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(3)再生水補給地下水的預處理-SAT系統及水質安全評價技術,863計劃課題(編號2007AA06Z337), 2007-2010,負責人。
(5) 乾旱區膜下滴灌農田鹽分調控與微鹹水利用技術研究:膜下微鹹水滴灌棉田水鹽調控技術研究, 國家科技支撐計劃項目(2007BAD38B01),2007-2010, 參加。
(6)乾旱內陸盆地綠洲區水鹽演化規律研究, 973前期研究專項課題(編號2007CB416604),2007- 2009,參加。
(7)Groundwater Governance in North China - A Case Study in the Zhengzhou Area (國際水和糧食挑戰計劃CPWF 42), [Groundwater Governance in Asia: Capacity Building through Action Research in the Indo-Gangetic (IGB) and Yellow River (YRB) Basins],2006-2008,負責人。
(19)不同作物種植條件下地下水補給研究(中荷國際合作項目), 國家科學技術部,荷蘭皇家科學院,1996-2000,負責人。
(20)農業活動對博斯騰湖環境的影響研究, 教育部高等學校骨幹教師資助計劃, 2000-2001,負責人。
· 指導韓冬梅完成的博士學位論文,忻州盆地第四系地下水流動系統分析與水化學場演化模擬,被評為2008年度湖北省優秀博士學位論文。湖北省人民政府學位委員會。
· 靳孟貴, 張人權,高雲福,孫連發,1999. 農業-水資源-環境相互協調的可持續發展. 中國地質大學出版社.
· 靳孟貴, 陳剛, 1999. 地下水動力學實驗與習題. 中國地質大學出版社.
(1) Liang X, Liu Y, Jin MG*, Lu XC, Zhang RQ. 2010. Direct observation of complex T´othian groundwater flow systems in the laboratory. Hydrological processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7758
(2) Lu XH, Jin MG*, van Genuchten MTh., Wang BG. 2010. Groundwater Recharge at Five Representative Sites in the Hebei Plain, China. Ground Water. (Published online Jan 20, 2010) doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2009.00667.x.
(4) Han DM, Liang X, Jin MG, Currell MJ, Song XF, Liu CM. 2010. Evaluation of groundwater hydrochemical characteristics and mixing behavior in the Daying and Qicun geothermal systems, Xinzhou Basin. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 189 (2010) 92–104. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.10.011
(5) 何雨江, 靳孟貴, 王在敏, 汪丙國, 劉磊, 2010. 膜下滴灌棉花根系發育特徵及其與土壤水鹽分佈的關係. 高校地質學報,16(1): 39-44.
(7) Han DM., Liang X, Jin MG, Currell MJ, Han Y, Song XF, 2009. Hydrogeochemical Indicators of Groundwater Flow Systems in the Yangwu River Alluvial Fan, XinzhouBasin, Shanxi, China. Environmental Management. 44(2):243-255. DOI10.1007/ s00267-009-9301-0. (8) Sun RL, Jin MG, Giordano M, Villholth KG. 2009. Urban and rural groundwater use in Zhengzhou, China: challenges in joint management. Hydrogeology Journal. 17: 1495–1506. DOI10.1007/s10040- 009-0452-0.
(9) Jin MG, Luo WY, Liu YF, Sun RL. 2009. Modeling of groundwater flow using GMS in Zhengzhou Plain, China. In Wang et al edit. Calibration and reliability in groundwater modeling “Managing Groundwater and the Environment”. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling. China University of Geosciences Press. 153-156.
(11) 劉延鋒,江貴榮,靳孟貴, 2009. 新疆焉耆盆地水環境同位素特徵及其指示意義. 地質科技情報. 28(6): 89-93.
(12) Hao HZ, Jin MG, Liu CW, Li RM, Wang ZN 2009. Risk assessment of heavy metal in cultivated soil by Rhizon-SMS and single extraction. Proceedings of International Workshop on Education Technology and Training/International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (ETT and GRS 2008), DEC 21-22, 2008, Shanghai, China. Vol. 2: 251-254.
(13) Hao HZ, Jin MG, Liu CW, Li RM, Wang ZN, 2009. Seven-step sequential procedure to evaluate Cd and Zn mobility in soil. In Luo Q (ed). Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, Wuhan China, July 4-5, 2009. IEEE Computer Society. 70-72.
(14) Luo YC, Jin MG, Han QK, Zhang SS, 2009. Integrated assessment of water resources in Zhengzhou, China. Proceedings of 1st international conference on geological engineering, October 10-15, 2007, Wuhan, China. ASME Press. 1535-1540.
(15) Zhang SS, Jin MG, Chen G. 2009. Assessment of groundwater quality Zhengzhou, China. Proceedings of 1st international conference on geological engineering, October 10-15, 2007, Wuhan, China. ASME Press. 322-327.
(16) 郝漢舟,靳孟貴,李瑞敏等, 2009. 重金屬的土水分配行為研究——根際土壤溶液採樣器的應用。土壤, 41 (4): 577~582.
(17) Liu YF, Jin MG, Jiang GR, 2009. Numerical simulation of groundwater flow in Yanqi Basin, Xinjiang Province, China. In Wang et al eds. Calibration and reliability in groundwater modeling “Managing Groundwater and the Environment”. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling. China University of Geosciences Press. 167-170.
(18) Sun R. L., Liang X, Jin MG, 2009. Heterogeneity and sequential indicator simulation of hydraulic conductivity of the basalt in the dam area of Guandi Hydroelectric Station, China. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modeling. China University of Geosciences Press. 279-282.
(19) Jain, S. K.; Sharma, Bharat R.; Zahid, A.; Jin, M.; Shreshtha, J. L.; Kumar, V.; Rai, S. P.; Hu, J.; Luo, Y.; Sharma, D. 2009. A comparative analysis of the hydrology of the Indus-Gangetic and Yellow River basins. In Mukherji, Aditi; Villholth, K. G.; Sharma, Bharat R.; Wang, J. (Eds.) Groundwater governance in the Indo-Gangetic and Yellow River basins: realities and challenges. London, UK: CRC Press. pp.43-64. (IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 15)
(20) Wang BG, Jin MG, Nimmo JR, Yang L, Wang WF, 2008. Estimating Groundwater Recharge in Hebei Plain, China under varying land use practices using tritium and bromide tracers. Journal of Hydrology. 356(1-2): 209-222. DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.04.011.
(21) 杜金龍,靳孟貴,歐陽正平, 劉延鋒, 2008. 焉耆盆地土壤鹽分剖面特徵及其與土壤顆粒組成的關係。地球科學,33(1): 131-136.
(22) 何巧林, 靳孟貴,祁士華等, 2008. 三門峽水庫黃河河漫灘沉積柱有機農藥垂直分佈及富集特徵. 地質科技情報. 27(2): 108-112.
(24) Yi C., Wang B., Jin M., Guo Z. 2007. Two-dimensional simulation of underground seepage in a dangerous piping zone of the Jingjiang Great Levee, the middle reach of the Yangtze River. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 40(1): 85–92.
(25) Hao HZ., Jin MG., Wang BG., Li RM., Hu YH, Wang ZN. 2007. Quality evaluation of shallow groundwater in north central Henan Province. In Proceeding of the IPACES 6th Annual meeting. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 18(SI): 95-98.
(26) Lu XH, Jin MG, 2007. One Dimensional unsaturated flow modeling in Luancheng representative zone of the North China Plain. Journal of China University of Geosciences. 18 (SI), June 2007. 59-61.
(27) Jin MG, Liang X, CAo YL, Zhang RQ, 2006. Availability, Status of Development, and Constraints for Sustainable Exploitation of Groundwater in China. In: Sharma, B.R., Willholth, K. G. and Sharma, K.D. (Eds.). Groundwater Research and Management: Integrating Science into Management Decisions. Malhotra Publishing House, New Delhi. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. (GGA Series 1).: 47-61.
(28) 齊登紅, 靳孟貴, 劉延鋒, 2007. 降水入滲補給過程中優先流的確定. 地球科學. 32(3): 420-424.
(29) Cao YL, Jin MG, Jin YC, Liu YF, 2006. Application of BP neural network model in water quality evaluation in Yanqi Baisn, Xinjiang, China. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. 4-9 June, 2006, Wuhan, China. Science Press USA Inc. 844-47.
(30) 盧小慧,靳孟貴,汪丙國, 2006. 欒城農業生態試驗站土壤水分特徵曲線分析. 中國農村水利水電. (12): 30-32.
(32) 林麗蓉, 靳孟貴, 2006. 焉耆盆地水文循環與鹽分遷移特徵. 人民黃河. 28(5): 5-7.
(35) 汪丙國,靳孟貴,王文峰, 2006. 冬小麥田不同調控措施下的土壤水蒸發量分析。地質科技情報. 25(1): 77-82.
(36) 汪丙國,靳孟貴,方連育,張德忠, 2006。溝播冬小麥田土壤水流動系統模擬。中國農村水利水電. (2): 35-37.
(37) 劉延鋒,靳孟貴,曹英蘭, 2006. BP神經網路在焉耆盆地農田排水量估算中的應用. 中國農村水利水電. (1): 4-6.
(39) 靳孟貴,高雲福,王文峰,汪丙國, 2005. 用同位素測井技術確定地下水側向補給量. 水文地質工程地質. 32(4): 32-36.
(40) 馬傳明,靳孟貴. 2005. 補排條件對一維土壤水分運動影響的試驗研究. 湖南科技大學學報(自然科學版). 20(3): 6-9。
(41) 郭會榮,靳孟貴,方連育, 2005. 冬小麥溝播覆蓋優化土壤水流動系統試驗研究,湖南科技大學學報(自然科學版). 20(增刊): 116-118.
(42) 張人權,梁杏,靳孟貴, 2005. 當代水文地質學發展趨勢與對策. 水文地質工程地質. 32(1): 51-56。
(43) 劉延鋒,靳孟貴,曹英蘭, 2004. 新疆博斯騰湖的水位動態預測研究. 水利水電技術. 35(5): 5-7.
(44) 劉延鋒,靳孟貴,金英春,曹英蘭, 2004. 新疆焉耆盆地土壤鹽漬化特徵分析. 水土保持通報. 24(1): 49-52.
(45) 韓乾坤,靳孟貴, 2003. 水井酸處理效果預測研究. 中國農村水利水電, (1): 18-20.
(46) 郭會榮,靳孟貴,高雲福, 2002. 冬小麥田鹹水灌溉與土壤鹽分調控, 地質科技情報, 21(1): 61-65.
(47) Jin, M.G., Zhang, R.Q., Sun L.F., Gao, Y.F., 1999. Temporal and spatial soil water management: a case study in the Heilonggang region, PR China. Agricultural Water Management. 42: 174-187.
(48) Cao YL, Jin MG, et al. 2003. The statistical Character of Water Quality in Bosten Lake, Northwest China. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Resources and the Urban Environment. Wuhan, China, November 8-9, 2003. China Environmental Science Press. 146-149.
(49) Liu YF, Jin MG. Real time forecasting of runoff based on EBF-ANN: a case study on Kaidu River in Xinjiang. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Resources and the Urban Environment. Wuhan, China, November 8-9, 2003. China Environmental Science Press. 412-414.
(50) Jin MG, Liang X, Simmers I, Gao YF, Zhang RQ, 2000. Estimation of groundwater recharge using artificial tritium tracing. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydrogeology and the Environment. Wuhan, China, 17-21 October 2000. China Environmental Science Press. 340-345.
(51) Liang X, Jin MG, Wang XS, Zhang RQ, 2000. Modeling of paleo-ground water flow in the eastern pearl river mouth basin. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hydrogeology and the Environment. Wuhan, China, 17-21 October 2000. China Environmental Science Press. 372-377.
(52) Jin MG, Zhang RQ, Sun LF, Gao YF, 2000. Field experiments for sustainable irrigation with brackish water at Wangtong, Hebei, China. Future Groundwater Resources at Risk, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference. 2000. IHP-V No. 27: UNESCO. 125-128
(53) Jin MG, Zhang RQ, Gao YF, 1998. Sustainable irrigation with brackish groundwater in Heilonggang Region, China. Journal of China University of Geosciences. 9(1): 90-94.
(54) Jin MG, Simmers I, Zhang RQ, 1998. Preliminary Estimation of Groundwater Recharge at Wangtong, Hebei, P.R. China. In: Brahana et al, Gambling with Groundwater: Physical, chemical and biological aspects of aquifer-stream relations Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: 407-412.
(55) Zhang RQ, Jin MG, et al, 1994. Systems analysis of agriculture-water resources-environment in Hebei Plain, Proceedings of the Water Down Under 1994 Conference. vol.1, Adelaide, Australia, November 21-25, 1994,453-458.
(56) Jin MG, Wu BY, Zhang BH, 1993. Database management system for a groundwater regime. GROUND WATER, 1993, 31(4): 593-597.
(57) 靳孟貴, 張人權,高雲福,孫連發, 1998. 黑龍港地區農業-水資源-環境系統分析. 地質科技情報,17(增刊2): 94-100..
(58) 靳孟貴, 張人權,高雲福等, 1998. 立足水資源條件實現黑龍港地區農業的可持續發展。見:邵時雄,侯春堂主編,中國農業地學研究新進展。Hong Kong: Scientist Press International, Inc. 84-91。
(59) 靳孟貴,高雲福,張人權,孫連發, 1997. 田間土壤水全時空調控的試驗研究. 地球科學. 22(6): 656-659.
(60) 靳孟貴,劉延鋒等, 2002. 節水灌溉與農業面源污染控制研究,地質科技情報,21(1): 51-54. )
(61) 靳孟貴,張人權,高雲福,孫連發, 1997. 土壤水資源的特性及若干指標. 地質科技情報. 16(2): 73-78.
(62) 靳孟貴,張人權,Simmers, I. 等, 1999. 土壤水資源評價的研究. 水利學報.(8),30-34.
(63) 靳孟貴,張人權,高雲福,孫連發, 1998. 土壤水流動系統及其應用初探. 中國農村水利水電,(5): 7-10.
(64) 靳孟貴,張人權,孫連發,高雲福,1998. 土壤水全時空調控的初步探討. 水文地質與工程地質, 27(1): 47-50.
(65) 靳孟貴,趙俊英,羅澤嬌,2003. 採用土壤水利用技術的冬小麥田土壤過氧化氫酶活性活性分析. 水文地質工程地質,30(2): 11-14。
(66) 羅澤嬌,靳孟貴,劉楚良,2001. 武漢市城市生活垃圾填埋處理的問題與對策. 華中師範大學學報(自然科學版).專輯: 84-88.
(67) 汪丙國,靳孟貴,2002. 夏玉米田土壤水分-養分-鹽分剖面二維數值模擬, 地質科技情報,21(1): 55-60.
(68) 汪丙國,靳孟貴,方連玉,張德忠. 2001. 衡水試驗場冬小麥田土壤水流動系統分析. 水土保持研究, 8(1)89-92.
(69) 張人權, 靳孟貴. 略論地質環境系統. 地球科學. 1995, 20(4): 373-377.