中國畜牧獸醫學會獸醫食品衛生學分會副理事長,浙江大學動物科學學院 副院長,浙江大學動物預防醫學研究所所長,Foodborne Pathogens and Diseases(美國)編 委,中國獸醫科學》編 委,浙江省動物預防醫學重點實驗室主任,《畜牧獸醫學報》編 委。
學 歷:
1993.11 - 1996.06:芬蘭赫爾辛基大學獸醫學院 哲學博士
1982.02 - 1985.01:浙江農業大學獸醫系 碩士
1978.03 - 1982.01:浙江農業大學獸醫系 學士
1996.12 - 至今:浙江大學動物科學學院 教授
2006.09 - 2006.12:美國哈佛大學醫學院微生物與分子遺傳系 訪問學者
2001.07 - 2001.10:丹麥皇家獸醫與農業大學 訪問學者
1996.12 - 1998.12:美國田納西大學動物科學系 博士后
1992.10 - 1996.11:浙江農業大學動物科學學院 副教授
1988.04 - 1992.09:浙江農業大學獸醫系 講師
1985.02 - 1988.03:浙江農業大學獸醫系 助教
2005 - 至今:中國畜牧獸醫學會獸醫食品衛生學分會 副理事長
1999 - 至今:浙江大學動物科學學院 副院長
浙江大學動物預防醫學研究所 所長
2008起:International Journal of Food Microbiology 副主編
2007 - 至今:Foodborne Pathogens and Diseases(美國)編 委
2005 - 至今:《中國獸醫科學》編 委
2004 - 至今:浙江省動物預防醫學重點實驗室 主 任
1999 - 至今:《畜牧獸醫學報》編 委
1. Vongxay K, Wang SN, Zhang XF, Wu BB, Hu HX, Pan ZJ, Cheng SY, Fang WH. Pathogenetic Characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Isolates from Clinical and Seafood Sources. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2008, accepted.
2. 王淑娜,方維煥。熒光定量PCR法檢測副溶血弧菌tdh基因的表達差異。畜牧與獸醫,2008,已錄用。
4. 劉剛,李肖梁。犬瘟熱病毒H基因的序列分析與表達。畜牧與獸醫,2008,已錄用。
6. Vongxay K, Pan ZJ, Zhang XF, Cheng SY, Mei LL, XU C, Wang SN, Fang WH. Occurrence of pandemic clones of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from seafood and clinical samples in a Chinese coasting province. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 2008, 5(2):127-134.
7. Yang ZZ, Shuai JB, Dai XJ, Fang WH. A survey on porcine circovirus type 2 infeciton and phylogenetic analysis of its ORF2 gene in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Journal of Zhejiang Univ Science B, 2008, 9(2):148-153.
8. Jiang LL, Chen JS, Xu JJ, Zhang XF, Wang SN, Zhao HC, Vongxay K, Fang WH. Virulence characterization and genotypic analyses of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from food and processing environments in eastern China. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2008, 21(1): 53-59.
9. Shuai JB, Li XL, Chen N, Chen CY, Fang WH. Characterization and potential use of truncated PCV2 capsid protein and its polyclonal antibody for diagnosis of PCV2 infections. Acta Microbiologica Sinica, 2008:4891):85-90.
10. Shuai JB, Wei W, Jiang LL, Li XL, Chen N, Zhang ZF, Fang WH. Mapping of nuclear localization signals in open reading frame 2 protein from porcine circovirus type 1. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2008, 40(1):71-77.
11. Chen N, Hu HX, Zhang ZF, Shuai JB, Fang WH. Genetic diversity of the envelope glycoprotein E2 of classical swine fever virus: Recent isolates branched away from historic and vaccine strains. Veterinary Microbiology, 2007, 127:286-299.
12. Shuai JB, Wei W, Li XL, Chen N, Zhang ZF, Chen XY, Fang WH. Genetic characterization of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) from pigs in high-seroprevalence areas in southeastern China. Virus Genes, 2007, 35:619-627.
13. 陳健舜,江玲麗,方維煥。李斯特菌毒力因子及其進化探討。微生物學報,2007, 47(4):738-742。
17. 田國明,李肖梁,陳健舜,陳雪燕,方維煥。單核細胞增多性李斯特菌LMO1847基因在不同應激條件下的表達。畜牧與獸醫,39(7):7-10。
18. Chen XY, Xu JJ, Shuai JB, Chen JS, Zhang ZF, Fang WH. The S-layer proteins of Lactobacillus crispatus strain ZJ001 is responsible for competitive exclusion against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella typhimurium. International Journal of Food Microbiology,2007,115(3):307-312.
19. Yang ZZ, Habib M, Shuai JB, Fang WH. Detection of PCV2 DNA by SYBR Green I-based quantitative PCR, Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2007, 8(3):162-169.
20. Jiang LL, Ke CL, Xu JJ, Chen JS, Chen XY, Chen N, Shuai JB, Fang WH. Listeria monocytogenes mutants carrying Newcastle disease virus F gene fused to its actA and plcB: In vitro expression and immunogenicity in chickens, Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2007, 39(1):57-66
22. Li XL, Shuai JB, Fang WH*. Protection of Carassius auratus Gibelio against infection by Aeromonas hydrophila using specific immunoglobulins from hen egg yolk. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2006, 7(11):922-928.
23. Yang ZZ, Fang WH, Habib M. First Results of Detection of PRRSV and CSFV RNA by SYBR Green I-based Quantitative PCR. Journal of Veterinary Medicine B, 2006;53(10):461-467.
24. Li L, Fang WH, Li JR, Huang YW, Yu L. Oral DNA vaccination with the polyprotein gene of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) delivered by attenuated Salmonella elicits protective immune responses in chickens. Vaccine, 2006, 24(33-34):5919-5927.
25. John Dikki M, Chen XY, Chen N, Fang WH*. Attenuated Salmonella typhimurium as a carrier for prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression vectors, Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric. & Life Sci., ed), 2006, 32(3):237-244.
26. Fang WH, Birgitte B, Siegumfeldt H. Leucocins 4010 from Leuconostoc carnosum cause a matrix related decrease in intracellular pH of Listeria monocytogenes, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2006, 258(2): 208-213
27. Jiang LL, Xu JJ, Chen N, Shuai JB, Fang WH. Virulence phenotyping and molecular characterization of a low-pathogenicity Listeria monocytogenes isolate from milk, Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2006, 38(4):262-270.
28. 徐晶靚, 江玲麗, 陳 寧, 帥江冰, 方維煥。攜帶外源基因的重組減毒單核細胞增多性李斯特菌構建與鑒定。微生物學報,2006,46(3):445-450。
29. Vongxay KP, Cheng SY, Zhou XY, Shen B, He XL, Zhang GZ, Fang WH Prevalence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafoods and their processing environments as detected by Duplex PCR. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2006, 86(12): 1871-1877.
31. 楊宗照, 方維煥。豬瘟合併豬繁殖呼吸綜合征病毒(PRRSV)和豬圓環病毒2型(PCV2)感染。中國獸醫學報, 2006,26(3):240-242.
32. Zeng HY, Zhang XF, Sun Z, Fang WH. Multiplex PCR identification of Listeria monocytogenes isolates from milk and milk-processing environments. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2006, 86(3):367-371.
33. Yang ZG, Sun HX, Fang WH. Haemolytic activities and adjuvant effect of Astragalus membranaceus saponins (AMS) on the immune responses to ovalbumin in mice. Vaccine, 2005, 23 (44): 5196-5203.
36. 戴賢君, 方維煥。減毒沙門氏菌為載體的草魚口服生長抑素DNA疫苗構建及其穩定性。中國獸醫學報 , 2005, 25(4):356-358.
37. 馬有智,戴賢君,李肖梁,方維煥。表達豬鏈球菌溶血素基因的減毒沙門氏菌的構建及鑒定。中國獸醫學報, 2005,25(5):478-480。
40. Ke CL, Song HH , Jiang LL, Zeng HY, Zhang GZ, Fang WH. Construction of the recombinant Listeria monocytogenes mutant expressing green fluorescent protein. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric. & Life Sci., ed), 2005, 31(5): 638-644.
41. Jiang LL, Song HH, Chen XY, Ke CL, Xu JJ, Chen N, Fang WH. Characterization of a Mutant Listeria monocytogenes Strain Expressing Green Fluorescent Protein. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 2005, 37(1): 19–24
42. Song HH, Wang ZL, Zheng DX, Fang WH, Li Y, Liu YY, Niu ZD, Qiu BS. A novel mucosal vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease virus induces protection in mice and swine. Biotechnology Letters, 2005, 27(21):1669-1674.
43. Song HH, Fang WH, Wang ZL et al. Detection of foot-and-mouth virus antibodies using a purified protein from the high-level expression of codon-optimized, foot-and-mouth disease virus complex epitopes in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Letters, 2004, 26(16):1277-1281
46. 馬有智,李肖梁,方維煥。豬鏈球菌2型溶血素基因PCR快速檢測方法研究。浙江大學學報(農業與生命科學版)2004,30(1):78-82
48. Fang WH, Siegumfeldt H, Budde BB, Jakobsen M. Osmotic stresses led to decreased intracellular pH of Listeria monocytogenes as analyzed by fluorescence ratio-imaging microscopy. Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 2004, 70(5):3176-3179.
49. Song HH, Zhou L., Fang WH, Li Yong et al. High level expression of codon optimized food-and-mouth disease virus complex epitopes and cholera toxin B subunit chimera in Hansenula polymorpha. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2004, 315(1):235-239.
50. Song HH, Li Y., Fang WH, Geng YF et al. Development of a set of expression vectors in Hansenula polymorpha. Biotechnology Letters, 2003, 25:1999-2006.
52. 梁雪芽,方維煥,江玲麗。雞新城疫口服DNA疫苗的安全性、穩定性與免疫效力。生物工程學報,2003,19(1):24-29。
53. 馬有智,方維煥,柯春林,張曉峰。豬鏈球菌2型JX分離株的生物學特性。中國獸醫學報,2003,23(4):326-328。
54. 馬有智,方維煥。豬鏈球菌血清2型JX02株溶血素基因的克隆及序列分析。中國獸醫學報, 2003,23(5):460-462
56. 張曉峰,李愛雲,方維煥,江玲麗,柯春林。多重聚合酶鏈反應鑒別單核細胞增生李斯特菌的研究。中華檢驗醫學雜誌,2003,26(2)93。
57. 張曉峰,方維煥,江玲麗,杜華華。應用聚合酶鏈反應檢測食品中單核細胞增多性李斯特菌。中國預防醫學雜誌, 2003,37(3):199。
59. 張曉峰,程 潔,方維煥。抗李斯特菌免疫機理研究進展。中國人獸共患病雜誌,2003,19(5):113-115。
60. 方維煥、梁雪芽。減毒沙門氏菌為載體在真核細胞中表達雞新城疫病毒F蛋白的研究。生物化學與生物物理學報,2002,34(4):488-493。
61. Zhong BX, Weng HB, Fang WH. Preparation of protein samples for gel electrophoresis by sequential extraction. Journal of Zhejiang University, Science ed., 2002,3(5)606-610.
62. 宋厚輝,方維煥。豬鏈球菌ZJ株溶血素基因的克隆和序列分析。中國預防獸醫學報,2002,24(2):103-105
65. Fang WH, Almeida R.A., & Oliver S.P. Effects of lactoferrin and milk on adherence of Streptococcus uberis to bovine mammary epithelial cells. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 2000, 3:275.
66. Fang WH. & Oliver S. P. Identification of lactoferrin-binding proteins from bovine mastitis causing Streptococcus uberis. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 1999, 176:91.
67. Almeida R.A., Fang WH., & Oliver S.P. Adherence and internalization of Streptococcus uberis to bovine mammary epithelial cells are mediated by host cell proteoglycans. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 1999, 177:313.
68. Fang WH., Luther D. A. & Oliver S. P. Protein expression by Streptococcus uberis in co-culture with bovine mammary epithelial cells. FEMS Microbiol. Letters, 1998, 166:237.
69. Fang WH., Luther D. A., Almeida R. A. & Oliver S. P. Decreased growth of Streptococcus uberis in milk from mammary glands of cows challenged with the same mastitis pathogen. Journal of Veterinary Medicine B, 1998, 45:295.
70. Ali-Vehmas T., Vikerpuur M., Fang WH., and Sandholm M. Giving selenium supplements to dairy cows strengthens the inflammatory response to intramammary infection and induces a growth-suppressing effect on mastitis pathogens in whey. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A, 1997, 44:559.
71. Fang WH., Myllys V. & Sandholm M. Resazurin reduction as a function of respiratory burst of bovine polymorphonuclear neutrophils. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 1997, 58(6):601.
72. Fang WH. A novel fluorometric method for evaluation of postantibiotic effect on mastitis-causing Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 1996, 26:151.
73. Fang WH. Quantification of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in the liquid medium by fluorometry and its use in phagocytosis assay. Journal of Appled Bacteriology, 1996, 80:577.
74. Koivunen A-L., Maisi P., Fang WH. & Sandholm M. Inhibition of the protease activity in tracheobronchial aspirates of horses with COPD. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 1996, 57(5):603.
75. Malbe M., Salonen M., Fang WH., Oopic T., Jalakas M., Klaassen M. & Sandholm M. Disposition of enrofloxacin (BaytrilR) into the udder after intravenous and intra-arterial injections. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A, 1996, 43:377.
76. Fang WH., Vikerpuur M. & Sandholm M. Reconstitution of mastitic milk by adding blood plasma and leukocytes into low cell count milk. Veterinary Research (France), 1996, 27:33.
77. Fang WH., Shi M., Huang L. & Chen J. Antagonism of the lactic acid bacteria towards Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli on the agar plates and in milk. Veterinary Research (France), 1996, 27:3.
78. Fang WH. & Pyorala S. Mastitis-causing Escherichia coli: Serum sensitivity and susceptibility to selected antibacterials in milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 1996, 79:76.
79. Fang WH. & Vikerpuur M. Potency of antibacterial drugs in milk as analyzed by the ß-glucuronidase-based fluorometry. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 1995, 1:422.
80. Fang WH., Vikerpuur M. & Sandholm M. A fluorometric ß-glucuronidase assay for analysis of bacterial growth in milk. Veterinary Microbiology, 1995, 46:361.
81. Malbe M., Klaassen M., Fang WH., Myllys V., Vikerpuur M., Nyholm K., Sankari S., Suoranta K. & Sandholm M. Comparison of selenite and selenium yeast feed supplements on Se-incorporation, mastitis and leukocyte function in Se-deficient dairy cows. Journal of Veterinary Medicine A, 1995, 42:111.
82. Fang WH. & Sandholm M. Inhibition of the proteinase activity in mastitic milk. Journal of Dairy Research, 1995, 64:61.
83. Fang WH., Shi M., Chen J., Huang L. & Shao Q. Comparative aspects of bacterial growth in milk and whey. Chinese Veterinary Science (English), 1994, 1(1):32.
84. Fang WH., Shi M., Chen J., Huang L. & Shao Q. Turbidometric determination of bacterial growth in whey. Chinese Veterinary Science (English), 1994, 1(1):28.
85. Fang WH., Shi M., Huang L. & Shao Q. Growth of lactic acid bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in normal and mastitic milk and whey. Veterinary Microbiology, 1993, 37:115.
86. Fang WH., Jiang C. & Liu H. Epidemiological aspects of bovine mastitis and its control in several dairy herds in south-east China. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 1993, 15(2-3):169.
87. Hu SH, Fang WH, Lu HR, et al. Effect Of Teat Dipping And Dry Cow Therapy On Mastitis In A Commercial Dairy-Herd In China. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 1990, 10:(1-2), 91-96.
1. The Bovine Udder and Mastitis,芬蘭赫爾辛基大學出版社 1995,參編
2. 漢英中獸醫辭典(修訂本),中國農業出版社2003,編者
3. 獸醫公共衛生學,中國農業出版社2003,副主編
4. 動物性食品衛生學,高等教育出版社 2005,參編
5. 食品檢驗檢疫學,中國農業出版社2007,副主編