







科研工作涉及控制理論及應用、過程式控制制工程、過程系統工程和機器學習等,同時長期從事煉油化工過程軟測量儀錶與先進控制、過程流程模擬與實時優化等技術開發與工程應用工作。主持和參加“六五”至“九五”國家重點科技攻關項目多項、“十五”國家863項目1項、國家自然科學基金項目5項、國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)項目1項,主持和參加省部級科研項目和煉油化工公司科技開發項目30多項。“兩段催化裂化技術開發及熱載體的研究”獲中國石油化工總公司科技進步二等獎,“石化生產過程多變數預估控制技術開發應用”獲2000年中國石化總公司科技進步一等獎,“乙炔加氫反應器的軟測量與先進控制技術”獲2006年度中國石油和化學工業協會技術發明一等獎,2008年獲中國石油和化學工業協會“全國化工優秀科技工作者”稱號。出版《化工過程動態學》 、《過程式控制制與工藝設計一體化——催化裂化裝置動態機理建模與控制分析設計》 和《化工過程流程重構——以乙烯裂解裝置脫甲烷系統為例》 等專著3部,發表學術研究論文 四 百 篇,期刊主要有化工和能源類:Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 化工學報、高校化學工程學報化工進展;自動化與計算機類:IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Journal of Process Control, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 自動化學報、控制與決策控制理論與應用計算機研究與發展計算機學報電子學報


• 專著:羅雄麟著. 化工過程動態學. 北京:化學工業出版社,2005/04
• 專著:羅雄麟,許鋒著. 過程式控制制與工藝設計一體化——催化裂化裝置動態機理建模與控制分析設計. 北京:科學出版社,2008/04
• 專著:羅雄麟,吳博著. 化工過程流程重構——以乙烯裂解裝置脫甲烷系統為例. 北京:化學工業出版社,2018/07
• 羅雄麟,袁璞,林世雄. 催化裂化裝置動態機理模型(I)反應器部分. 石油學報(石油加工), 1998/03,14(1): 34–40
• 羅雄麟,袁璞,林世雄. 催化裂化裝置動態機理模型(II)再生器部分. 石油學報(石油加工), 1998/06,14(2): 61–65
• 羅雄麟,袁璞,林世雄. 催化裂化裝置動態機理模型(III)兩器壓力平衡及壓力系統. 石油學報(石油加工) , 1998/09,14(3): 33–37
• 羅雄麟,袁璞,林世雄. 催化裂化裝置動態機理模型(IV)模型求解與模擬軟體平台的開發. 石油學報(石油加工), 1998/12,14(4): 50–56
• 羅雄麟,左信,袁璞. 催化裂化裝置動態機理模型的應用——反應控制策略分析. 石油學報(石油加工) , 1999/12, 15(6): 75–80
• 羅雄麟,袁璞,林世雄. 前置燒焦罐式高效再生器催化裂化裝置催化劑藏量穩定性分析. 石油大學學報(自然科學版), 1998/08,22(4): 86–89+92
• 羅雄麟,袁璞,林世雄. 前置燒焦罐式高效再生器催化裂化裝置穩定性分析. 化工學報, 1998/12, 49(6): 689–699
• LUO Xionglin, ZUO Xin, DU Dianlin. Varying Model Based Adaptive Predictive Control of Highly Nonlinear Chemical Process. 2005 International Conference on Control & Automation(ICCA2005), June 27–29, 2005 Budapest, Hungary: 537–540
• DU Dianlin, LUO Xionglin, Wu Chongguang. Dynamic Model of FCCU and its Application in a Hybrid Fault Diagnosis System. 2005 International Conference on Control & Automation(ICCA2005), June 27–29, 2005 Budapest, Hungary: 1014–1017
• LUO Xionglin, ZUO Xin. Problems and Strategies in Applications of Advanced Process Control in China. Petroleum Science, 2005/09, 2(3): 44–49 June 27–29, 2005 Budapest, Hungary: 1014–1017
• ZUO Xin, ZHANG Junfeng, LUO Xionglin. Tuning PID Parameters Based on a Combination of the Expert System and the Improved Genetic Algorithms. Petroleum Science, 2005/12, 2(4): 71–76 14–1017
• Du DL, Wu CG, Luo XL, Zuo X. Delay time identification and dynamic characteristics study on ANN soft sensor. ISDA 2006: sixth international conference on intelligent systems design and applications, Vol 1: 42–45, 2006; Sixth international conference on intelligent systems design and applications, Jinan Univ, Jinan, Peoples R China, Oct 16–18, 2006
• 王小艷,趙虹,羅雄麟. 葉輪壓縮系統喘振的主動控制. 動力工程, 2006/12, (6): 808–813
• 張惠良,羅雄麟,張春良,尚德寬,陳志. 丙烯塔在線優化策略及其應用. 石油化工, 2006/12, 35(12): 1166–1170
• 羅雄麟. 兩段提升管催化裂化裝置動態模擬與穩定性分析. 石油學報(石油加工) , 2007/08, 23(4): 54–62
• 何仁初,羅雄麟. 考慮降液管影響的多元精餾塔動態機理建模I .動態機理模型的建立. 石油學報(石油加工) , 2007/06, 23(3): 58–62
• 何仁初,羅雄麟. 考慮降液管影響的多元精餾塔動態機理建模II .模型求解與模擬分析. 石油學報(石油加工) , 2007/10, 23(5): 71–77
• 許鋒,羅雄麟. 催化裂化裝置再生器主風裕量的動態分析. 化工學報, 2008/01, 59(1): 126–134
• Yanhui Li, James Lam, Xionglin Luo. Convex Optimization Approaches to Robust L1 Fixed-Order Filtering for Polytopic Systems with Multiple Delays. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 27(1): 1–22, February, 2008
• 羅雄麟,孫琳,張俊峰. 換熱網路旁路優化設計.化工學報, 2008/03, 59(3): 646–652
• 羅雄麟,孫琳,王傳芳,張俊峰,解增忠. 換熱網路操作夾點分析與旁路優化控制. 化工學報, 2008/05, 59(5): 1200–1206
• 羅雄麟,劉建新,許鋒,左信. 乙炔加氫反應器二維非均相機理動態建模及分析. 化工學報, 2008/06, 59(6): 1454–1461
• 許鋒,羅雄麟. 基於動態優化的催化裂化裝置再生器裕量分析與控制設計I.動態優化的數學描述. 化工學報, 2009/03, 60(3): 675–682
• 許鋒,羅雄麟. 基於動態優化的催化裂化裝置再生器裕量分析與控制設計II.求解方法與結果分析. 化工學報, 2009/03, 60(3): 683–690
• Yanhui Li, James Lam, Xionglin Luo. Hankel Norm Model Reduction of Uncertain Neutral Stochastic Time-Delay Systems. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 2009, 5(9): 2819–2828
• Yao Wu, Xionglin Luo. A novel calibration approach of soft sensor based on multirate data fusion technology. Journal of Process Control, December 2010, 20(10):1252-1260
• 許鋒,關娟,羅雄麟. 非線性微分-代數系統的自適應狀態觀測器設計.系統工程與電子技術, 2010/11, 32(11): 2442–2446
• 吳瑤,羅雄麟. 基於自適應EKF演演算法的輸出融合軟儀錶設計. 化工學報, 2010/10, 61(10): 2627–2635
• Li, Yanhui; Liang, Yan; Luo, Xionglin. Delay-dependent L1 filtering for LPV systems with parameter-varying delays. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control (Transactions of the ASME), July, 2011, 133(4): 44502
• Lin Sun, Xionglin Luo. Synthesis of multipass heat exchanger networks based on pinch technology. Computers & Chemical Engineering, July,2011, 35(7):1257-1264
• 羅雄麟,白玉傑,侯本權,孫琳. 基於相對增益分析的換熱網路旁路設計. 化工學報, 2011/05,62(5): 1318–1325
• 侯本權,孫琳,羅雄麟. 基於結構可控性分析的換熱網路旁路優化設計. 化工學報, 2011/05,62(5): 1326–1338
• 張惜嶺,王書斌,羅雄麟. 化工過程約束優化控制的可行性分析約束處理. 化工學報, 2011/09,62(9): 2546–2554
• 許鋒,關娟,羅雄麟. 基於狀態觀測器的催化裂化裝置不可測變數在線估計. 化工學報, 2011/10, 62(10): 2828–2838
• 羅雄麟,侯本權,孫琳. 結構可觀的換熱網路溫度測點分析及控制系統設計. 化工學報, 2012/01, 63(1): 146–156
• 孫琳,侯本權,羅雄麟. 具有旁路控制的換熱網路結構可控性分析. 化工學報, 2012/02, 63(2): 530–537
• 許鋒,羅雄麟. 先進控制條件下化工過程操作裕量與控制性能分析. 化工學報, 2012/03, 63(3): 881–886
• 夏車奎,羅雄麟,孫琳. 基於全周期節能的有旁路換熱網路裕量優化設計. 化工學報, 2012/05, 63(5): 1449–1458
• 張惜嶺,羅雄麟,王書斌. 過程預測控制中約束可行性研究與在線調整. 化工學報, 2012/05, 63(5): 1459–1467
• 王書斌,單勝男,羅雄麟. 基於T-S模糊模型與粒子群優化的非線性預測控制. 化工學報, 2012/05, 63(S1): 176–187
• 楊斌,許鋒,羅雄麟. 基於動態模型的在線反饋優化. 化工學報, 2012/07, 63(7): 2149–2155
• 羅雄麟,趙決正,朱琳. 基於CCV的軸流壓縮系統失穩主動控制. 化工學報, 2012/08, 63(8): 2482–2491
• 張其方,羅雄麟,楊斌,許鋒. 基於子系統關聯變數輪換的大系統在線協調優化. 化工學報, 2012/08, 63(8): 2500–2506
• 孫琳,趙野,羅雄麟. 多管程換熱器網路的最小溫差分析與夾點設計. 化工學報, 2012/09, 63(9): 2991–2999
• 韋明輝,羅雄麟,馮愛祥. 基於控制性能比較的非線性不對稱系統預測控制. 化工學報, 2012/10, 63(10): 3184–3189
• 趙決正,羅雄麟. 多級軸流壓氣機失穩及喘振的三維數值模擬與分析. 2012年中國過程系統工程年會, 2012/08/20–22, 貴州貴陽; 化工學報, 2012/12, 63(12): 3956–3964
• 羅雄麟,趙決正,王娟. 催化裂化富氣壓縮機小型後主動控制方案設計與分析. 化工學報, 2012/12, 63(S2): 112–117
• 羅雄麟,趙決正,王娟. 催化裂化裝置氣壓機喘振控制的雙時間尺度動態模擬. 化工學報, 2012/12, 63(S2): 118–125
• 馮愛祥,韋明輝,羅雄麟. 不對稱系統輸入反饋預測控制及可控性分析. 化工學報, 2012/12, 63(S2): 106–111
• 吳瑤,羅雄麟. 多率系統Kalman濾波演演算法的魯棒性分析. 自動化學報, 2012/02, 38(2):156–174
• 劉建偉,李雙成,羅雄麟. p范數正則化支持向量機分類演演算法. 自動化學報, 2012/01, 38(1):76–87
• 王銳,羅雄麟,許鋒. CO燃燒狀況可調的催化裂化裝置多穩態分析. 化工學報, 2013/08, 64(8): 2930–2937
• 羅雄麟,周曉龍,王書斌. 輸入關聯約束對約束優化控制的影響特性分析. 自動化學報, 2013/05, 38(5): 679–689
• SUN Lin, LUO Xionglin, HOU Benquan, BAI Yujie. Bypass selection for control of heat exchanger network. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013/03, 21(3): 276-284
• Xiong-lin LUO, Che-kui XIA, Lin SUN. Margin design, online optimization and control approach of the heat exchanger network with bypasses. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2013/06, 53:102-121
• Jianwei Liu, Shuangcheng Li and Xionglin Luo. Iterative Reweighted Noninteger Norm Regularizing SVM for Gene Expression Data Classification. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2013, Article ID 768404
• YUE Yuanlong, ZUO Xin, LUO Xionglin. Confidence Level Based on Ridge Estimator in Measurement and its Applications. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013/10, 21(10): 1144–1154
• 劉建偉,李雙成,羅雄麟. 非近似加更新和乘更新在線分類演演算法. 計算機學報, 2013/02, 35(2): 327–340
• 曹鵬飛,羅雄麟. 化工過程軟測量建模方法研究進展. 化工學報,2013/03, 64(3): 778–790
• SUN Lin, LUO Xionglin, HOU Benquan, BAI Yujie. Bypass selection for control of heat exchanger network. 2012年中國過程系統工程年會, 2012/08/20–22, 貴州貴陽; Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013/03, 21(3): 276–284
• 劉雨波,羅雄麟,許鋒. 分散式預測控制全局協調及穩定性分析. 化工學報,2013/04, 64(4): 1318–1331
• 羅雄麟,夏車奎,孫琳. 有旁路換熱網路全周期節能的動態優化控制實現方法. 化工學報,2013/04, 64(4): 1340–1350
• 羅雄麟,韋明輝,許鋒,馮愛祥. 非線性不對稱系統的模型預測控制. 控制與決策, 2013/05, 28(5): 763–768+773
• 許鋒,汪曄曄,羅雄麟. 基於廣義狀態觀測器的催化裂化裝置軟儀錶. 化工學報,2013/05, 64(5): 1683–1695
• 劉建偉,付捷,汪韶雷,羅雄麟. 坐標下降L范數LS-SVM分類演演算法. 2011中國自動化大會, 2011/11/26–29, 北京; 模式識別與人工智慧, 2013/05, 25(5): 474–480
• 許鋒,蔣慧蓉,王銳,羅雄麟. 催化裂化裝置裕量評價與瓶頸分析. 化工學報,2013/06, 64(6): 2131–2144
• Xiong-lin LUO, Che-kui XIA, Lin SUN. Margin design, online optimization and control approach of the heat exchanger network with bypasses (基於全周期持續節能的旁路換熱網路在線優化及其控制實現). Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2013/06, 53: 102–121
• 王銳,羅雄麟,許鋒. CO燃燒狀況可調的催化裂化裝置多穩態分析. 化工學報, 2013/08, 64(8): 2930–2937
• 岳元龍,左信,羅雄麟. 關於有偏估計提高測量可靠性的探討. 化工學報, 2013/09, 64(9): 3270–3276
• 許鋒,魏小麗,任麗紅,羅雄麟. 基於多變數廣義預測控制的不穩定系統控制結構選擇方法. 第23屆中國過程式控制制會議, 福建廈門, 2012/08/11–12; 自動化學報, 2013/09, 38(9): 1547–1551
• XU Feng, WANG Yeye, LUO Xionglin. Soft sensor for inputs and parameters using nonlinear singular state observer in chemical processes(基於非線性廣義狀態觀測器的化工過程輸入變數和參數軟儀錶). Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013/09, 21(9): 1038–1047
• YUE Yuanlong, ZUO Xin, LUO Xionglin. Confidence Level Based on Ridge Estimator in Measurement and its Applications(基於嶺估計的測量置信水平研究及其應用). Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2013/10, 21(10): 1144–1154
• Rui Wang, Xionglin Luo, and Feng Xu. Economic and Control Performance of a Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit: Interactions between Combustion Air and CO Promoters. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014/01/08, 53(1): 287–304
• XU Feng, JIANG Huirong, WANG Rui, LUO Xionglin. Influence of design margin on operation optimization and control performance of chemical processes. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014/01, 22(1): 51–58
• LUO Xionglin, LIU Yubo, XU Feng. Interaction Analysis and Decomposition Principle of Large-scale Systems for Process Control Structure. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014/01, 22(1): 59–71
• 劉建偉,劉媛,羅雄麟. 玻爾茲曼機研究進展.計算機研究與發展, 2014/01, 51(1): 1–16
• Xionglin Luo, Minghui Wei, Feng Xu, Xiaolong Zhou, Shubin Wang. Input feedback control of manipulated variables in model predictive control. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 2014/06, 10(3):963-978
• 劉建偉,黎海恩,羅雄麟. 概率圖模型學習技術研究進展. 自動化學報, 2014/06, 40(6): 1025-1044
• 劉建偉,劉媛,羅雄麟. 半監督學習方法研究綜述. 計算機學報, 2014/07, 37(7)
• Pengfei Cao, Xionglin Luo. Modeling for soft sensor systems and parameters updating online. Journal of Process Control, 2014/06, 24(6): 975–990
• 劉建偉,孫正康,羅雄麟. 域自適應學習研究進展. 自動化學報, 2014/08, 40(8): 1576–1600
• Feng Xu, Xionglin Luo, Rui Wang. Design margin and control performance analysis of FCCU regenerator under model predictive control. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014/09, 53(37): 14339–14351
• 魏萍,丁卯,左信,羅雄麟. 基於微分方程對稱的分佈參數系統穩態控制. 自動化學報, 2014/10, 40(10): 2163–2170
• 曹鵬飛,羅雄麟. 基於Wiener結構的軟測量模型及辨識演演算法. 自動化學報, 2014/10, 40(10): 2179–2192
• 岳元龍,左信,羅雄麟. 提高測量可靠性的多感測器數據融合有偏估計方法. 第24屆中國過程式控制制會議, 內蒙古呼和浩特, 2013/08/02–05; 自動化學報, 2014/09, 40(9): 1843–1852
• 於洋,許鋆,羅雄麟. 預測控制約束邊界效應與解決方法研究. 第24屆中國過程式控制制會議, 內蒙古呼和浩特, 2013/08/02–05; 自動化學報, 2014/09, 40(9): 1922–1932
• 孫琳,趙野,羅雄麟. 基於夾點技術與超結構模型的多程換熱網路最優綜合. 化工學報, 2014/03, 65(3): 967–975
• 劉建偉,黎海恩,劉媛,付捷,羅雄麟. 迭代再權共軛梯度q范數正則化線性最小二乘-支持向量機分類演演算法. 第24屆中國過程式控制制會議, 內蒙古呼和浩特, 2013/08/02–05; 控制理論與應用,2014/03, 31(3): 334–342
• 左信,岳元龍,羅雄麟. 基於有偏估計的數據融合提高雙感測器測量可靠性. 化工學報, 2014/04, 65(4): 1287–1295
• 許鋒,蔣慧蓉,王銳,羅雄麟. 化工過程總體裕量與控制性能的權衡優化. 化工學報, 2014/04, 65(4): 1303–1309
• WANG Rui, LUO Xionglin, XU Feng. Effect of CO Combustion Promoters on Combustion Air Partition in FCC Under Nearly Complete Combustion. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014/05, 22(5): 531–537
• CAO Pengfei , LUO Xionglin. Soft sensor system derived from Wiener nonlinear model structure: modeling and identification(源於Wiener非線性模型的軟儀錶系統建模及其辨識). Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014/05, 22(5): 538–548
• 曹鵬飛,羅雄麟. 雙率系統輔助模型框架下的隨機牛頓遞推辨識.控制與決策, 2015/01, 30(1): 117–124
• 羅雄麟,趙晗,許鋒. TE過程閃蒸罐雙時間尺度建模與動態特性分析. 化工學報, 2015/01, 66(1): 186–196
• Lin Sun, Xionglin Luo, Ye Zhao. Synthesis of multipass heat exchanger network with the optimal number of shells and tubes based on pinch technology. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2015/01, 93:185–193
• 羅雄麟,左瑞香,馮愛祥,許鋒. 化工過程非穩態開工的緩衝升溫修正切換控制. 化工學報, 2015/02, 66(2): 647–654
• Feng Xu, Pengfei Cao, Xionglin Luo. Regulator configuration design by means of model predictive control. Journal of Process Control, 2015/04, 28: 95–103
• 劉建偉,崔立鵬,羅雄麟. 組稀疏模型及其演演算法綜述. 電子學報, 2015/04, 43(4): 776–782
• Feng Xu, Yeye Wang, Xionglin Luo. An adaptive soft sensor based on nonlinear differential-algebraic observer.IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015/06, 15(6): 3249–3257
• 劉建偉,崔立鵬,劉澤宇,羅雄麟. 正則化稀疏模型. 計算機學報, 2015/07, 38(7): 1307–1325
• 劉建偉,劉媛,羅雄麟. 半監督學習方法. 計算機學報, 2015/08, 38(8): 1592–1617
• 劉建偉,任正平,劉澤宇,黎海恩,羅雄麟. 兩兩關係馬爾可夫網的自適應組稀疏化學習.自動化學報, 2015/08, 41(8): 1419–1437
• Jun Xu, Ton J. J. van den Boom, Bart De Schutter, Xiong-Lin Luo. Minimal conjunctive normal expression of continuous piecewise affine functions. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016/05, 61(5):1340–1345
• Huan Min, Xionglin Luo. Calibration method of soft sensor based on Bayesian Gaussian process regression. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC) , 2016/04, 12(2): 543–556
• 劉建偉*,黎海恩,周佳佳,羅雄麟. 概率圖模型的表示理論綜述. 電子學報, 2016/05, 44(5): 1219–1226
• 劉建偉*,崔立鵬,羅雄麟. 結構稀疏模型及其演演算法研究進展.計算機科學, 2016/06, 43(6A): 1–16
• Xiong-Lin Luo, Yuan-Long Yue, Xin Zuo. Analysis on the relationships between ridge estimator and the other typical biased estimators. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC),2016/06, 12(3): 689–706
• Pengfei Cao*, Xionglin Luo. The improved stochastic Newton algorithm for dual-rate system identification. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC) , 2016/06, 12(3): 747–759
• Osman Abuhalima, Lin Sun*, Runxiu Chang, Xionglin Luo, Ye Zhao. Synthesis of multipass heat exchanger network based on life cycle energy saving. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016/05, 100: 1189–1197
• Yanhui Li*, Qi Zhang, Xionglin Luo. Robust L Dynamic Output Feedback Control for a Class of Networked Control Systems Based on T-S Fuzzy Model. Neurocomputing, 2016/07, 197: 86–94
• Jian-wei Liu*, Li-peng Cui, Xiong-lin Luo. MCR SVM classifier with group sparsity. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016/09, 127(17): 6915-6926
• Pengfei Cao*, Xionglin Luo. Performance analysis of multi-innovation stochastic Newton recursive algorithms. Digital Signal Processing. 2016/09, 56: 15–23
• Yanhui Li*, Qi Zhang, Xiujie Zhou, Xionglin Luo. Basis-dependent and Delay-dependent Results on Robust L1 Filtering for Networked Control Systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute - Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2016/09, 353(14): 3368–3385
• Xionglin Luo*, Pengfei Cao, Feng Xu. Dynamic interaction analysis and pairing evaluation in control configuration design. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016/07, 24(7): 861–868
• Xionglin Luo*, Mingjun Li. Wide running control integrated Bang-Bang control with regulatory control: strategy, approach and performance. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 2016/08, 12(4): 1303–1315
• 劉建偉*,崔立鵬,羅雄麟. 概率圖模型的稀疏化學習.計算機學報, 2016/08, 39(8): 1597–1611
• Huan Min, Xiong-Lin Luo*. Calibration of soft sensor by using Just-in-time modeling and AdaBoost learning method(一種基於Just-in-time模型和AdaBoost學習的軟儀錶補償方法). Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016/08, 24(8): 1038–1046
• Jian-wei Liu*, Li-peng Cui, Xiong-lin Luo. MCR SVM classifier with group sparsity. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2016/09, 127(17): 6915-6926
• Pengfei Cao*, Xionglin Luo. Performance analysis of multi-innovation stochastic Newton recursive algorithms. Digital Signal Processing. 2016/09, 56: 15–23
• Yanhui Li*, Qi Zhang, Xiujie Zhou, Xionglin Luo. Basis-dependent and Delay-dependent Results on Robust L1 Filtering for Networked Control Systems. Journal of the Franklin Institute - Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2016/09, 353(14): 3368–3385
• 張佳,羅雄麟*,許鋒,許鋆. 前饋變數對預測控制可行域影響分析. 化工學報, 2016/09, 67(9): 3776–3783
• 黃冬,趙民帥,羅雄麟*. 乙烯精餾塔控制中降液管時滯效應影響分析. 化工學報, 2016/11, 67(11): 4696–4704 2016年中國過程系統工程年會, A1-063, 2016/07/27–29, 陝西西安
• 吳博,羅雄麟*. 基於傳熱/傳質的乙烯裂解過程脫甲烷塔進料瓶頸識別及流程重構策略。化工學報, 2016/11, 67(11): 4705–47152016年中國過程系統工程年會, A1-065, 2016/07/27–29, 陝西西安
• Zhu Wang*, Qixin Su, Xionglin Luo. A novel HTD-CS based PID controller tuning method for time delay continuous systems with multi-objective and multi-constraint optimization. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2016/11,115(A): 98–116
• 朱真,孫琳*,羅雄麟. 基於持續節能的多周期換熱網路優化設計. 化工學報, 2016/12, 67(12): 5176–5182 2016年中國過程系統工程年會, A2-007, 2016/07/27–29, 陝西西安
• 劉建偉*;孫正康;劉澤宇;羅雄麟. 核典型關聯性分析相關特徵提取與核邏輯斯蒂回歸域自適應學習.電子學報, 2016/12, 44(12): 2908–2915
• Huan Min, Xiong-Lin Luo*. Enhanced just-in-time soft sensor calibration method using data density estimation. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2017/02, 161:79–87
• Pengfei Cao, Xionglin Luo(CUP) *. Performance analysis of the auxiliary-model-based multi-innovation stochastic Newton recursive algorithm for dual-rate systems. Asian Journal of Control, 2017/03, 19(2): 647–658
• 羅雄麟*,周衍彤. 預測控制哲學思想分析及其新架構的提出. 化工進展, 2017/03, 36(3): 783–790; 2016年中國過程系統工程年會, A1-066, 2016/07/27–29, 陝西西安
• 沈穎達,孫琳*,羅雄麟. 基於柔性換熱網路的旁路優化設計.西安交通大學學報(自然科學版), 2017/04, 51(4): 142–148; 2016年中國過程系統工程年會, A3-009, 2016/07/27–29, 陝西西安
• 羅雄麟*,張佳,許鋒,許鋆. 操作變數與前饋變數轉換對預測控制可行域的影響機制.大連理工大學學報(自然科學版), 2017/05, 57(3): 308–315; 第27屆中國過程式控制制會議, 2016/07/30–08/02, 甘肅蘭州
• 劉建偉*,崔立鵬,羅雄麟. 結構稀疏模型. 計算機學報, 2017/06, 40(6): 1309–1337
• 許鋒*,袁未未,羅雄麟. 化工過程非方瘦系統的串級控制系統結構設計。化工學報, 2017/07, 68(7): 2833–2843; 2016年中國過程系統工程年會, A3-011, 2016/07/27–29, 陝西西安
• Dong HUANG, Xiao-Ying ZHAO, Xiong-Lin LUO*. Trade-off between energy consumption and ethylene recovery rate for quasi-plant wide operation optimization of the ethylene column with bottom circulatory system in ethylene complex. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017/09-10, 12(5)
• Jian-wei Liu, Li-peng Cui, Xiong-lin Luo. Group variable selection and parameter estimation via Group Berhu method. The proceedings of the International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC) 2017, 9-12 July, 2017, Ningbo, China
• Jian-wei Liu, Li-peng Cui, Xiong-lin Luo. Simultaneous classification and feature selection via LOG SVM and Elastic LOG SVM. Proceedings of the 36th Chinese Control Conference, 2017; 第36屆中國控制會議, 2017/07/26–28, 遼寧大連
• Ping Wei, Bin Xia, Xionglin Luo. Parameter Estimation and Convergence Analysis for a Class of Canonical Dynamic Systems by Extended Kalman Filter. 3rd International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (ICCSSE 2017), August 17-19, 2017, Beijing, China
• Xin Wan, Bin-Jie Liu, Zhi-Shan Liang, Xiong-Lin Luo*. Switch approach of control zone and optimization zone for economic model predictive control. Chemical Engineering Transactions , 2017, 61: 181–186; 20th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES'17), 21–24 August 2017, Tianjin, P. R. China
• Bo Wu, Xiong-Lin Luo*. Process control and coordinating optimisation for the multi-feed demethaniser in ethylene complex. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, 61: 175–180; 20th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES'17), 21–24 August 2017, Tianjin, P. R. China
• Lin Sun*, Xin-Lang Zha, Xiong-Lin Luo. Coordination of Bypass Control and Economic Optimization for Heat Exchanger Network with Stream Splits. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, 61: 187–192; 20th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES'17), 21–24 August 2017, Tianjin, P. R. China
• Lin Sun*, Bo-Shi Zhao, Xiong-Lin Luo. Optimal heat exchanger network synthesis with the detailed shell and tube heat exchanger design based on superstructure model. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2017, 61: 193–198; 20th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES'17), 21–24 August 2017, Tianjin, P. R. China
• Pengfei Cao*, Xionglin Luo, Xiaohong Song.Feasibility analysis and online adjustment of constraints in model predictive control integrated with soft sensor. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017/09, 25(9): 1230–1237
• Zhu Wang*, Xionglin Luo. Modeling study of nonlinear dynamic soft sensors and robust parameter identification using swarm intelligent optimization CS-NLJ, Journal of Process Control, 2017/10, 58: 33–45
• Dong Huang, Xiao-Ying Zhao, Xiong-Lin Luo*. Trade-off between energy consumption and ethylene recovery rate for quasi-plant wide operation optimization of the ethylene column with bottom circulatory system in ethylene complex. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017/09-10, 12(5): 694–708
• Zhu Wang*, Xionglin Luo. A novel weight function-based robust iterative learning identification method for discrete Box-Jenkins models with Student's t-distribution noises. Journal of the Franklin Institute - Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 2017/12, 354(18): 8645–8658
• Pengfei Cao*, Xionglin Luo, Xiaohong Song. Modeling and identification for soft sensor systems based on the separation of multi-dynamic and static characteristics. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018/01, 26(1): 137–143
• Xionglin Luo*, Yantong Zhou, Feng Xu. Margin Saving Model Predictive Control with Operating Point Back-off. International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control (IJICIC), 2018/04, 14(2): 405–421
• 謝府命,許鋒,梁志珊,羅雄麟*,石鳳勇. 乙炔加氫反應器全周期操作優化. 化工學報, 2018/03, 69(3): 1081–1091
• 王啟航,許鋒*,羅雄麟. 基於PID對角優勢補償陣的過程多變數控制系統設計. 化工學報, 2018/03, 69(3): 1092–1101
• 許鋒*,王啟航,羅雄麟. 基於常數對角優勢補償陣的多變數控制系統逆Nyquist陣列設計. 化工學報, 2018/03, 69(3): 1102–1113
• Dong Huang and Xiong-Lin Luo*. Process transition based on dynamic optimization with the case of a throughput fluctuating ethylene column. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018/05, 57 (18): 6292–6302
• Jian-Wei Liu*, Jia-Jia Zhou, Mohamed S. Kamel, Xiong-Lin Luo. Online Learning Algorithm Based on Adaptive Control Theory. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2018/06, 29(6): 2278 –2293
• 胡銘菲,許鋆*,羅雄麟. 帶經濟成本函數的區間預測控制.化工進展, 2018/06, 37(6): 2060–2066
• 許鋒*,袁未未,羅雄麟. 大系統結構分解的評價準則和控制系統結構設計方法.高校化學工程學報, 2018/06, 32(3): 606–619
• Bo Chen, Feng-Wen Lan, Zhu Wang, Xiong-Lin Luo*. Dual-time scale based dynamic model extending of the benchmark Tennessee Eastman process. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2018/08, 44: 529–534
• Dong Huang and Xiong-Lin Luo*. A Novel Approach to Promptly Control Product Quality of Precise Distillation Columns Based on Pressure Dynamic Modeling. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018/07, 13(4): e2212(14 pages)
• Lin Sun*, Xinlang Zha, Xionglin Luo. Coordination of Bypass Control and Economic Optimization for Heat Exchanger Network. Energy, 2018/10, 160: 318–329


(1) 國家自然科學基金項目(面上項目)“基於裕量設計的換熱網路持續節能優化”(項目批准號:20976193),羅雄麟負責。(已完成)
(2) 國家自然科學基金項目(青年科學基金項目)“分片線性預測控制”(項目批准號:61104218),許鋆負責。(已完成)
(3) 國家自然科學基金項目(青年科學基金項目)“化工過程裕量分析與控制設計——以催化裂化裝置為例”(項目批准號:21006127),許鋒負責。(已完成)
(4) 國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)項目“化工過程物質與能量高效利用的集成優化基礎研究(2012CB720500)\能量/質量耦合梯級利用的多目標優化綜合”。
(5) 國家自然科學基金項目(面上項目)“化工過程全周期設計裕量消耗在線估計與裕量緩釋操作優化”(項目批准號:21676295),羅雄麟負責。
(6) 國家自然科學基金項目(青年科學基金項目)“基於群體智能和聚類的模塊化非線性系統智能辨識”(項目批准號:61703434)。王珠負責。


• 羅雄麟,教授、博士生導師。
• 劉建偉,副研究員、碩士生導師。分類和聚類機器學習。
• 許鋒,副教授、碩士生導師。過程式控制制與工藝設計集成、非線性微分代數系統觀測器、軟儀錶。
• 孫琳,博士、講師、碩士生導師。換熱網路持續節能與旁路優化設計、能量/質量耦合系統分析與綜合。
• 魏萍,博士、講師。Kalman濾波器與軟測量模型時變參數的在線估計、分佈參數系統。
• 馮愛祥,博士、講師。混雜系統PETRI網建模與控制技術。
• 岳元龍,博士、講師。有偏估計、可靠性分析。
• 王珠,博士、講師。線性系統和非線性系統的過程辨識與自適應控制、軟測量與多率系統。
• 黃冬,博士生,化工過程工況遷移控制。
• 謝府命,博士生,慢時變化工過程的全周期動態優化控制。
• 林嘉獎,博士生,周期參量系統的控制與優化問題。
• 連思銘,博士生,機器學習。
• 萬鑫,博士生,經濟預測控制。
• 陳波,博士生,異常工況診斷。
• 陳春波,博士生,慢時變化工過程的全周期動態優化控制。
• 曹欣宜,博士生,化工過程工況遷移控制、預測控制。
• 張明卿,博士生,基於深度學習的化工過程故障診斷。