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9. 劉健,吳孔明,趙奎軍,郭予元,不同氣候帶棉蚜種群生長發育的形態指標,棉花學報,2003,15(1):13-16
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15. 樊東,趙奎軍,張傑,昆蟲幾丁質酶基因的分子特性概述,昆蟲知識,2005,42(4):20-24
17. 蔡巍,韓嵐嵐,趙奎軍,基於VB.N ET的農業害蟲專家系統軟體開發,農業網路信息,2005,(5):32-34
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1. Yu Hongchun, Zhao Kuijun, Wang Xiaoyun and Han Lanlan. Comparisons of virulence of MsNPV cultured in vivo and in vitro. p. 120. In Guo Yuyuan ed. Plant Protection towards the 21st century, Proceedings of the 15th International Plant Protection Congress(15th IPPC). Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 2004
2. Zhao Kuijun, Cui Liwang and Yu Hongchun. Molecular study of viral capsid gene from Trichoplusia ni ascovirus. p. 121. In Guo Yuyuan ed. Plant Protection towards the 21st century, Proceedings of the 15th IPPC. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 2004
3. Yu Hongchun, Zhao Kuijun*, Pei Haiying and Fan Dong. The control effect of the combination of Bacillus thuringiensis with Success against Plutella xylostella larvae. p. 124. In Guo Yuyuan ed. Plant Protection towards the 21st century, Proceedings of the 15th IPPC. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 2004
4. Han Lanlan, Song Fuping, Zhang Jie and Zhao Kuijun. Analysis for activity of Cry protein from Bacillus thuringiensis against Helicoverpa amrmigera. p. 256. In Guo Yuyuan ed. Plant Protection towards the 21st century, Proceedings of the 15th IPPC. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 2004
5. Liu Jian, Dai Changchun and Zhao Kuijun*. Population dynamics of Aphis glycines (Homoptera: Aphididae) and its natural enemies in northeast China. P. 401. In Guo Yuyuan ed. Plant Protection towards the 21st century, Proceedings of the 15th IPPC. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 2004
6. Fan Dong, Chen Zhongyi, Song Fuping, Zhao Kuijun, Huang dafang and Zhang Jie. Coloning and expression of cDNA encoding chitinase from beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner). P. 497. In Guo Yuyuan ed. Plant Protection towards the 21st century, Proceedings of the 15th IPPC. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. 2004
2. 趙奎軍參編(李慶章主編),農業科學與人類,哈爾濱:黑龍江科學技術出版社,2003
3. 趙奎軍副主編,農業昆蟲學(國家規劃教材),北京:高等教育出版社,2006
4. 趙奎軍主審,資源昆蟲學,東北農業大學,2005
5. 趙奎軍主審,植物保護技術與實訓(國家級職業教育培訓規劃教材),北京:中國勞動社會保障出版社,2005