











國際學術雜誌《International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 》、《Journal
of International Logistics and Trade 》編委、《IEEE, Trans.Autom. Contr.》外圍編輯;
國內外刊物上發表學術論文240多篇,被SCI、EI等收錄100多篇,出版著作5部,主持或參與完成省級以上科研課題20多項,獲省部級以上獎勵5項。 。
2007年入選世界名人錄“Who's Who” 10th Anniversary (2008-2009) Edition of Who's Who in Science and Engineering。


(1) 廈門市第八次社會科學優秀成果獎(信息服務與管理),省部級科研獎,2010年12月,廈門市政府,等級:2
(2) 廈門市第八次社會科學優秀成果獎(突發事件應急物流中資源配送優化問題研究),省部級科研獎,2010年12月,廈門市政府,等級:2
(3) 廈門市第七屆社會科學優秀成果三等獎,省部級科研獎,2007年10月,廈門市政府,等級:3
(4) 第六次中國物流學術年會優秀論文二等獎,省部級科研獎,2007年11月,中國物流與採購聯合會,等級:2
(5) 教育部優秀教學成果二等獎(集體),省部級科研獎,2002年10月,教育部,等級:2
(6) 閉環供應鏈下的配送與庫存理論及應用,省部級科研獎,2009年10月,福建省社會科學優秀成果獎,等級:3
(7) 2011年江蘇省高等學校精品教材,省部級優秀教學成果獎,2011年07月,江蘇省教育廳,等級:1




(1) 家居物聯實時終端設計與實現,測控技術,2012年03月
(2) Effective Implementation of WEEE Take-back Directive: What Types of Take-back Network Patterns in China,Systems Engineering Procedia,2011年12月
(3) 產業集群中企業技術創新戰略選擇的演化博弈分析,科技進步與對策,2011年11月
(4) 顧客體驗之於新產品供應鏈協調的影響,管理科學學報,2011年11月
(5) Effects of Strategic Consumer Behavior on Radical New Product Capacity Decision,Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer ,2011年07月
(6) A Study on Innovative Evolution Relationship Based on Ecological Niche in Supply Chain Cluster,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月
(7) Incentive Mechanism of 3PL/4PL Company Based on Logistics Demander and Pure 3PL Company,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月
(8) Realization of Business Process Automation Based on Web Services and WS-BPEL,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月
(9) Research on Strategic Service of Third-Party Logistics,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月
(10) Product quality improvement and free replace warranty sharing contracts,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年06月
(11) Effects of Rival Whistle-blowing on Green Product Innovation,Proceedings on IEEE the 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2011年05月
(12) 異質性顧客下庫存隨機配給的價值,中國管理科學,2011年04月
(13) 構建基於三重底線的綠色供應鏈:歐盟與美國的環境規制比較,中國工業經濟,2011年02月
(14) A Study on Agile Ordering Optimization Based on Mixed Pricing in Supply Chain Cluster,IEEE 2011 International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering,2011年01月
(15) After-sale Reverse Supply Chain of Electronic Products in China,IEEE 2010 International Conference on Management Science and Information Engineering,2010年12月
(16) WEEE回收條例有效實施問題研究,管理科學學報,2010年12月
(17) Dynamic Pricing Based on the Customer's Preference of Remanufacturing Products,2010 IEEE 17Th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM),2010年11月
(18) 中國保險企業的信息技術外包策略選擇及風險分析,技術經濟,2010年11月
(19) 供應鏈企業間知識共享的動力研究,科學學與科學技術管理,2010年11月
(20) Structure of Supply Chains Embedding in the Cluster of SMEs for Organic Industry,The international conference on Management Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSAI) ,2010年10月
(21) Energy Level and Path-dependent of Product Innovation in Supply Chain Clusters,IEEE 8th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems (SCMIS2010), Hong Kong,2010年10月
(22) Energy Levels and Co-Evolution of Product Innovation in Supply Chain Clusters,Communications in Computer and Information Science,2010年10月
(23) 回收條例約束下的再製造供應鏈決策,系統工程理論與實踐,2010年08月
(24) 基於再造產品的銷售定價策略研究,技術經濟,2010年08月
(25) A Study on Contract Coordination of Supply Chain Based on Demand Disruption,2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science,2010年08月
(26) 基於再造品生命周期的逆向供應鏈決策研究,軟科學,2010年08月
(27) A Study on Service Competence and Competitiveness of Port Logistics,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月
(28) A Study on the Pricing Strategy Based on the Maximization of Social Value of Remanufacturing Firm,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月
(29) Energy Levels of Product Innovation Based on Quantum Jump Theory in Supply Chain Clusters, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月
(30) The Impact of Private Information Leakage on Innovative Product Introduction, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月
(31) Study on the Evolution Mechanism of Discontinuous Innovation Based on Product Supply Chain,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月
(32) Uni-Objective Negotiating Mechanism of Supply Chain Management Based on Multi-Agent,Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月
(33) Research of Agile Supply Chain Management System Based on Web Services, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2010年07月
(34) 戰略顧客下最惠顧客保證對提前購買的價值,管理科學學報,2010年07月
(35) 物流業信息技術外包戰略選擇及風險評價研究,管理評論,並於2010年11月19期被新華文摘全文轉載,2010年07月
(36) E-Campus in Xiamen University:The Past, Present and The Hopeful Future,2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government,2010年07月
(37) Energy Level and Path-dependent of Product Innovation in Supply Chian Clusters, International Journal of Intelligent Information Management Systems and Technologies,2010年06月
(38) 生態技術不連續創新路徑研究,現代管理科學,2010年05月
(39) 基於異質消費群體的生態供應鏈網路均衡模型,生態經濟,2010年03月
(40) 基於演化博弈的生態供應鏈採購管理研究,生態經濟,2010年01月
(41) The virtual enterprise and performance evaluation using exergoeconomics in a closed-loop supply chain,International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital,2010年01月
(42) 基於產品全生命周期的集群供應鏈下經銷商訂貨制度分析,商業經濟與管理,2009年12月
(43) Research on the Security of Cold-Chain Logistics and Evaluation ,Modelling, Simulation, and Identification ,2009年12月
(44) Study on Channel Governance in Closed-loop Supply Chains,Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium for Corporate Governance,2009年11月
(45) 風險社會下網路信息批判能力的研究,圖書館理論與實踐,2009年08月
(46) 基於交易成本4PL協調供應鏈系統實證研究.,開發研究,2009年07月
(47) Emergency Logistics and the Distribution Model for Quick Response to Urgent Relief Demand,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(48) Wave-particle Duality and Institutional Arrangement on Division in Supply Chain Cluster,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(49) Study on Supply Chain Disruption Risk,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(50) An Analysis and Optimization of the Value Chain of Dairy Industry after the Sanlu Event inChina ,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(51) Study on the Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Tourism Supply Chain based on Balanced Scorecard,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(52) Research on the Security of Cold-Chain Logistics,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(53) An Analysis on Types and Business Activities of Farmer Middlemen in Strawberry Production-A Case Study,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(54) China's Rural Logistics Distribution,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(55) Capacity Manipulation and Menus of Two Part Tariff Contract in Supply Chain,Proceedings on 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(56) Drivers and Enablers of Environmental Governance Capabilities of SMEs in Supply,Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2009年06月
(57) Study on 4PL as coordinating and constructing agent for SC systems:transaction cost theory approach and wave-particle duality,Journal of International Logistics and Trade,2009年06月
(58) 不確定需求下有價差時再造回收模式研究,中國流通經濟,2009年05月
(59) 在延遲付款期限下基於損耗性商品的供應鏈庫存模型研究,哈爾濱工業大學學報,2009年05月
(60) Study on driven factors, wave-particle duality and dissipation structure characteristics based on supply chain clusters,Journal of Information and Decision Science,2009年04月
(61) Ecological Supply Chains Performance Evaluation and Disruption Risk Management Strategies,Human & Ecological Risk Assessment:An International Journal,2009年04月
(62) 基於IPv6與網格的虛擬學習系統構建,圖書與情報,2008年12月
(63) Ecological Supply Chains Design Mechanism Based on Virtual Enterprises,2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008年10月
(64) Closed-loop Supply Chains Based on By-Product Exchange,2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008年10月
(65) The Formation of Ecological Supply Chain Based on By-Product Exchange,2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2008年10月
(66) 信息服務組織知識管理系統效能的量化評估研究,圖書館理論與實踐,2008年10月
(67) 進口汽車分銷中的供應鏈渠道治理,管理評論,2008年10月
(68) Reverse Supply Chain Systems Performance Evaluation Based on Emergy,Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals,2008年10月
(69) Reverse Supply Chain Coordination Based on Fractal and 4PL,Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals,2008年10月
(70) The Automated Guided Vehicle Problem in Logistics Operations,Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Conference on Service Systems and Service Management,2008年07月
(71) Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and Complaint Service Management,Journal of Service Science and Management,2008年07月
(72) Study on 4PL as Coordinating and Constructing Agent for Supply Chain System–A Transaction Cost Theory Approach ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月
(73) Ecological Supply Chain Based on By-Product Exchange ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月
(74) Service Value Delivery System Based on Time-Based Competition ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月
(75) Bonded Logistics Park and Neighboring Bonded Zone Development Mode and Game Analysis,ICSSSM08,2008年07月
(76) China’s Clothing Logistics: Problems and Solutions ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月
(77) Study on Supply Chain Disruption Risk Management Strategies and Model ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月
(78) The Governance of Distributor in Different Supply Chains ,ICSSSM08,2008年07月
(79) Ecological Supply Chain Performance Evaluation and Disruption Risk Management,The 2008 International Conference on e-Risk Management,2008年07月
(80) 現代信息服務組織多元化治理及博弈分析,圖書館理論與實踐,2008年06月
(81) 高校知識管理系統效能的評價研究,東南大學學報(哲社版),2008年06月
(82) Value Delivery Systems under the Instantaneous Competition,Journal of Service Science and Management,2008年06月
(83) Finite-time control for uncertain linear time-delay systems with disdurbance,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2008年04月
(84) Performance evaluation of complaint management and virtual enterprise in closed-loop supply chains by using exergoeconomics and extenics,International Journal of Services and Operations Management,2008年01月
(85) Complaint management in closed-loop supply chain and performance evaluation by using exergoeconomics,JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE,2007年12月
(86) Quadratic integrability of solutions based on a class of delayed systems,Journal of Southeast University,2007年12月
(87) Virtual enterprise in closed-loop supply chain and performance evaluation based on exergoeconomics,Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems II, Springer,2007年10月
(88) 人工智慧歸納學習法在逆向物流發生因素及預測中的應用,商業經濟管理,2007年10月
(89) 汽車供應鏈中的分銷渠道治理,山西財經大學學報,2007年09月
(90) 信息參考服務的衝突管理與技術實現,圖書情報工作,2007年09月
(91) Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and Evaluation,IEEE Engineering Management Society,2007年09月
(92) Virtual Enterprise and Performance Evaluation by Exergoeconomics in Closed-loop supply Chain,Institute of Manafacturing, University of Cambridge, UK,2007年08月
(93) Virtual Enterprise and Performance Evaluation by Exergoeconomics in Closed-loop supply Chain,Institute of Manafacturing, University of Cambridge, UK,2007年08月
(94) The distribution channels governance of auto-mobile supply chain,2007 International Conference On Management Science and Engineering,2007年08月
(95) 現代信息服務中的抱怨管理及其博弈分析,大學圖書館學報,2007年07月
(97) Dynamics Controller Design of Time-Delay Systems with Novel Sliding Surface,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2007年07月
(98) Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and Evaluation,ICSSSM07,2007年07月
(99) Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics and Complaint Service Management in Reverse Logistics,ICIDSA2007,2007年07月
(100) Inverse Optimal Stabilization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems,CCC2007,2007年07月
(101) 圖書館信息技術評價系統及其計劃風險管理模型研究,人大複印資料《管理科學》,2007年07月
(102) Closed-loop Supply Chain Issues: Complaint management, Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics and Extenics,the International Conference Proceedings on Operations and Supply Chain Management,2007年06月
(103) Design Principles and Evaluation for Closed-loop Supply Chains,the International Conference Proceedings on Operations and Supply Chain Management,2007年06月
(104) Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics and Extenics Based on the Power Supply Chains,Proceedings of ICIEA 2007,2007年05月
(105) 信息技術評價系統及其計劃風險管理模型研究,情報學報,2007年04月
(106) 我國產業科技創新與國際競爭力的研究,廈門大學學報,2007年03月
(107) 突發事件應急物流中資源配送優化問題研究,中國流通經濟,2007年03月
(108) 信息流量預測模型及其研究,廈門大學學報(自然科學),2007年02月
(109) 利用火用經濟學思想評價供應鏈系統績效,東南大學學報(哲社版),2007年01月
(110) 第四方物流下的供應鏈選擇,物流技術,2006年12月
(111) 基於產品生命周期的價值遞送問題探討,寧夏大學學報(人文社會科學版),2006年12月
(112) 以逆向物流實現價值遞送系統的創新模式,寧夏社會科學,2006年12月
(113) The mechanism of eliminating harmonic resonance with controllers by over-voltage in the power systems,International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control ,2006年12月
(114) 大學的組織養生成長及價值管理,圖書與情報,2006年12月
(115) 信息技術在企業價值鏈整體環境中的應用,物流技術,2006年11月
(116) Market-Motivated Value Systems, Reverse Logistics and the Evaluation Model for the Third Party Reverse Logistics Providers,International Logistics and Trade,2006年11月
(117) 圖書館研發管理的新思考,圖書情報工作,2006年10月
(118) Robust control for a class of chaotic nonlinear time-delay systems and application to over-voltage models,2006 Chinese Control Conference,IEEE Catalog Number: 06EX1310C,2006年08月
(119) Robust control for a class of chaotic nonlinear time-delay systems,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2006年07月
(120) Supply Chain System Performance Evaluation by Using Exergoeconomics,Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics,2006年07月
(121) The Selection of Supply Chains in 4PL,Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics,2006年07月
(122) Reverse Logistics and the Evaluation Model for the 3PRLPS,Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Logistics,2006年07月
(123) 基於AHP解決客戶訂單分離點的定位問題,物流技術,2006年06月
(124) 基於Web信息組織的複雜性:價值評價體系,圖書與情報,2006年03月
(125) Logistics and Matter-Element Models Based on Firm Innovative Supply Chains,International Journal of Operational Research,2006年02月
(126) 電子產品行業中的逆向物流分析,特區經濟,2006年01月
(127) 產品生命周期對配送網路設計的影響,物流科技,2005年11月
(128) Finite-Time Control Based on Uncertain Linear Singular Systems with Disturbance and Time-Delay,Impulsive Dynamical Systems and Applications,2005年10月
(129) 供應鏈中知識集成及其能力模型分析,物流技術,2005年10月
(130) Operation, market-driven value and external integration: their impact on performance of logistics,IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics,2005年08月
(131) 以調適性結構行動理論研究高校素質教育模式,情報資料工作,2005年08月
(132) The mechanism of eliminating harmonic resonance with controllers in the over-voltage,International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology,2005年07月
(133) The mechanism of eliminating harmonic resonance with controllers in the power system,ICC05,2005年07月
(134) The delivery system based market-driven value chain,ICSSSM05,2005年06月
(135) Logistics and Matter Element Models on the Firm's Innovative Approach,Journal of International Logistics and Trade,2005年06月
(136) Enterprise innovation modeling and synthetic evaluation matter-element models based on performance in supply chain,Proceedings of the 11th Internation Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management,2005年05月