共找到3條詞條名為王成傑的結果 展開
- 中國農業大學教授
- 貴州產業投資(集團)有限責任公司原總經理
- 湖北英山籍烈士
1、Chengjie Wang, Guodong Han, Shiping Wang, Xiajie Zhai, Joel Brown,Kris M. Havstad, Xiuzhi Ma, Andreas Wilkes, Mengli Zhao, Shiming Tang, PeiZhou, Yuanyuan Jiang, Tingting Lu, Zhongwu Wang & Zhiguo Li. Soundmanagement may sequester methane in grazed rangeland ecosystems. Nature-ScientificReports. 2014, 4 : 4444 | DOI: 10.1038/srep04444
2、Shiming Tang,Chengjie Wang, Andreas Wilkes, Pei Zhou, YuanyuanJiang, Guodong Han, Mengli Zhao, Ding Huang, and Philipp Schönbach.Contribution of Grazing to Soil-atmosphere CH4 Exchange during the Growing Seasonin a Continental Steppe. Atmospheric Environment.2013, 67: 170-176
3、Chengjie Wang, Zhu Yu. Acceleration of alfalfadrying in the field by chemical application at harvest. Proceedings of the4th Japan-China-Korea Grassland Conference2012(ISTP), 194-195.
4、CHENGJIE WANG, SHIMING TANG, ANDREAS WILKES, YUANYUAN JIANG andGUODONG HAN.Influence of stocking rates on soil-atmosphere methaneexchange during spring freeze-thaw cycles in a northern desert steppe, China.PLoS one.2012,7(5)1-7 e36794.
5、M.Y. Zhang, D. Huang, K. Wang, Y.J. Zhang,C.J. Wang, R.C. Wang,Y.L. You. Grassland gap effects on Elymus dahuricus Turcz. seedling emergence,survival and growth. Journal of Arid Environments.2012, 77: 11-16.
6、Yuanyuan Jiang, Shiming Tang,Chengjie Wang, Pei Zhou, MarioTenuta, Guodong Han and Ding Huang. Contribution of urine and dung patches fromgrazing sheep to methane and carbon dioxide fluxes in an Inner Mongolian desertgrassland. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science.2012, 25:207-212.
7、Chengjie WANG, Shiping WANG, He ZHOU, Zhiqiang Li and Guodong HAN.Influences of grassland degradation on forage availability by sheep in theInner Mongolia steppe of China. Animal Science Journal.2011, 82:537-542.
8、RuiZhong Zhang, Ding Huang, Kun Wang, YingJun Zhang andChengJie Wang.Effect ofmowing and grazing on ramet emergence of Leymus racemosus in the Inner Mongoliasteppe during the spring regreening period. African Journal of Biotechnology.2011,10: 2216-2222.
9、C. J. Wang,S. P. Wang , H. Zhou. Influences of flavomycin, ropadiar andsaponin on nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation, and methane emissionfrom sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology.2009, 148: 157-166.
10、C. J.Wang,B. M.Tas, T. Glindemann, K. Mueller, A. Schiborra, P. Schoenbach, M. Gierus, F.Taube and A. Susenbeth.Rotational and continuous grazing of sheep in the InnerMongolian steppe of China. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition.2009, 93: 245-252.
11、C.J.Wang, B.M.Tas, T. Glindemann, G. Rave , L. Schmidt, F. Weißbach, A. Susenbeth.Fecal crude proteincontent as an estimate for the digestibility of forage in grazing sheep. AnimalFeed Science and Technology.2009, 149: 199-208.
12、C.J. Wang,B. M. Tas, T. Glindemann, K. Mueller, A. Schiborra, P. Schoenbach, M. Gierus,F. Taube and A. Susenbeth. Rotational and continuous grazing of sheep in theInner Mongolian steppe of China. 2008 IGC-IRC Multifunctional Grasslands and ina Changing World (ISTP).2008.Ⅱ:136.
13、C. J.Wang, S. P.Wang, H. Zhou, T. Glindemann.Effects of forage composition and growing season on methaneemission from sheep in the Inner Mongolia steppe of China. Ecological Research.2007, 22: 41-48.
14、Wang,C.J., Tas,B.M., Glindemann, T., Rave, G., Schmidt, L., Weißbach, F., Susenbeth, A.Estimating forage digestibility from faecal crude protein concentration ingrazing sheep.Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (ISTP).2007, 124:633-634.
1、Xiuzhi Ma, Per Ambus, Shiping Wang, Yanfen Wang, Chengjie Wang. Primingof Soil Carbon Decomposition in Two Inner Mongolia Grassland Soils followingSheep Dung Addition: A Study Using 13C Natural Abundance Approach. PLoS one.2013, 8(11)1-7 e78578
2、Jun Hao, Uta Dickhoefer, Lijun Lin, Katrin Müller, ThomasGlindemann,Philipp Schönbach, Anne Schiborra, Chengjie Wang and AndreasSusenbeth.Effectsof rotational and continuous grazing on herbage quality, feed intake andperformance of sheep on a semi-arid grassland steppe. Archives of AnimalNutrition. 2013, 67: 62–76.
3、Lijun Lin, Uta Dickhoefer, Katrin Müller,Chengjie Wang, ThomasGlindemann, Jun Hao, Hongwei Wan, Philipp Schönbach, Martin Gierus, FriedhelmTaube, Andreas Susenbeth. Growth of sheep as affected by grazing system andgrazing intensity in the steppe of Inner Mongolia, China. Livestock Science).2012, 144: 140-147.
4、Müller, K., Lin, L. Wang, C., Glindemann,T., Schiborra, A., Schönbach, P., Wan, H., Dickhöfer, U. and A. Susenbeth(2012): Effect of continuous v. daytime grazing on feed intake and growth ofsheep grazing in a semi-arid grassland steppe. Animal. The InternationalJournal of Animal Biosciences. 2012. 526-534.
5、Anne Schiborra, Martin Gierus, Hongwei Wan, Thomas Glindemann,ChengjieWang, Andreas Susenbeth and Friedhelm Taube. Dietary selection of sheepgrazing the semi-arid grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China at different grazingintensities. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition.2010.94(4): 446-454.
6、P. Schonbach, H. Wan, A. Schiborra, M. Gierus, Y. Bai, K. Müller,T. Glindemann.C. Wang, A. Susenbeth, and F. Taube. Short-termmanagement and stocking rate effects of grazing sheep on herbage quality andproductivity of Inner Mongolia steppe. Crop & Pasture Science.2009, 60(10): 963-974.
7、T. Glindemann,C. J. Wang, B.M. Tas, A. Susenbeth.Impact ofgrazing intensity on herbage intake, composition, and digestibility and on liveweight gain of sheep on the Inner Mongolian steppe. Livestock Science.2009, 124:142-147.
8、T.Glindemann, B.M. Tas,C. J. Wang, S. Alvers, A. Susenbeth.Evaluation of titaniumdioxide as an inert marker for estimating fecal excretion in grazing sheep.Animal Feed Science and Technology.2009, 152: 168-197.
9、J. G.Han, Y. J. Zhang,C. J. Wang, W. M. Bai, Y. R. Wang, G. D. Han, and L.H. Li. Grassland degradation and restoration management in China. The RangelandJournal.2008, 30: 233-239.
10、KatrinMüller, L. Lin,C. J. Wang, T. Glindemann, Anne Schiborra, P. Schönbach,H. Wan, B.M. Tas, M. Gierus, F. Taube and A. Susenbeth.Impact of grazingintensity on feed intake, herbage mass, and animal productivity in the steppeof Inner Mongolia, China.Proc. Soc. Nutr. Physiol. (ISTP).2008, 17.
11、K.Müller, L. Lin, T. Glindemann,C. J. Wang, A. Schiborra, P. Schönbach,H. W. Wan, B.M. Tas, M. Gierus, F. Taube, A. Susenbeth.Impact of grazingintensity on feed intake, herbage mass, and animal productivity in the steppeof Inner Mongolia, China. 2008 IGC-IRC Multifunctional Grasslands and in aChanging World (ISTP).2008,Ⅰ: 463.
12、AnneSchiborra, T. Glindemann, M. Gierus,C. J. Wang, A. Susenbeth and F.Taube.Comparisonof in vivo and in vitro determined organic matter digestibility in a grazingexperiment conducted in the nature grassland of Inner Mongolia. Proc. Soc.Nutr. Physiol. (ISTP).2007, 16.
13、T.Glindemann,C. J. Wang, B.M. Tas, A. Susenbeth. Influence of grazingintensity on herbage mass, digestibility, feed intake, and live weight gain ofsheep on the Inner Mongolia steppe.Proc. Soc. Nutr.Physiol. (ISTP).2007,16.
14、T.Glindemann,C. J. Wang,A. Susenbeth. Influence of grazing intensity ondigestibility of organic matter ingested by sheep on the Inner Mongolia steppe.Proc. Soc. Nutr. Physiol. (ISTP).2006, 151.
6.烏依勒斯,烏魯木山布仁巴依爾,謝靜,敖特根,王成傑(通訊作者).不同放牧強度對家畜生產性能與牧草干物質體外消化率的影響。畜牧與飼料科學. 2013, 1: 4-6.
9.阿拉木斯,敖特根,王成傑(通訊作者),海蘭,薩仁高娃。克氏針茅草原種群特徵對放牧強度的響應。中國草地學報, 2012, 5: 35-39.
13.薩仁高娃,敖特根,韓國棟,王成傑(通訊作者),烏力吉。不同放牧強度下典型草原植物群落數量特徵和家畜生產性能的比較研究。內蒙古草業, 2010, 4:47-50.
14.王成傑,玉柱。乾草防腐劑種類及其應用效果研究進展。草原與草坪, 2009, 2: 77-81.
15.烏日娜,衛智軍,王成傑(通訊作者).放牧家畜研究進展。草業與畜牧. 2009, 12: 6-9.
19.王成傑,周禾,汪詩平。高水分打捆貯藏對苜蓿乾草營養價值和組成的影響。草業科學, 2005, 22: 14-17.
20.王成傑,周禾,玉柱。苜蓿乾草調製過程中群體特徵對粗蛋白質含量的通徑分析。草業學報, 2005, 14: 78-81.
21.王成傑,周禾,汪詩平。苜蓿乾草添加劑研究進展。中國畜牧雜誌, 2005, 41: 41-43.
22.王成傑,周禾汪詩平。北京苜蓿種植區乾草調製時期氣候適宜性研究。草地學報, 2004, 12: 281-384.
1.恩克奧恩,敖特根,王成傑,諾日布仁青,布和。天然植物性飼料添加劑對羔羊體重的影響。內蒙古草業. 2012, 24(2): 28-30.
2.楊陽,韓國棟,李元恆,陳志芳,王成傑。內蒙古不同草原類型土壤呼吸對放牧強度及水熱因子的響應。草業學報. 2012, 21: 8-14.
3.馬秀枝,李長生,陳高娃,巴彥查干,王成傑。校園內行道樹不同樹種降溫增濕效應研究內蒙古農業大學學報. 2011, 1: 125-130.
5.烏日娜,王成傑,衛智軍。不同放牧強度和時期以及不同放牧制度下蒙古羊牧食行為研究。內蒙古草業, 2009, 3: 45-48.
6.BAIChunsheng, YU Zhu,WANG Chengjie. Effects of Different Additives on theFermentation Quality of Alfalfa Silage. Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition (動物營養學報).2009, 21:755-762.
1.《氣候變化與草原生態》楊保軍,王成傑主編,內蒙古人民出版社, 2015.
3.《草業大辭典》任繼周主編,本人蔘編,中國農業出版社, 2008.