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林正炎,白志東, 概率不等式, 科學出版社, 2006.
林正炎,蘇中根,概率論, 浙江大學出版社, 2002.
林正炎,陸傳榮, 張立新, 高斯過程的樣本軌道性質, 科學出版社(現代數學基礎叢書), 2001.
林正炎,陸傳榮, 張立新, Path Properties of Gaussian Processes, 浙江大學出版社, 2001.
林正炎, 陸傳榮, 蘇中根, 概率極限理論基礎, 科學出版社, 1999.
林正炎,陸傳榮, Limit Theory on Mixing Dependent Random Variables, Science Press and Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
陸傳榮,林正炎, 混合相依變數的極限理論, 科學出版社,純粹數學與應用數學專著叢書, 1997.
林正炎,陸傳榮, Strong Limit Theorems, Science Press and Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.
林正炎,陸傳榮, 強極限定理, 科學出版社,純粹數學與應用數學專著叢書, 1992.
林正炎,陸傳榮, 概率極限理論引論, 高教出版社, 1989.
Lin Z.Y. et al, Some path properties of generalized Levy sheet, Science in China, 49(12), 2006.(SCI)
Lin Z.Y. et al, Precise asymptotics for a new kind of complete moment convergence, Statist. Probab. Lett., 76(16), 2006.(SCI)
林正炎等, 廣義Levy單的樣本軌道性質, 中國科學, 36(10), 2006.
Lin Z.Y. et al, A note on strong law of large numbers of random variables, J.Zhejiang Univ. Science A, 7(6), 2006.(EI)
Lin Z.Y. et al, Precise rates in the law of thelogarithm under minimal conditions, 應用概率統計, 22(3), 2006.
Lin Z.Y. et al., Results on local times of a class of multiparameter Gaussian processes, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, English Series, 22(1), 2006.
Lin Z.Y.e t al., Precise rates in the law of logarithm for i.i.d. random variables, Inter. J. Compt. Math. Appl., 49, 2005.
Lin Z.Y., The law of iterated logarithm for R/S statistics, Acta Math. Sci., 25(2), 2005.(SCI)
Lin Z. Y. et al., 一類Markov鏈的強逼近, 數學年刊, 4, 2005.
Lin Z.Y.e t al., Some limit theorems on the increments of $l^p$-valued multi-parameter Gaussian processes, Acta Math. Sinica, English Series 20, 20(6), 2004.(SCI)
Lin Z.Y. et al., The modulus of non-differentiability of a Brownian motion in $l_p$, Acta Math. Hungar., 105(3), 2004.(SCI)
林正炎等, 完全收斂性中的Paley不等式, 數學年刊, 25A(4), 2004.
Lin Z.Y. et al., The functional central limit theorem for strong near-epoch dependent random variables, Prog. Natur. Sci., 14(1), 2004.
林正炎, 最優Logistic總體的選擇, 數學學報, 47(1), 2004.
Lin Z.Y. et al., Adaptive designs for sequential experiments, J. Zhejiang Univ. SCI, 4(2), 2003.
Lin Z. Y., The strong laws for the rescaled R/S statistics
, Stoch. Ana. Appl., Nova Sci. Pub., 3, 2003.
林正炎等, 基於馬氏鏈的自適應設計(II),生物數學學報, 18(5), 2003.
林正炎等, 基於馬氏鏈的自適應設計(I), 生物數學學報, 18(5), 2003.
林正炎, 強近鄰相依性, 中國科學, 33(6), 2003.
Lin Z.Y. et al., Some functional limit theorems for the infinite series of OU processes, Chin. Ann. Math. 24B, 24B(2), 2003.
Lin Z.Y. et al., Limit results on the increments of a (N-d)-Gaussian process, Acta Math. Hungar., 99(1-2), 2003.
Lin Z.Y. et al., A note on weak laws of large numbers for arrays of rowwise negatively quadrant dependent random variables, Prog. Natur. Sci. 13, 13(6), 2003.
Lin Z.Y., Asymptotic normality of kernel estimates of a density function under association dependence, Acta Math. Sci., 23(3), 2003.
林正炎, The large increments of a multifractional Brownian, Stoch. Ana. Appl., Nova Sci. Pub., 2003.(ISTP)
林正炎, 線性模型誤差方差學生氏估計的 Berry-Esseen 不等式, 數學年刊, 23A(2), 2002.
Lin Z.Y., Markov chain adaptive designs., Stoch. Ana. Appl., 2002.
Lin Z.Y., Path properties of the primitives of a Brownian motion, Stoch. Ana. Appl., 2002.
Lin Z.Y., The Berry-Esseen inequality for studentized error variance estimates in linear models, Chin. J. Contemporary Math., 23(2), 2002.
Lin Z.Y., Sample path properties of Gaussian processes, Geom. Nonlin. PDE, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math., 29, 2002.
Lin Z.Y., On a selection procedure for selecting the best logistic population compared with a control, Advances on Theoret. and Metho. Aspects of Probab., 2002.
林正炎等, 隨機過程序列部分和的收斂性的註記, 高校應用數學學報, 17(3), 2002.
Lin Z.Y., How big are the increments of a multifractional Brownian motion?, Science in China, 45, 2002.
Lin Z.Y., Strong limit theorems for U-statistics generated by a segment of a sample, Chin. J. Contemporary Math., 22(4), 2001.
Lin Z.Y., Path properties of the primitives of a Brownian motion, J. Austral. Math. Soc., 70, 2001.
林正炎, 由一類樣本產生的 U-統計量的強極限定理, 數學年刊, 22A(5), 2001.
Lin Z.Y. et al., Some limit theorems on the increments of a multi-parameter fractional Brownian motion, Stoch. Ana. Appl., 19(4), 2001.
Lin Z.Y. et al., On the large and small increments of Gaussian random fields, J. Korean Math. Soc., 38(3), 2001.
Lin Z.Y., The Berry-Esseen bound for studentized U-statistics., Science in China, 43, 2000.
林正炎, Student U-統計量的 Berry-Esseen 界, 中國科學, 30, 2000.
Lin Z.Y., Increment theory on Gaussian processes, Stoch. Ana. Appl., 2000.
Lin Z.Y., The moduli of continuity and large increments of a class of Gaussian processes, Stoch. Ana. Appl., 2000.
Lin Z.Y., Levy's moduli of continuity of primitives of a Brownian motion, 浙江大學學報, 27, 2000.
Lin Z.Y. et al., Increments and sample path properties of Gaussian processes, Science Bull., 44(9), 1999.
Lin Z.Y. et al., Some limit theorems for fractional Levy Brownian fields, Stoch. Proc. their Appl., 82, 1999.
林正炎等, Gauss過程的增量與軌道性質, 科學通報, 44(3), 1999.
Lin Z.Y., The invariance principle for some class of Markov chains, Probab. Theory Appl., 44(1), 1999.
Lin Z.Y., On the increments of $l^{\infty}$-valued Gaussian processes, Asymptotic Methods in Probab. and Statist., 1998.
林正炎, 學生化 U-統計量的中心極限定理, 數學學報, 41(5), 1998.
Lin Z.Y., Convergence on randomly trimmed sums with a dependent sample, Chin. Ann. Math., 19B, 19B(3), 1998.
Lin Z.Y., On central limit theorem for studentized U-statistics, Acta Math. Sinica, New Series, Supp., 1998.
Lin Z.Y. et al., A version of Fernique lemma for Gaussian processes, East Asian Math. J., 14(1), 1998.
Lin Z.Y., On large increments of $l^$-valued Gaussian processes, Chin. Ann. Math., 18B(2), 1997.
Lin Z.Y., How big are the increments of $l^$-valued Gaussian processes, Science in China, 40(4), 1997.
Lin Z.Y., An invariance principle for negatively associated random variables, Science Bull., 42(5), 1997.
Lin Z.Y., 負相伴隨機變數的不變原理, 科學通報, 42(3), 1997.
Lin Z.Y., Convergence on randomly trimmed sums with a $\varphi$-miximg sample, Science Bull., 41(18), 1996.
林正炎, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck 過程產生的 $l^2$-模平方過程的增量, 科學通報, 41(1), 1996.
Lin Z.Y., A self-normalized Chung type law of the iterated logarithm, Probab. Theory Appl., 41(4), 1996.
Lin Z.Y., An invariance principle for positive dependent random variables, Chinese J. Contemporary Math., 17(3), 1996.
Lin Z.Y., On moduli of non-differentiability for a two-parameter O-U process, Acta Math. Sci., 16, 1996.
林正炎, $l^$ 值 Gauss 過程的增量有多大, 中國科學, 26(10), 1996.
林正炎, 正相依隨機變數的不變原理, 數學年刊, 17(4A), 1996.
Lin Z.Y., On moduli of continuity for a two-parameter Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, Acta Math. Hungar., 66(4), 1995.
Lin Z.Y., On large increments of infinte series of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Stoch. Proc. their Appl., 60, 1995.
Lin Z.Y.e t a l., On moduli of continuity for local times of Gaussian process, Stoch. Proc. their Appl., 58(1), 1995.
Lin Z.Y., On large increments of a two-parameter O-U process, Acta Math. Sinica, New Series 11, 11, 1995.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Limit theorems on multi-state Markov Chains, Chin. J. Contemporary Math., 15(4), 1994.
林正炎等, 多狀態馬氏鏈的極限定理, 數學年刊, 15A(5), 1994.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Kernel generated two-time parameter Gaussian processes and some of their path properties, Canad. J. Math., 46(1), 1994.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Path properties for $l^{\infty}$-valued Gaussian processes, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 121(1), 1994.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Studentized increments of partial sums, Science in China, 37(3), 1994.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Randomization moduli of continuity for $l^2$-norm squared Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Canad. J. Math., 45(2), 1993.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, A general form of the increments of a two-parameter Wiener process, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., 8B(1), 1993.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, On the limiting behavior of increments of random variables without moment conditions, Chinese Ann. Math., 14B(3), 1993.
林正炎, 關於一個複合 Poisson 定理, 數學學報, 34(2), 1991.
Lin Z.Y.e t al., On infinite series of independent O-U processes, Stoch. Proc. their Appl., 39(1), 1991.
Lin Z.Y., Continuity of path of a kind of processes generated by infinite dimensional O-U processes, Chin. J. Contemporary Math., 12(2), 1991.
林正炎, 兩參數帶核過程, 數學學報, 34(1), 1991.
Lin Z.Y., On increments of partial sums of $\varphi$-mixing sequence, Probab. Theory Appl., 36(2), 1991.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Contribution to the limit theorems, Contemporary Math. Amer. Math. Soc., 118, 1991.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Path properties of kernel generated two-time parameter Gaussian proecsses, Probab. Theory Rel. Fields, 89(4), 1991.
林正炎, 一類由無窮 O-U 過程生成的過程的軌道性質, 數學年刊, 12A(2), 1991.
林正炎, 關於部分和增量的下極限, 數學年刊, 11A(4), 1990.
林正炎, 不加矩假設時的隨機變數和的增量, 中國科學, 20(5), 1990.
Lin Z.Y., On the increments of sums of random variables without moment hypotheses, Science in China, 33(9), 1990.
Lin Z.Y., On the increments of partial sums of dependent sequence when moment generating functions do not exist, Acta Math. Sinica, 6(2), 1990.
Lin Z.Y., On inferior lilmit about increments of partial sums, Chin. J. Contemporary Math., 11(3), 1990.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, On moduli of continuity for Gaussian and $l^2$-norm squared processes generated by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Canad. J. Math., 42(1), 1990.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Path properties of infinite dimensional O-U processes, Coll. Math. Soc. J. Bolyai, Limit Theorems of Prob, 1990.
Lin Z.Y., The Erdos-Renyi laws of large number for non-identically distributed random variables, Chinese Ann. Math., 11B(3), 1990.
Lin Z.Y., Laws of large numbers for weighted sums of random variables and random elements, Acta Math. Sinica., 5(2), 1989.
林正炎等, 獨立與相依變數和的強逼近, 應用概率統計, 4(1), 1988.
Lin Z.Y., On increments of sums of independent non-identically distributed random variables, Scientia Sinica, 31(8), 1988.
林正炎, 關於 C-R 增量的一個注, 高校應用數學學報, 3(4), 1988.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, A law of the iterated logarithm for infinite dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada., 10(2), 1988.
林正炎, 獨立不同分佈的隨機變數部分和的增量, 中國科學, 18(5), 1988.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, On moduli of continuity for Gaussian and $\chi^2$ processes generated by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada., 10, 1988.
Lin Z.Y., On Csorgo-Revesz's increments of sums of non-i.i.d. random variables, Scientia Sinica, 30(9), 1987.
林正炎, 獨立不同分佈的隨機變數和的 Csorgo-Revesz 增量, 中國科學, 17(5), 1987.
林正炎, 平穩弱相關過程的積分的收斂, 數學研究與評論, 7(4), 1987.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Answers to some questions about increments of a Wiener process, Ann. Probab., 14(4), 1986.
林正炎, 隨機指標和序列的完全收斂性, 數學年刊, 7A(3), 1986.
林正炎, 關於隨機變數序列部分和的增量的一個問題, 應用概率統計, 2(2), 1986.
林正炎, 關於部分和增量的一個結果, 高校應用數學學報, 1(1), 1986.
林正炎, 隨機中止的線性模型中參數估計的一些性質, 數學研究與評論, 6(2), 1986.
林正炎, 隨機足標隨機元序列的弱收斂, 數學進展, 14(4), 1985.
Lin Z.Y., On increments of 2-parameter Wiener process, Scientia Sinica, 28(6), 1985.
林正炎, On a conjecture of an invaiance principle for sequences of associated random variables, Acta Math. Sinica, New Series, 1(4), 1985.
Lin Z.Y., Asymptotic normality of kernel regression function estimations, Science Bull., 30(11), 1985.
林正炎, 樣本均值函數的不變原理, 數學研究與評論, 5(4), 1985.
林正炎, U-統計量和 von-Mises 統計量的 Esseen 不等式, 數學學報, 27(2), 1984.
林正炎, 兩參數 Wiener 過程的增量有多大, 中國科學, 14(12), 1984.
林正炎, 相依樣本時線性模型中誤差估計的不變原理, 科學通報, 29(10), 1984.
Lin Z.Y., Invariance principle for error variance estimation in linear models with dependence sample, Science Bull., 29(7), 1984.
林正炎, U-統計量漸近展式的一個注, 數學學報, 27(5), 1984.
Lin Z.Y.e t.a l, Functional strong invariance principle, Scientia Sinica, 27(5), 1984.
林正炎, 密度估計的不變原理, 數學年刊, 5A(5), 1984.
林正炎等, 隨機足標 U-統計量的正態逼近的階, 數學研究與評論, 4(1), 1984.
林正炎, 某些統計量用 Wiener 過程強逼近, 杭州大學學報, 11(3), 1984.
林正炎, U-統計量 Berry-Esseen 不等式的推廣, 應用數學學報, 6(4), 1983.
林正炎等, 浙江岱巨洋夏汛水溫類型劃分及預報方法的研究, 海洋通報, 2(2), 1983.
林正炎等, 泛函型強不變原理, 中國科學, 13(11), 1983.
林正炎, 相依樣本情形的密度的核估計, 科學通報, 28(12), 1983.
林正炎等, 函數空間中功率和極限定理, 應用數學學報, 6(4), 1983.
林正炎, 方差可能無界的弱相依序列的弱收斂性, 數學年刊, 3(1), 1982.
林正炎, 弱不變原理的某些結果, 科學探索, 2, 1982.
林正炎, 兩元函數加權和的不變原理, 科學探索, 1, 1982.
林正炎, 一類弱相依隨機變數序列的極限定理, 數學年刊, 2(2), 1981.
林正炎, 一類泛函極限定理, 杭州大學學報, 8(3), 1981.
林正炎等, 平穩過程隨機和的中心極限定理, 數學學報, 23(4), 1980.
林正炎等, 一類鞅的隨機中心極限定理, 杭州大學學報, 7(2), 1980.
林正炎等, 馬氏過程可加泛函的中心極限定理, 杭州大學學報, 6(3), 1979.
林正炎, 相關係數的穩定性, 數學的認識與實踐, 3, 1979.
林正炎, 關於鞅的隨機中心極限定理, 杭州大學學報, 5(4), 1978.
林正炎, 一類可加隨機函數的隨機中心極限定理, 杭州大學學報, 5(3), 1978.
林正炎, 平穩過程的一類隨機中心極限定理, 杭州大學學報, 5(2), 1978.
林正炎等,聚類分析在天氣預報中的應用(II), 杭州大學學報, 4(4), 1977.
林正炎等, 聚類分析在天氣預報中的應用(I), 杭州大學學報, 4(2), 1977.
林正炎, 馬氏鏈在降水預報中的應用, 杭州大學學報, 4(2), 1977.
林正炎, 一類相依隨機變數的精確極限定理, 杭州大學學報, 2(4), 1965.