





1979.09~1982.04原吉林工業大學機械一系鑄造專業 碩士研究生
1982.04~1994.07原吉林工業大學金屬材料系 助教、講師、副教授、教授、教研室副主任、主任
1994.07~1995.02加拿大McMaster大學材料科學與工程系 高級訪問學者(合作研究)
1995.02~2000.06原吉林工業大學材料科學與工程學院 教授、博導、副院長、院長
2000.06~至今 吉林大學材料科學與工程學院教授、博士生導師、院長


國家自然科學基金委員會第九、十屆工程與材料科學部專家評審組成員 2002~2006
中國機械工程學會鑄造分會 常務理事 2007~現在
中國機械工程學會鑄造分會鑄鋼專業委員會主任委員 2000~現在
中國機械工程學會鑄造分會特種鑄造及非鐵合金專業委員會副主任委員 2001~現在
中國磨損失效分析與抗磨技術專業委員會副主任委員 2000~現在
中國金屬學會耐磨材料學術委員會委 員 1993~現在
吉林省鑄造學會理事長 2007~現在
鑄造雜誌(中英文版)編 委 2001~現在
金屬熱處理雜誌編 委 2003~至今
特種鑄造及有色合金雜誌編 委2003~至今


國家政府特殊津貼 中華人民共和國國務院 1993.10
吉林省第五批有突出貢獻的中青年專業技術人才 吉林省人民政府 1998.12
吉林省第二批省管專家 吉林省人民政府 2002.1
吉林省高級專家 吉林省人民政府 2005.11
2007年全國優秀博士學位論文指導教師 教育部 國務院學位委員會 2007.11


[1] 熱作模具鋼,[2] 2004 1 0010656.8,[3] 發明,[4] 2007.10.1,[5] 中國,[6] 第一發明人。
[7] 微合金化高強度灰鑄鐵,[8] 2005 1 00168785,[9] 2007.12.19,[10] 發明,[11] 中國,[12] 第一發明人。
[13] 鑄造熱鍛模具鋼 02 1 33244.4 發明 2004.12.15 中國,[14] 第一發明人。
[15] 顆粒增強鎂基復[16] 合材料的製備[17] 方法,[18] 01 1 28168.5,[19] 發明,[20] 2004.2.11,[21] 中國,[22] 第一發明人。
[23] 重熔增強相載體製備[24] 顆粒增強鎂基復[25] 合材料的方法,[26] 02 1 09102.1,[27] 發明,[28] 2004.6.9,[29] 中國,[30] 第一發明人。
[31] 鎂合金基復[32] 合材料及其製備[33] 方法,[34] 03 1 27092.1,[35] 發明,[36] 2005.10.19,[37] 中國,[38] 第一發明人。
[39] 雙相顆粒混雜增強鎂合金基復[40] 合材料的製備[41] 方法,[42] 03 1 27091.3,[43] 發明,[44] 2005.11.23,[45] 中國,[46] 第一發明人。
[47] 局部原位內生顆粒增強鋼基復[48] 合材料的製備[49] 方法,[50] 02 1 09101.3,[51] 發明,[52] 2005.7.27,[53] 中國,[54] 第一發明人。
[55] 新型剎車轂材料,[56] 99 1 01407.3,[57] 發明,[58] 2003.1.29,[59] 中國,[60] 第一發明人。
[61] 一種用於過共晶鋁硅合金的變質劑及處理方法,[62] 2004 1 0010911.9,[63] 發明,[64] 2006.12.25,[65] 中國,[66] 第一發明人


[1] 國家自然科學基金重點項目,[2] “金屬液內燃燒合成局部增強復[3] 合材料形成機理與組織控制”,[4] 批准號:50531030,[5] 運行日期:2006.01~2009.12,[6] 經費:160.00萬[7] 元,[8] 項目負責人。
[9] 國家自然科學基金項目“超高強韌、耐蝕變質鑄造鋁合金組織形成及其作用機制”,[10] 批准號:50771050,[11] 運行日期:2008.01~2010.12,[12] 經費:34.00萬[13] 元,[14] 項目負責人。
[15] 吉林省科技廳項目,[16] “高強度大馬力柴油機發動機缸體毛坯加工性能的研究”,[17] 批准號:20070502,[18] 運行日期:2007.10~2009.12,[19] 經費:10.00萬[20] 元,[21] 項目負責人。
[22] 國家863計劃項目,[23] “高性能、低成本、可控陶瓷顆粒體積分數梯度增強金屬基復[24] 合材料”,[25] 批准號:2006AA03Z566,[26] 運行日期:2006.12~2009.11,[27] 經費:100.00萬[28] 元,[29] 排名[30] 第二。
[1] 2007年全國優秀博士學位論文指[2] 導教師(博士生王慧遠的博士論文“原位顆粒增強鎂基復[3] 合材料的製備[4] ”)教育部 國務院學位委員會 2007.11(證書號:2007030)
[5] 寶鋼教育獎 全國 寶鋼教育獎優秀教師獎 (2003.11)(證書號:20031053)個人獎
[6] “近終形鑄造熱鍛模具新材料及成型技術”,[7] 國家計委項目(批准號:計高技[1999]317號),[8] 總經費:3800萬[9] 元(其中國家撥款:800萬[10] 元),[11] 2003.3,[12] 省部級鑒定(整體水平為世界先進,[13] 部分成果為世界領先),[14] 第一技術負責人
[15] “先進工、模具製造技術—近終形鑄造熱作模具鋼”,[16] 國家“863”計劃項目(批准號:2002AA331180),[17] 經費:90萬[18] 元,[19] 2005.8通過國家級驗收,[20] 負責人。
[21] “熔體內燃燒合成顆粒區域增強金屬基復[22] 合材料的形成機制”,[23] 國家科技部重大基礎研究前期研究專項(973預研)(項目編號:2005CCA00300),[24] 經費:55萬[25] 元,[26] 2008.4向國家科技部提交結題報告,[27] 負責人
[28] “納米粉自蔓延內生顆粒增強鑄造鎂基復[29] 合材料的形成機制”,[30] 國家自然科學基金(批准號:50171029),[31] 日期:2002.1-2004.12,[32] 經費:20萬[33] 元(發表SCI論文13篇,[34] 批准專利2項),[35] 負責人
[36] “顆粒參與下鎂合金熔體的超常凝固行為”,[37] 國家自然科學基金(批准號:50371030),[38] 日期:2004.1-2006.12,[39] 經費:27萬[40] 元(發表SCI論文12篇,[41] 批准專利2項),[42] 負責人
[43] “新型高壽命鑄造熱鐓模具鋼的研究”,[44] 吉林省科技廳項目(合同[45] 編號:20010327),[46] 經費:17萬[47] 元,[48] 2007.8通過省部級鑒定(成果達到國際先進水平),[49] 負責人
[50] “高強度大馬力柴油機發動機缸體材質的研究”,[51] 吉林省科技廳項目(合同[52] 編號:20040501),[53] 經費:20萬[54] 元,[55] 2007.12通過省部級鑒定(成果達到國際先進水平),[56] 負責人
[57] “新型鋼基內生顆粒復[58] 合材料的熱力學動力學”,[59] 吉林省科技廳項目(合同[60] 編號:19990504),[61] 經費:5萬[62] 元,[63] 2004.10通過省部級鑒定(研究水平為國際先進水平),[64] 負責人


[1] Yang YF, Wang HY, Liang YH, Zhao RY, Jiang QC, Effect of nickel addition on the exothermic reaction of titanium and boron carbide. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH Volume: 22 Issue: 1 Pages: 169-174 Published: JAN ~2007 (通訊作者)
[2] Wang HY, Jiang QC, Li XL, Wang JG In situ synthesis of TiC/Mg composites in molten magnesium Source: SCRIPTA MATERIALIA Volume: 48 Issue: 9 Pages: 1349-1354 Published: MAY ~2003 (通訊作者)(SCI他引18次、SCI自引18次)
[3] Jiang QC, Li XL, Wang HY Fabrication of TiC particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composites Source: SCRIPTA MATERIALIA Volume: 48 ssue: 6 Pages: 713-717 Published: MAR 17 ~2003 (SCI他引17次、SCI自引14次)
[4] Jiang QC, Xu CL, Wang HY, Wang JG, Yang YF, Estimation of the shifting distance of the eutectic point in hypereutectic Al-Si alloys by the lever rule. SCRIPTA MATERIALIA Volume: 56 Issue: 5 Pages: 329-332 Published: MAR ~2007
[5] Jiang QC, Ma BX, Wang HY, Wang Y, Dong YP. Title: Fabrication of steel matrix composites locally reinforced with in situ TiB2-TiC particulates using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of Al-Ti-B4C system during casting COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING Volume: 37 Issue: 1 Pages: 133-138 Published: ~2006 (SCI他引3次)
[6] Xu CL, Wang HY, Liu C, Jiang QC. Growth of octahedral primary silicon in cast hypereutectic Al-Si alloys. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 291 Issue: 2 Pages: 540-547 Published: JUN 1 ~2006. (通訊作者)(SCI他引2次、SCI自引3次)
[7] Qin QD, Zhao YG, Liu C, Zhou W, Jiang QC. Development of aluminium composites with in situ formed AlTiSi reinforcements through infiltration. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING. Volume: 460 Pages: 604-610 Published: JUL 15 ~2007 (通訊作者)
[8] Shen P, Zou BL, Jin SB, Jiang QC, Reaction mechanism in self-propagating high temperature synthesis of TiC-TiB2/Al composites from an Al-Ti-B4C system. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 454 Pages: 300-309 Published: APR 25 ~2007 (通訊作者)
[9] Xu CL, Wang HY, Yang YF, Jiang QC. Effect of Al-P-Ti-TiC-Nd2O3 modifier on the microstructure and mechanical properties of hypereutectic Al-20 wt. %Si alloy. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 452 Pages: 341-346 Published: APR 15 ~2007 (通訊作者)
[10] Yang YF, Wang HY, Liang YH, Zhao RY, Jiang QC, Fabrication of steel matrix composites locally reinforced with different ratios of TiC/TiB2 particulates using SHS reactions of Ni-Ti-B4C and Ni-Ti-B4C-C systems during casting. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 445 Pages: 398-404 Published: FEB 15 ~2007 (通訊作者)
[11] Xu CL, Jiang QC. Morphologies of primary silicon in hypereutectic Al-Si alloys with melt overheating temperature and cooling rate. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING. Volume: 437 Issue: 2 Pages: 451-455 Published: NOV 15 ~2006 (通訊作者)(SCI他引2次)
[12] Huang L, Wang HY, Qiu F, Jiang QC. Synthesis of dense ceramic particulate reinforced composites from Ni-Ti-C, Ni-Ti-B, Ni-Ti-B4C and Ni-Ti-C-B systems via the SHS reaction, arc melting and suction casting. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 422 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 309-315 Published: APR 25 ~2006. (通訊作者)(SCI自引1次)
[13] Wang Y, Zhang ZQ, Wang HY, Ma BX, Jiang QC. Effect of Fe content in Fe-Ti-B system on fabricating TiB2 particulate locally reinforced steel matrix composites. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 422 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 339-345 Published: APR 25 ~2006. (通訊作者)(SCI他引1次、SCI自引1次)
[14] Xu CL, Wang HY, Qiu F, Yang YF, Jiang QC. Cooling rate and microstructure of rapidly solidified Al-20wt.% Si alloy. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 417 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 275-280 Published: FEB 15 ~2006. (通訊作者)(SCI他引1次、SCI自引3次)
[15] Wang HY, Huang L, Jiang QC In situ synthesis of TiB2-TiC particulates locally reinforced medium carbon steel-matrix composites via the SHS reaction of Ni-Ti-B4C system during casting. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 407 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 98-104 Published: OCT 25 ~2005 (通訊作者)(SCI他引1次、SCI自引5次)
[16] Jiang QC, Wang HY, Wang Y, Ma BX, Wang JG Modification of Mg2Si in Mg-Si alloys with yttrium MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 392 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 130-135 Published: FEB 15 ~2005 (通訊作者)(SCI他引8次、SCI自引4次)
[17] Jiang QC, Wang HY, Wang JG, Lu P, Wang Y, Ma B Effect of TiB2 particulate on partial remelting behavior of Mg-11Al-0.5Zn matrix composite Source: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 381 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 223-229 Published: SEP 15 ~2004 (通訊作者)(SCI他引2次、SCI自引3次)
[18] Wang HY, Jiang QC, Zhao YQ, Zhao F, Ma BX, Wang Y Fabrication of TiB2 and TiB2-TiC particulates reinforced magnesium matrix composites Source: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 372 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 109-114 Published: MAY 15 ~2004 (通訊作者)(SCI他引12次、SCI自引12次)
[19] Wang HY, Jiang QC, Ma BX, Wang Y, Zhao F Fabrication of steel matrix composite locally reinforced with in situ TiB2 particulate using self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of Ni-Ti-B using system during casting Source: ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS Volume: 7 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 58-63 Published: JAN ~2005 (通訊作者)(SCI他引1次、SCI自引6次)
[20] Jiang QC, Wang HY, Guan QF, Li XL Effect of the temperature of molten magnesium on the thermal explosion synthesis reaction of Al-Ti-C system for fabricating TiC/Mg composite Source: ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS Volume: 5 Issue: 10 Pages: 722-725 Published: OCT ~2003 (SCI他引5次、SCI自引1次)
[21] Jiang QC, Wang HY, Zhao YG, Li XL Solid-state reaction behavior of Al-Ti-C powder mixture compacts MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 40 Issue: 3 Pages: 521-527 Published: MAR 8 ~2005(SCI他引3次、SCI自引1次)
[22] Wang HY, Jiang QC, Li XL, Wang JG, Guan QF, Liang HQ In situ synthesis of TiC from nanopowders in a molten magnesium alloy Source: MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 38 Issue: 8 Pages: 1387-1392 Published: JUL 14 ~2003(通訊作者)(SCI他引3次、SCI自引2次)
[23] Lin HQ, Wang JG, Wang HY, Jiang QC. Effect of predeformation on the globular grains in AZ91D alloy during strain induced melt activation (SIMA) process. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 431 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 141-147 Published: APR 4 ~2007 (通訊作者)
[24] Xu CL, Jiang QC, Yang YF, Wang HY, Wang JG, Effect of Nd on primary silicon and eutectic silicon in hypereutectic Al-Si alloy. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 422 Issue: 1-2 Pages: L1-L4 Published: SEP 28 ~2006 (通訊作者)(SCI他引1次、SCI自引1次)
[25] Wang Y, Wang HY, Ma BX, Xiu K, Jiang QC. Effect of Ti/B on fabricating TiB2p/AZ91 composites by employing a TiB2p/Al master alloy. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 422 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 178-183 Published: SEP 28 ~2006 (通訊作者)(SCI自引1次)
[26] Xu CL, Wang HY, Yang YF, Wang HY, Jiang QC. Effect of La2O3 in the Al-P-Ti-TiC-La2O3 modifier on primary silicon in hypereutectic Al-Si alloys. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 421 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 128-132 Published: SEP 14 ~2006(通訊作者)(SCI自引1次)
[27] Wang JG, Lu P, Wang HY, Liu JF, Jiang QC Semisolid microstructure evolution of the predeformed AZ91D alloy during heat treatment. Source: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 395 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 108-112 Published: MAY 31 ~2005. (通訊作者)(SCI他引1次、SCI自引1次)
[28] Wang HY, Jiang QC, Ma BX, Wang Y, Zhao F Reactive infiltration synthesis of TiB2-TiC particulates reinforced steel matrix composites. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 391 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 55-59 Published: APR 5 ~2005 (通訊作者)(SCI他引6次、SCI自引1次)
[29] Zhao YG, Zhou W, Qin QD, Liang YH, Jiang QC Effect of pre-oxidation on the properties of aluminide coating layers formed on Ti alloys JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 391 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 136-140 Published: APR 5 ~2005 (通訊作者)(SCI他引2次、SCI自引2次)
[30] Wang HY, Jiang QC, Ma BX, Wang Y, Wang JG, Li JB Modification of Mg2Si in Mg-Si alloys with K2TiF6, KBF4 and KBF4+K2TiF6 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 387 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 105-108 Published: JAN 25 ~2005 (通訊作者)(SCI他引5次、SCI自引2次)
[31] Jiang QC, Wang HY, Ma BX, Wang Y, Zhao F Fabrication of B4C particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composite by powder metallurgy JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 386 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 177-181 Published: JAN 11 ~2005(SCI他引8次、SCI自引1次)
[32] Wang HY, Jiang QC, Zhao YG, Zhao F In situ synthesis of TiB2/Mg composite by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of the Al-Ti-B system in molten magnesium Source: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 379 Issue: 1-2 Pages: L4-L7 Published: OCT 6 ~2004 (通訊作者)(SCI他引3次、SCI自引1次)
[33] Wang HY, Jiang QC, Li XL, Zhao F Effect of Al content on the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction of Al-Ti-C system in molten magnesium Source: JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 366 Issue: 1-2 Pages: L9-L12 Published: MAR 10 ~2004 (通訊作者)(SCI他引11次、SCI自引8次)
[34] Zhang WN, Wang HY, Yin SQ, Jiang QC, Effect of Ti/C ratio on the SHS reaction of Cr-Ti-C system. MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 61 Issue: 14-15 Pages: 3075-3078 Published: JUN ~2007 (通訊作者)
[35] Wang Y, Wang HY, Xiu K, Wang HY, Jiang QC. Fabrication of TiB2 particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composites by two-step processing method. MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 60 Issue: 12 Pages: 1533-1537 Published: JUN ~2006. (通訊作者)(SCI他引3次、SCI自引1次)
[36] Jiang QC, Zhao F, Wang HY, Zhang ZQ In situ TiC-reinforced steel composite fabricated via self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Ni-Ti-C system MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 59 Issue: 16 Pages: 2043-2047 Published: JUL ~2005(SCI他引5次、SCI自引2次)
[37] Jiang QC, Xu CL, Lu M, Wang HY Effect of new Al-P-Ti-TiC-Y modifier on primary silicon in hypereutectic Al-Si alloys Source: MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 59 Issue: 6 Pages: 624-628 Published: MAR ~2005 (SCI他引1次、SCI自引5次)
[38] Wang JG, Lu P, Wang HY, Jiang QC Effect of predeformation on the semisolid microstructure of Mg-9Al-0.6Zn alloy. MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 58 Issue: 30 Pages: 3852-3856 Published: DEC ~2004 (通訊作者)(SCI他引3次、SCI自引2次)
[39] Wang HY, Jiang QC, Wang Y, Ma BX, Zhao F Fabrication of TiB2 particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composites by powder metallurgy Source: MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 58 Issue: 27-28 Pages: 3509-3513 Published: NOV ~2004(通訊作者)(SCI他引3次、SCI自引4次)
[40] Zhao YG, Qin QD, Zhao YQ, Liang YH, Jiang QC In situ Mg2Si/Al-Si composite modified by K2TiF6 MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 58 Issue: 16 Pages: 2192-2194 Published: JUN ~2004 (通訊作者)(SCI他引1次、SCI自引5次)
[41] Jiang QC, Wang HY, Wang JG, Guan QF, Xu CL Fabrication of TiCp/Mg composites by the thermal explosion synthesis reaction in molten magnesium Source: MATERIALS LETTERS Volume: 57 Issue: 16-17 Pages: 2580-2583 Published: MAY ~2003(SCI他引6次、SCI自引7次)
[42] Zou BL, Shen P, Jiang QC, Reaction synthesis of TiC-TiB2/Al composites from an Al-Ti-B4C system. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 42 Issue: 24 Pages: 9927-9933 Published: DEC ~2007 (通訊作者)
[43] Zhang ZQ, Shen P, Wang Y, Dong YP, Jiang QC, Fabrication of TiC and TiB2 locally reinforced steel matrix composites using a Fe-Ti-B4C-C system by an SHS-casting route. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. Volume: 42 Issue: 19 Pages: 8350-8356 Published: OCT ~2007 (通訊作者)
[44] Xu CL, Yang YF, Wang HY, Jiang QC, Effects of modification and heat-treatment on the abrasive wear behavior of hypereutectic Al-Si alloys. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 42 Issue: 15 Pages: 6331-6338 Published: AUG ~2007(通訊作者)
[45] Xiu K, Wang HY, Sui HL, Wang Y, Xu CL, Wang JG, Jiang QC. The sliding wear behavior of TiCp/AZ91 magnesium matrix composites. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 41 Issue: 21 Pages: 7052-7058 Published: NOV ~2006 (通訊作者)
[46] Xiu K, Jiang QC, Ma BX, Wang Y, Sui HL, Shang EY. Fabrication of TiCp/Mg composites by powder metallurgy. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Pages: 1663-1666 Published: MAR ~2006(通訊作者)
[47] Lu P, Wang JG, Liu JF, Jiang QC Effect of La2O3 addition on the microstructure of partially remelted Mg-9Al-1Zn alloy. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 40 Issue: 24 Pages: 6429-6432 Published: DEC ~2005 (通訊作者)
[48] Ma BX, Wang HY, Wang Y, Jiang QC Fabrication of (TiB2-TiC)(p)/AZ91 magnesium matrix hybrid composite Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 40 Issue: 17 Pages: 4501-4504 Published: SEP ~2005(通訊作者)(SCI他引1次)
[49] Wang HY, Zhao F, Jiang QC, Wang Y, Ma BX Effect of Mg addition on the self-propagating high temperature synthesis reaction in Al-Ti-C system Source: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 40 Issue: 5 Pages: 1255-1257 Published: MAR ~2005 (通訊作者)
[50] Guan QF, Wang HY, Li XL, Jiang QC Effect of compact density on the fabrication of in situ Mg-TiC composites JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 39 Issue: 16-17 Pages: 5569-5572 Published: AUG-SEP ~2004 (通訊作者)
[51] Li SL, Wang HY, Guan QL, Jiang QC. In situ synthesis of Ti5Si3 intermetallic particulate locally reinforced medium carbon steel-matrix composite via the SHS reaction of Fe-Ti-Si system during casting. ISIJ INTERNATIONAL Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 172-177 Published: ~2007(通訊作者)
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