1982.01-1995.04: 遼寧大學經濟管理學院,講師、副教授
1995.05-1999.12: 東北大學自動化研究中心,副主任、副教授、教授、博士生導師
1997.03-1999.12: 國家冶金自動化工程技術研究中心(瀋陽),副主任
2000.01-2000.08: 香港科技大學化學工程系,訪問教授
1997.09-1997.10: 芬蘭赫爾辛基工業大學、赫爾辛基工學院、瑞士聯邦工學院,訪問教授
國際雜誌:Automatica,IEE Proc.Part D,Int.J. Control,Int.J.Systems Science等、大型國際會議:IFAC World Congress,IEEE CDC,ACC(美國控制會議),ECC(歐洲控制會議)等、國內核心期刊:自動化學報,控制理論與應用,控制與決策、信息與控制等論文評閱人。
⒈ 複雜工業過程建模與集成優化控制理論與方法;
⒉ 先進控制技術;
⒊ 非線性系統魯棒自適應控制理論與方法;
⒋ 迭代學習控制方法。
C. Shao,F.R. Gao,Y. Yang,Robust stability of optimal iterative learning control and application to injection molding machine,ACTA Automatica Sinica,29⑴,2003,pp.72-79.
K.J. Zhang,D. Jin,C. Shao,Fuzzy Neural Network’s Application in Furnace Temperature Compensation Based on Rolling Information Feedback. Preprints of 16th IFAC World Congress,Prague,July 4-8,2005,Topic: 6.2 Mining,Mineral & Metal Process.
Y. Li,C. Shao,Application of Grey Relation Analysis and RBF Network On Grinding-Concentration Soft Sensing,Preprints of 16th IFAC World Congress,Prague,July 4-8,2005,Topic: 6.2 Mining,Mineral & Metal Process.
C. Shao,Y.H. Zhang,RBF Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms Based Optimization Control of Aluminum Powder Nitrogen Atomization Process,Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,and the European Control Conference,Seville,Spain,December 12-15,2005,8048-8053.
C. Shao,J. Nie,F.R. Gao,A robust iterative learning control with neural networks for robot,Pre-Prints of IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM),2003,Hong Kong,873-878.
C. Shao,G.J. Luo,F.R. Gao,Robust stable adaptive control of uncertain bilinear plants and application for distillation column,Pre-Prints of IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM),2003,Hong Kong,879-884.
Y.H. Zhang,C. Shao,Q.H. Wu,RBF Neural Networks-Based Software Sensor for Aluminum Powder Granularity Distribution Measurement,ISNN2004,Lecture Notes of Computer Science,Vol. 3174,Springer:860-865.
Y.H Zhang,C. Shao,RBF Neural Networks Process Model Based Optimization of Aluminum Powder Particle Size Distribution,Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2006.6. Dalian,China. 8048-8053.
Y.H. Zhang,C. Shao,Fuzzy-PID Hybrid Control for Temperature of Melted Aluminum in Atomization Furnace. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. 2006.10. Jinan,China.
K.J. Zhang,D. Jin,C. Shao,A New Integrated Control Technology In Reheating And Rolling Process,11th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining,Mineral Metal Processing. Nancy France,September 08 - 10,2004.
Y. Li,C. Shao,Application of Wavelet Network’s Soft Sensing in Ball Mill’s Faults Diagnosis,International Symposium on Neural Networks,2005.
徐恭賢,邵誠,修志龍,甘油生物歧化為1,3-丙二醇過程的H∞控制,自動化學報,2006,32 ⑴: 112-119.
李勇,邵誠. 一種新的灰關聯分析演演算法在軟測量中的應用,自動化學報,2006年,32⑵:311-317.
張立權,邵誠,基於模糊預測器模型的混沌時間序列預測,信息與控制,2005,34卷,6期: 660-664.
張凱舉,邵誠. 基於生產目標的熱軋過程集成控制方法的研究. 系統模擬學報,2004,16 ⑴: 48-51
李勇,邵誠,基於BP網路的軟測量在斷裂能檢測中的應用,工業儀錶與自動化裝置, 2005,5 (185): 6-11.
張凱舉,邵誠,基於離散狀態空間的鋼坯粗軋階段溫度控制模型,大連理工大學學報,2004, 44 ⑹: 892-896.
金迪,邵誠,自抗擾控制器在6自由度液壓並聯機器人模擬分析中的應用,大連理工大學學報,2003年,43卷,5期: 691-696.
張永輝,邵誠,崔波。鋁粉霧化爐溫度的模糊-PID複合控制,大連理工大學學報. 2006,46⑷: 572-575.
薛麗,邵誠,供電企業綜合統計系統中的安全性策略,計算機工程,2004,30 ⑾: 168-169.
C. Shao,Y. Yang,F. Gao and F. Wang: Optimal iterative learning control with uncertain initializations and disturbances,Preprints of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems,June 4-6,2001,Jejudo Island,Korea,pp. 532-537.
F. Gao,C. Shao,F. Wang and W. Wang: Robust adaptive control of bilinear plants with high-order perturbation uncertainties,Proceedings of 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,December 12-15,2000,Sydney,Australia,pp. 4934-4938.
J. Jiya,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Comparison of PID and PPI design techniques for a process with time delay,Preprints of the 14th World Congress of IFAC,July 5-9,1999,Beijing,China,pp. 391-396.
J. Jiya,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Design of an adaptive control of bilinear system with guaranteed stability,International Journal of Systems Science,Vol.30,No.6,1999,pp. 651-657.
C.J. Zhang,C. Shao and T. Chai: Indirect adaptive control for a class of linear time-varying plants,IEE Proc. Part D,Control Theory and Applications,Vol.145,No.2,1998,pp. 141-149.
J. Jiya,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Neural network based adaptive predictive control algorithm on nonlinear non-minimum phase systems,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,San Diego,California,USA,June 1999,pp. 1082-1085.
Z.J. Wang,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Application of multivariable technique in temperature control of reheating furnace,Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications,Kohala Coast-Island of Hawai’i,Hawai’I,USA,August 22-27,1999,pp. 29-32.
Z.J. Wang,T.Y. Chai,S.P. Guan and C. Shao: Hybrid optimization set point strategy for slab furnace temperature,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,San Diego,California,USA,June 1999,pp. 2362-2365.
J. Jiya,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Design of an adaptive bilinear control algorithm for a class of combustion processes,Preprints of IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,UK,1998,pp. 26-28.
W.M. Xu,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Learning control for a class of constrained mechanical systems with uncertain disturbances,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,Albuquerque,NM,USA,June 4-6,1997,pp. 3854-3858.
W.M. Xu,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Force and contact transient control for robot manipulators with robustness enhancement,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,Albuquerque,NM,USA,June 4-6,1997,pp. 952-956.
R.J. Zhu,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Robust nonlinear adaptive observer design using dynamic recurrent neural networks,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,Albuquerque,NM,USA,June 4-6,1997,pp. 1096-1100.
G.J. Zhang,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Synthetic approach for control of intermittent wind tunnel,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,Albuquerque,NM,USA,June 4-6,1997,pp. 203-207.
Y. Heng,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Adaptive control of nonlinear non-minimum phase systems using neural networks,Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,San Diego,California,USA,December 10-12,1997,pp. 2211-2212.
C. Shao: On the robust stability of a Clarke-Gawthrop type of self-tuning controller,International Journal of Control,Vol.64,No.4,1996,pp. 721-731.
G.J. Zhang,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: A new method for independently tuning PID parameters,Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,Kobe,Japan,December 11-13,1996,pp. 2527-2532.
W.M. Xu,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: An adaptive impedance controller for robot manipulators in task space,Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,Kobe,Japan,December 11-13,1996,pp. 392-393.
Q.H. Dai,T. Zhang,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Robust direct adaptive control based on dynamic neural networks,Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,Kobe,Japan,December 11-13,1996,pp. 2424-2425.
C. Shao: Robust stable adaptive control for the plants with nonlinear disturbances,Preprints of IFAC 4th Low Cost Automation,Buenos Aires,Argentina,August 11-13,1995,pp.429-434.
X.Y. Gu and C. Shao: On the robust stability condition for adaptive control systems,Chinese Journal of Automation,Allerton Press,Inc.,Vol.5,No.4,1994,pp. 604-610.
X.Y. Gu and C. Shao: Robust adaptive control for time-varying linear plants using polynomial approximation,IEE Proc. Part D,Control Theory and Application,Vol. 140,No.2,1993,pp. 111-118.
C. Shao: Stable adaptive control system subject to bounded external disturbances,International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,Vol.5,No. 2,1991,pp. 121-134.
X.Y. Gu and C. Shao: A self-tuning controller using techniques of conditionally updating parameter estimates,Chinese Journal of Automation Allerton Press,Inc.,Vol.1,No.3,1989,pp. 219-229.
邵誠,張承進: A modified Clarke-Gawthrop self-tuning controller with guaranteed robust stability,控制理論與應用,第14卷,第5期,1997年,671-678頁.
顧興源,邵誠:按條件更新參數的自校正控制器,自動化學報,第15卷,第3期, 1989,232-241.