共找到3條詞條名為王成輝的結果 展開
- 中國農業生物技術學會理事
- 廣安市規劃局紀檢組長、黨組成員
- 廣東省人力資源和社會保障廳技工教育管理處四級調研員。
[1]Chenghui Wang. 2009. Quantitative genetic estimates of growth-related traits in the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.): A review. Frontiers of Biology in China (Accepted)
[2]Sifa Li, Jiawei Xu, Qinling Yang, Chenghui Wang, Qin Chen, Duane C. Chapman, Guoqing Lu. 2009. A comparison of complete mitochondrial genomes of silver carp and bighead carp: implications of their taxonomic relationship and phylogeny. Journal of Fish Biology (Accepted)
[3]Chenghui Wang, Sifa Li, Cuzhang Fu, Xiaoling Gong, Len Huang, Xiao Song, Yan Zhao. 2009. Molecular genetic structure and evolution in native and colonized populations of the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Biological Invasion, 11, 389-399(SCI)(IF=2.125)
[4]Chenghui Wang, Chenhong Li, Sifa Li. 2008. Population structure and demographic history of mitten crab (Eriocheir, sensu stricto) along the coast of Chinese mainland inferred from mitochondrial loci. Molecular Ecology, 17, 3515-3527(SCI)(IF=5.169)
[5]Chenghui Wang, Qin Chen, Guoqing Lu, Jiawei Xu, Qinlin Yan, Sifa Li. 2008. Complete mitochondrial genome of the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella, Teleostei): insight into its phylogenic position within Cyprinidae. Gene, 424, 96-101.(SCI)(IF=2.871)
[6]Chenghui Wang, Sifa Li. 2007. Genetic effects and genotype × environment interactions for growth-related traits in common carp. Aquaculture, 272, 267-272(SCI)(IF=1.735)
[7]Chenghui Wang, Sifa Li, Zhi-guo Liu, Song-ping Xiang, Jian Wang, Zeng-yun Pang, Jiang-ping Duan Developmental quantitative genetics analysis of body weight and morphological traits of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Aquaculture, 2006,251,219-230(SCI)(IF=2.081)
[8]Chenghui Wang, Zhi-bin Xu Genetic parameters estimates for growth-related traits in Oujiang color common carp (Cyprinus carpio var. color), Aquaculture, 2006,259(1-4), 103-107(SCI)(IF=2.081)
[9]Chenghui Wang, Si-fa Li, Song-ping Xiang, Jian Wang, Zhi-guo Liu, Zeng-yun Pang, Jiang-ping Duan, Zhi-bin Xu. Additive, dominance genetic effects for growth-related traits in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Aquaculture Research, 2006,37(14),1481-1486.(SCI)(IF=1.051)
[10]Chenghui Wang, Sifa Li. Phylogenetic relationships of Ornamental (Koi) carp, Oujiang color carp and Long - Fin carp revealed by mitochondrial DNA COII gene sequences and RAPD analysis. Aquaculture, 2004, 231, 83-91(SCI)(IF=1.627)
[13]Jiawei Xu, Sifa Li, Chenghui Wang, Qin Chen, Qinling Yang. 2008. Complete Nucleotide Sequence of Mitochondrial Genome of Silver Carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. Dynamic Biochemistry, Process Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 2(Special Issue 1), 64-67
[15]李思發, 王成輝, 劉志國, 項松平,王劍,潘增雲,段江萍,徐志彬. 三種紅鯉生長性狀的雜種優勢與遺傳相關分析。水產學報, 2006, 30(2): 175-180
[16]Li Sifa, Wang Chenghui, Qiqun Chen. Morphological Phylogenesis of Four Strains of Red Common carps (Cyprinus carpio) in China. J. Fisheries of China, 2005, 29(5),606-611
[17]Chenghui Wang, Sifa Li. Genetic structure and relationship in mitochondrial DNA COII gene sequence of red common carps in China. Acta Genetica Sinica, 2004, 31(11):1226-1231
[20]王成輝,李思發, 曾偉光, 徐志彬, 項松平, 王劍, 段江萍, 潘增雲. 甌江彩鯉體色與生長的遺傳—環境互作分析. 上海水產大學學報, 2004,13(2), 103-106
[21]王成輝,李思發,趙金良. 我國4種紅鯉的生化遺傳差異. 上海水產大學學報, 2004,13(1), 1-4
[22]王成輝,李思發, 劉志國. 紅鯉體重和形態性狀的發育數量遺傳學分析. 第五屆中國水產學會青年學術年會優秀論文一等獎,2004
[23]王成輝,李思發,鄒曙明. 中國紅鯉遺傳多樣性的RAPD分析. 水生生物學報. 2003, 27(3): 329-330
[24]Wang Chenghui, Li Sifa. Genetic analysis of genotype and environment interaction for body weight and morphological traits in red common carps in China. 2003 Forum on Fishery Science and Technology,Guangzhou
[26]蔡完其,軒興榮,王成輝,李思發. 紅鯉4群體間主要組織相容性複合體的差異. 水產學報, 2003, 27(2):113-118
[27]劉志國, 蔡完其, 王成輝. 甌江彩鯉與日本錦鯉及其正反交F1形態特徵和生長初步研究. 上海水產大學學報, 2003, 12(4), 311-315
[28]徐志彬, 段江萍, 項松平, 王劍, 潘增雲, 王成輝. 甌江彩鯉網箱飼養試驗. 水陸水產, 2003(10):11
[29]王成輝,李思發. 中華絨螯蟹種質研究進展. 中國水產科學, 2002,9(1):82-86
[30]王成輝,李思發,徐志彬, 項松平, 王劍, 段江萍. 甌江彩鯉線粒體DNA的限制性內切酶分析。上海水產大學學報, 2002,11(1):14-18
[32]Li Sifa, Wang Chenghui. Genetic Diversity and Selective Breeding of Red Common Carp in China. INGA,2001,24(3-4):56-61
[33]李思發,王成輝. 轉基因水生生物及其產品的安全性. 生物安全(第八章).北京:科學出版社, 2001,198-227
[34]李思發,王成輝,趙乃剛。湖泊放養中華絨螯蟹性成熟規律研究。水生生物學報,2001, 25(4):350-357
2004年 | 上海市科技進步二等獎“中華絨螯蟹種質研究與鑒定技術”(第五完成人) |
2004年 | “紅鯉體重和形態性狀的發育數量遺傳學分析”獲中國水產學會第五屆青年學術年會優秀論文一等獎(第一作者)。 |
2005年 | 新疆生產建設兵團二等獎“新疆額爾齊斯河流域特種魚類種質、繁育與開發利用”(第三完成人)。 |
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2007年 | 上海市明治乳業生命科學獎。 |
2007年 | 上海市科技進步一等獎“從吉富到新吉富-尼羅羅非魚種質創新與應用”(第十完成人) |
(1) 鯉生長性狀的數量遺傳學效應分析與QTL定位(國家自然科學基金,2008-2010,主持人)
(3) 甌江彩鯉體色遺傳研究與觀賞型彩鯉選育(浙江省科委項目,2007-2009,技術負責人)