















在《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》、《Journal of environmental science》、《環境科學》、《土壤學報》、《環境科學學報》和《農業環境科學學報》等國內外學術期刊發表研究論文多篇。
謝慧,王軍,杜曉敏,李現旭,劉陽. 新農藥哌蟲啶在三種典型土壤中的吸附與淋溶研究,土壤學報,2017,54(1):118-127.
Xiehui, Du xiaomin. Analysis of chlorpyrifos in the water, soil and cabbage samples by solid phase microextraction and Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry. Asian journal of chemistry, 2016, 28(9): 1992-1996.
謝慧,朱魯生,譚梅英,李菁園. SPE-HPLC方法檢測土壤中新型煙鹼類殺蟲劑哌蟲啶. 環境化學,2015,34(3): 589-590
謝慧,朱魯生,王軍,王金花. 水體和甘藍及土壤中毒死蜱殘留檢測方法的研究,環境化學,2012, 31(8):1268-1273.
XieHui, ZhuLusheng, XuQifeng, Wang Jun, Liu Wei, Jiang Jinhui, Meng Yan. Isolation and degradation ability of the DDT-degrading bacterial strain KK [J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011,62:93-99, (SCI)
XieHui, Zhu Lusheng, Ma Tingting, Wang Jun, Wang Jinhua, Su Jun, Shao Bo. Immobilization of an enzyme from aFusariumfungus WZ-I for chlorpyrifos degradation [J].Journal of environmental science, 2010, 22 (12) 1930-1935. (SCI)
謝慧,朱魯生,李文海,王軍,劉偉,王秀國,王倩. 利用降解酶去除蔬菜表面農藥毒死蜱殘留,農業環境科學學報,2006,25(5):1245-1249
謝慧,朱魯生,王軍,王秀國,劉偉,錢博,王倩. 真菌WZ-1對有機磷殺蟲劑毒死蜱的酶促降解研究. 環境科學,2005,26(6):164-168. (EI收錄)
謝慧,朱魯生,王軍. 涕滅威及其代謝產物對土壤微生物呼吸作用的影響,農業環境科學學報,2005,24(1):191-195
Lusheng Zhu, Xiaoli Dong, Hui Xie, Jun Wang, Jinhua Wang, Jun Su, Changwei Yu,DNA damage and effects on glutathione-S-transferase activity induced by atrazine exposure in zebrafish (Danio rerio)[J]. Environmental toxicology, 2011, 26(5): 480-488 (SCI)
Lusheng Zhu, Bo Shao, Yan Song, Hui Xie, Jun Wang, Jin-hua Wang, Wei Liu, Xin-Xin Hou, DNA damage and effects on antioxidative enzymes in zebra fish (Danio rerio) induced by atrazine[J]. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 2011, 21(1):31-36 (SCI)
Lusheng Zhu, Tingting Ma, Jinhua Wang, HuiXie, Jun Wang, ChengyouXin, Bo Shao, Enhancement of atrazine removal by free and immobilized Arthrobacter Sp. HB-5 in soil and wastewater[J]. Soil & Sediment Contamination An International Journal, 2011, 20(1): 87-97(SCI).
Zhang Qingming, Zhu Lusheng, Han Chang, Wang Jun, Xie Hui.Analysis of chlorpyrifos and TCP residues in agricultural soil and apples by HPLC [J]. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 2011, 9(1): 659-662. (SCI)
Wang Jinhua, zhulu-sheng, Mengyan, Wang jun, Xiehui, Zhang qing-ming. The combined stress effects of atrazine and cadmium on theearthworm Eiseniafetida[J]. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistr, 2012, 31: 2035-2040. (SCI)
Du Zhongkun, Zhu Lusheng, Dong Miao, Wang Jinhua, Wang Jun, XieHui, Zhu Shaoyuan. Effects of the ionic liquid [Omim]PF on antioxidant enzyme systems, ROS and DNA damage in zebrafish (Daniorerio)[J]. Aquatic Toxicology, 2012, 124-125: 91-93. (SCI)
Shao Bo, Zhu Lusheng, Dong Miao, Wang Jun, Wang Jinhua, XieHui, Zhang Qingming, Du Zhongkun, Zhu Shaoyuan. DNA damage and oxidative stress induced by endosulfan exposure in zebrafish (Daniorerio), Ecotoxicology, 2012, 21:1533–1540. (SCI)
Kong Lingfen, Zhu Shaoyuan, Zhu Lusheng, XieHui, Su Kunchang, Yan Tongxiang, Wang Jun, Wang Jinhua, Wang Fenghua, Sun Fengxia. Biodegradation of organochlorine pesticide endosulfan by bacterial strain AlcaligenesfaecalisJBW4[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2013, 25(11) 2257-2264. (SCI)
Zhang Qingming, Zhu Lusheng, Wang Jun, XieHui , Wang Jinhua, Han Yingnan, Yang Jinhui. Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the earthworm Eiseniafetida induced by low doses of fomesafen. Environ SciPollut Res, 2013,20:201–208. (SCI)
Dong Miao, Zhu Lusheng ,Shao Bo, Zhu Shaoyuan, Wang Jun , XieHui,Wang Jinhua, , Wang Fenghua.The effects of endosulfan on cytochrome P450 enzymes and glutathione S-transferases in zebrafish (Daniorerio) livers.Ecotoxicol. Environ. 2013,92:1-9. (SCI)
Dong Miao, Zhu Lusheng, Zhu Shaoyuan, Wang Jinhua, Wang Jun , XieHui , Du Zhongkun. Toxic effects of 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ionic liquid onthe antioxidant enzyme system and DNA in zebrafish (Daniorerio) livers.Chemosphere, 2013, 91(8): 1107-1112. (SCI)
Zhang Qingming, Zhu Lusheng, Su Jun, Wang Jun, XieHui, Wang Jinhua, Wang Fenghua. Impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus on atrazine-contaminated soil remediation and detoxification by Arthrobacter sp. strain HB-5[J]. Environ Earth Sci, 2014, 71:1465-1471. (SCI)
Zhang Qingming, Zhu Lusheng, Jun Wang, HuiXie,Jinhua Wang, Fenghua Wang, Fengxia Sun. Effects of fomesafen on soil enzyme activity, microbial population, and bacterial community composition[J]. Environ Monit Assess, DOI 10.1007/s10661-013-3581-9. Environ Monit Assess, 2014, 186:2801-2812 (SCI)
Wang Jun, Wang Jinhua, Zhu Lusheng, XieHui, Shao Bo, HouXinxin, The enzyme toxicity and genotoxicity of chlorpyrifos and its toxic metabolite TCP to zebrafishDaniorerio, Ecotoxicology (2014) 23:1858–1869 (SCI)
Han Yingnan, ZhuLusheng, Wang Jinhua, Wang Jun, XieHui, Zhang Shumin, Integrated assessment of oxidative stress and DNAdamage in earthworms (Eiseniafetida) exposed to azoxystrobin, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2014 (107):214-219 (SCI)
Lingfen Kong, Shaoyuan Zhu, Lusheng Zhu, HuiXie, Kai Wei, Tongxiang Yan, Jun Wang, Jinhua Wang, Fenghua Wang, Fengxia Sun. Colonization of Alcaligenesfaecalis 1 strain JBW4 in natural soils and its detoxification of endosulfan ,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2014) 98:1407-1416 (SCI)
Tong Liu, Lusheng Zhu,HuiXie, Jinhua Wang, Jun Wang, Fengxia Sun, Fenghua Wang. Effects of the ionic liquid 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate on the growth of wheat seedlings, Environ SciPollut Res (2014) 21:3936–3945 (SCI)
PengpengGuo,Lusheng Zhu,Jinhua Wang, Jun Wang, HuiXie, Dongdong Lv. Enzymatic activities and microbial biomass in black soil as affected by azoxystrobin, Environ Earth Sci (2015) 74:1353–1361 (SCI)。