共找到4條詞條名為張會平的結果 展開
- 中國地震局助研
- 國家稅務總局唐山市稅務局黨委委員、副局長
- 北京史家小學教師
- 中國地震局地質研究所研究員
張會平 ,男,1978年生,研究員,博士,碩士研究生導師
2012.05- ,中國地質學會青年工作委員會,副主任委員
2016.05- ,中國地震學會構造地貌專業委員會,秘書長
2016.1-2019.12 美國地球物理學會《Tectonics》期刊副主編
2008-2009年:University of Colorado at Boulder,訪問學者,構造地貌及宇宙成因核素年代學,合作導師:Peter Molnar教授,Robert S Anderson教授
2013.03-05月:University of California at Davis,訪問學者,冰川地貌,合作導師:Michael Oskin教授
2014-2015年:University of California at Davis,訪問學者,河流地貌及年代學,合作導師:Michael Oskin教授
2015.03-05月:University of Arizona,訪問學者,宇宙成因核素年代學,合作導師:Warren Beck教授
2017.01-2019.12. 國家自然科學基金委員會優秀青年科學基金項目. 構造地貌學. 項目負責人.
2016.01-2018.12. 2014年“萬人計劃”青年拔尖人才計劃項目. 項目負責人.
2016.01-2020.12.青藏高原東北緣新生代構造變形幾何結構、運動圖像完善與演化過程恢復. 國家自然科學基金委員會重大項目(編號: 41590861). 項目骨幹.
2013.01-2016.12. 青藏高原東北緣大夏河流域瞬時地貌發育特徵及其控制因素研究. 國家自然科學基金委員會面上項目(編號: 41272196). 項目負責人.
2011.11-2013.12. 利用激光雷達(LiDAR: Light Detection And Ranging)探測活動斷裂的實驗研究—以海原斷裂帶為例. 中國地震局地質研究所中央級公益性科研院所基本科研業務專項(編號: IGCEA1125). 項目負責人.
2011.01-2014.12. 祁連山晚新生代構造變形及其地貌演化. 國家自然科學基金委員會重點項目(編號: 41030317). 項目骨幹.
2011.01-2013.12. 祁連山北麓-河西走廊盆山交接區洪水壩河第四紀下切及其控制因素. 中國地震局地質研究所中央級公益性科研院所基本科研業務專項(編號: IGCEA1115). 項目負責人.
2010.6-2013.6. 南北地震帶中北段中長期強震危險性評價. 地震行業科研專項經費項目(編號:201008003). 項目骨幹.
2010.12-2012.12. 青藏高原東北緣大夏河流域晚新生代侵蝕下切控制因素研究。人力資源和社會保障部留學人員科技活動項目擇優資助項目. 項目負責人
2007.6-2009.6. 南北地震帶中段水系形態及其與地震構造的關係研究. 中國博士后科學基金面上項目(編號: 20070420415) , 項目負責人
1.Zhang, H., Oskin, M.E., Liu-Zeng, J., Zhang, P., Reiners, P.W. and Xiao, P., 2016. Pulsed exhumation of interior eastern Tibet: Implications for relief generation mechanisms and the origin of high-elevation planation surfaces. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 449: 176-185.
2.Zhang, H., Yi, G., Zhang, P., Kirby, E., 2015. On the evolution of seismogenic faults in the Longmen Shan, eastern Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences111, 624-631.
3.Zhang, H., Zhang, P., Champagnac, J.-D., Molnar, P., Anderson, R.S., Kirby, E., Craddock, W.H., Liu, S., 2014. Pleistocene drainage reorganization driven by the isostatic response to deep incision into the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geology, 42(4), 303-306.
4.Zhang, H., Zhang P-z, Zheng D-W, et al. 2014. Transforming the Miocene Altyn Tagh fault slip into shortening of the northwestern Qilian Shan: insights from the drainage basin geometry. Terra Nova, 26(3), 216-221.
5.Zhang, H., Lv Y. 2014. Geomorphometric features of the alluvial fans around the Chaka-Qinghai Lake in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Earth Science, 25(1): 109-116.
6.Zhang, H., William H. Craddock, Richard O. Lease, et al. 2012. Magnetostratigraphy of the Neogene Chaka basin and its implications for mountain building processes in the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Basin Research. 24, 31-50.
7.Zhang, H., Zhang Peizhen, Fan Qicheng. 2011. Initiation and recession of the fluvial knickpoints: a case study from the Yalu River-Wangtian'e volcanic region, northeastern China.Science China (Series D: Earth Science). 54: 1746-1753.
8.Zhang, H., Zhang Pei-zhen, Eric Kirby, et al. 2011. Along-strike topographic variation of the Longmen Shan and its significance for landscape evolution along the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 40(4) : 855-864.
9.Zhang, H., Liu Shaofeng, Yang Nong, et al. 2006. Geomorphic characteristics of the Minjiang drainage basin (eastern Tibetan Plateau) and its tectonic implications: new insights from a DEM study. Island Arc.15(2):239-250.
10.Wang, W., Zhang, P., Yu, J., Wang, Y., Zheng, D., Zheng, W., Zhang, H.and Pang, J., 2016. Constraints on mountain building in the northeastern Tibet: Detrital zircon records from synorogenic deposits in the Yumen Basin. Scientific Reports, 6: 27604.
11.Wang, W., Zhang, P., Pang, J., Garzione, C., Zhang, H.,Liu, C., Zheng, D., Zheng, W. and Yu, J., 2016. The Cenozoic growth of the Qilian Shan in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: A sedimentary archive from the Jiuxi Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(4): 2235-2257
12.Feng, S.-y., Zhang, P.-z., Liu, B.-j., Wang, M., Zhu, S.-b., Ran, Y.-k., Wang, W.-t., Zhang, Z.-q., Zheng, W.-j., Zheng, D.-w., Zhang, H.-p., Tian, X.-f., 2016. Deep crustal deformation of the Longmen Shan, eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, from seismic reflection and Finite Element modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121, 767-787.
13.Ren, Z., Zhang, Z., Chen, T., Yan, S., Yin, J., Zhang, P., Zheng, W., Zhang, H., Li, C., 2016. Clustering of offsets on the Haiyuan fault and their relationship to paleoearthquakes. Geol Soc Am Bull128, 3-18.
14.Ma, Y., Wu, Y., Li, D., Zheng, D., Zheng, W., Zhang, H., Pang, J., Wang, Y., 2016. Erosion rate in the Shapotou area, northwestern China, constrained by in situ-produced cosmogenic 21Ne in long-exposed erosional surfaces. Quaternary Geochronology31, 3-11.
15.Craddock, W.H., Kirby, E., Zhang, H., Clark, M.K., Champagnac, J.-D. and Yuan, D., 2014. Rates and style of Cenozoic deformation around the Gonghe Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geosphere, 10(6): 1255-1282.
16.Wang, Y., Zhang, H., Zheng, D., Zheng, W., Zhang, Z., Wang, W. and Yu, J., 2014. Controls on decadal erosion rates in Qilian Shan: Re-evaluation and new insights into landscape evolution in north-east Tibet. Geomorphology, 223: 117-128.
17.Ren, Z., Zhang, Z., Dai, F., Yin, J. and Zhang, H., 2014. Topographic changes due to the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake as revealed by the differential DEM method. Geomorphology, 217: 122-130.
18Liu C-R, Yin G-M, Zhang H-P, Zheng W-J, Voinchet P, et al. 2013. ESR geochronology of the Minjiang River terraces at Wenchuan, eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau, China. Geochronometria40: 360-367.
19.Chen Zheng-Wei, Zhang Hui-Ping, Yang Pan-Xin. 2013. Northward spreading of the North Tian Shan since middle Pleistocene. Chinese Journal Geophysics, 56(12): 4142-4152,doi: 10.6038/cjg20131218. 陳正位, 張會平, 楊攀新。中更新世以來北天山的向北擴展. 地球物理學報, 2013,56(12): 4142-4152.
20.Yuan D.-Y., Ge W.-P., Chen Z.-W., Li C.-Y., Wang Z.-C., Zhang H.-P., Zhang P.-Z., Zheng D.-W., Zheng W.-J., Craddock W.H., Dayem K.E., Duvall A.R., Hough B.G., Lease R.O., Champagnac J.-D., Burbank D.W., Clark M.K., Farley K.A., Garzione C.N., Kirby E., Molnar P., Roe G.H. 2013. The growth of northeastern Tibet and its relevance to large-scale continental geodynamics: A review of recent studies. Tectonics 32, 1358-1370.
21.Zheng, W.-J., Zhang, P.-Z., Ge, W.-P., Molnar, P., Zhang, H.-P., Yuan, D.-Y., and Liu, J.-H. 2013. Late Quaternary slip rate of the South Heli Shan Fault (northern Hexi Corridor, NW China) and its implications for northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics32: 271-293.
22.Zheng W-J, Zhang H-P, Zhang P-Z, Molnar P, Liu X-W, Yuan D-Y. 2013. Late Quaternary slip rates of the thrust faults in western Hexi Corridor (Northern Qilian Shan, China) and their implications for northeastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau. Geosphere9: 342-354.
23.Liu, J., Zhang, P., Lease, R.O., Zheng, D., Wan, J., Wang, W.,Zhang, H., 2013. Eocene onset and late Miocene acceleration of Cenozoic intracontinental extension in the North Qinling range–Weihe graben: Insights from apatite fission track thermochronology. Tectonophysics 584, 281-296.
24.Liu, S., Zhang, G., Pan, F., Zhang, H., Wang, P., Wang, K. and Wang, Y., 2013. Timing of Xunhua and Guide basin development and growth of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Basin Research, 25(1): 74-96.
25.Lease, R.O., Burbank, D.W.,Zhang, H., Liu, J., Yuan, D., 2012. Cenozoic shortening budget for the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau: Is lower crustal flow necessary? Tectonics31, TC3011.
26.Wang W, Kirby E, Zhang P, Zheng D, Zhang G, Zhang H, et al. 2012. Tertiary basin evolution along the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Evidence for basin formation during Oligocene transtension. Geological Society of America Bulletin,125: 377-400
27.William Craddock, Eric Kirby, Huiping Zhang. 2012. Late Miocene-Pliocene range growth in the interior of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Lithosphere, v. 3; no. 6; p. 420-438;doi: 10.1130/L159.1.
28.Dao-Yang Yuan, Jean-Daniel Champagnac, Wei-Peng Ge, Peter Molnar, Pei-Zhen Zhang, Wen-Jun Zheng, Hui-Ping Zhang, Xing-Wang Liu. 2011. Late Quaternary right-lateral slip rates of faults adjacent to the lake Qinghai, northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Geological Society of America Bulletin. v. 123; no. 9/10: 2016-2030.
29.Richard O. Lease, Douglas W. Burbank, Marin K. Clark, Kenneth A. Farley, Dewen Zheng, and Huiping Zhang. Middle Miocene reorganization of deformation along the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geology, 2011, 39(4): 359-362..
30.Craddock W.H., Kirby E., Harkins N.W., Zhang H., Shi X., Liu J. 2010. Rapid fluvial incision along the Yellow River during headward basin integration across the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Nature Geoscience. 3, 209-213.
31.Shaofeng Liu, Guowei Zhang, Bradley D. Ritts, Huiping Zhang, Mingxing Gao, Cunchao Qian. Tracing exhumation of the Dabie Shan ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic complex using the sedimentary record in the Hefei Basin, China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2010, 122 (1-2):198-218.
33.張會平, 張培震, 袁道陽, 等. 南北地震帶中段地貌發育差異性及其與西秦嶺構造帶關係初探. 第四紀研究. 2010, 30(4), 803-811.
34.張會平, 劉少峰. 青藏高原東北緣循化-貴德盆地及鄰區更新世時期沉積與後期侵蝕樣式研究. 第四紀研究. 2009,29(4), 806-816.
35.張會平, 張培震, 吳慶龍, 等. 循化-貴德地區黃河水系河流縱剖面形態特徵及其構造意義. 第四紀研究. 2008,28(2), 229-309.
36.張會平, 張培震, 鄭文俊, 等. 活動構造研究中相關速率的原地宇宙成因核素年代學約束. 地震地質. 2007. 29(2): 418-430.
37.張會平, 楊農, 劉少峰, 等. 數字高程模型(DEM)在構造地貌研究中的應用新進展. 地質通報. 2006.6:660-669
40.張會平, 張平安, 張威, 等. 基於DEM的岷江斷裂帶構造地貌模擬. 遼寧工程技術大學學報. 2004, 23(5): 603-605.
41.張會平, 楊農, 張岳橋, 等. 基於DEM的岷山構造帶構造地貌初步研究. 國土資源遙感. 2004, 4: 54-58.
43.張培震, 張會平, 鄭文俊, 鄭德文, 王偉濤, 張竹琪. 東亞大陸新生代構造演化. 地震地質.2014, 36 (3): 574-585.
44.任治坤,陳濤,張會平,鄭文俊,張培震. 2014. LiDAR技術在活動構造研究中的應用. 地質學報88: 1-12.
45.陳濤, 張會平, 王偉濤. 海原斷裂帶中東段地貌差異及其成因探討. 地震地質. 2014, 36(2): 449-463.
47.王一舟, 張會平, 俞晶星, 張竹琪, 鄭文俊, 鄭德文. 祁連山洪水壩河流域地貌特徵及其構造指示意義. 第四紀研究. 2013,33(4), 737-745.
2016.01. 中國青藏高原研究會,第十屆青藏高原青年科技獎
2015.08. 中央組織部,2014年“萬人計劃”青年拔尖人才計劃