金:豬短鏈脂肪酸受體GPR41 和GPR43基因的鑒定和功能特性, 2009.12.-2011.12.
參加國家重大基礎計劃項目(973):畜禽肉品質性狀形成的代謝與調控機理(2004CB117500),課題4:胃腸道結構與功能的發育規律及其調節(2004CB1175004),2004 - 2009;
主持Alltech Biotechnology Corporation Limited:Effects of enzyme supplementation on growth performance of growth-finishing pigs fed diets containing corn distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS)(07E-1849),2008.-2009;
參加歐盟第七次框架計劃:Interplay of microbiota and gut function in the developing pig (FP7-KBBE-2008-2B),2009-2014;
WZhou, GJ Wang, ZK Han, W Yao, WY Zhu. 2009. Metabolism of flaxseed lignans in the rumen and its impact on ruminal metabolism and flora. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 150: 18-26.
W. Yao, M.W.A. Verstegen, H. Smidt, W.Y. Zhu. 2008. Managing the developing gut microbiota of growing piglets: Novel prebiotic and probiotic strategies. Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands ISBN:978-90-8504-816-9
Su Y, Yao W, Perez-Gutierrez ON, Smidt H, Zhu WY. 2008. Changes in abundance of Lactobacillus spp. and Streptococcus suis in the stomach, jejunum and ileum of piglets after weaning. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 66(3):546-55.
Yu ZT, Yao W, Zhu WY. 2008. Isolation and identification of equol-producing bacterial strains from cultures of pig faeces. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 282(1): 73-80.
Su Y, Yao W, Perez-Guiterrez ON, Smidt H, Zhu WY. 2008. 16S ribosomal RNA-based methods to monitor changes in the hindgut bacterial community of piglets after oral administration of Lactobacillus sobrius S1. Anaerobe. 4(2):78-86.Y.Z.
Sun, S.Y. Mao, W. Yao, W.Y. Zhu. 2008. DGGE and 16S rDNA analysis reveals a highly diverse and rapidly colonizing bacterial community on different substrates in the rumen of goats. Animal. 2:3, 391-398.
蘇勇; 姚文; 朱偉雲2008. 代表性差異分析比較兩株來自不同地區的豬源Lactobacillus菌株。微生物學報 48(5): 577-582.
姚光國 姚文 陸揚 朱偉雲. 2007. 乳酸菌肽聚糖部分免疫增強作用的研究。微生物學通報, 34(1):105-107。劉威 朱偉雲 姚文 毛勝勇. 2007. 一株乳酸利用、丁酸產生菌的分離與鑒定及代謝特性的初步研究。微生物學報,47(3):435-440.
Wang HF, Zhu WY, Yao W, Liu JX. 2007. DGGE and 16S rDNA sequencing analysis of bacterial communities in colon content and feces of pigs fed whole crop rice. Anaerobe. 13(3-4):127-33.S.Y.
Mao, W.Y. Zhu, Q.J. Wang and W. Yao. 2007. Effect of daidzein on in vitro fermentation by microorganisms from the goat rumen. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 136: 154-163.
於卓騰 姚文 毛勝勇 朱偉雲. 2007. 黃豆苷元對仔豬腸道微生物區系的影響。營養學報,29(1):82-86.
Han ZK, Wang GJ, Yao W, Zhu WY. 2006. Isoflavonic phytoestrogens - new prebiotics for farm animals: A Review on research in China. Curr. Issues Intestinal Microbiol. 7:53-60.
蘇勇, 姚文, 朱偉雲,2006,益生菌Lactobacillus amylovorus 對仔豬后腸菌群的影響。微生物學報,2006,46(6):961-966。
姚文,朱偉雲, 毛勝勇,2006,16S rDNA技術跟蹤分析新生腹瀉仔豬糞樣細菌區系的變化。微生物學報,45(1):150-154。
劉虹,姚文,陸揚,朱偉雲,2006,一組雞源乳酸菌產乳酸及其耐受特性研究。微生物學通報, 33:1-5。蘇勇, 姚文, 黃瑞華, 朱偉雲,2006,芽孢乳桿菌S1對斷奶前、后仔豬腸道菌群及VFA濃度變化的影響。福建農林大學學報(自然科學版),35:73-76。
吳惠芬,毛勝勇,姚文,朱偉雲,2005,豬源乳酸菌產酸及其抑菌特性研究。微生物學通報 32(1):81-86。
馬海田 侯宗梅 韓正康 姚文 王國傑 鄒思湘. 2005,飼餵大豆黃酮對仔豬腸黏膜二糖膜消化的影響。畜牧獸醫學報,36(6):625-626.
Yao W., Zhu W.Y., et al. (2004) Daidzein increased the density but not the composition of the Lacterobacillus community in piglet digesta during in vitro fermentation as revealed by DGGE and dilution PCR. Reprod. Nutr. Dev. 44(Suppl.1) S17.
姚文,朱偉雲,韓正康,Akkermans ADL, Williams B, Tamminga S (2004)應用變性梯度凝膠電泳和16S rDNA序列分析對山羊瘤胃細菌多樣性的研究。中國農業科學 37(9):1374-1378。