陳求穩,男,博士,研究員。2004年荷蘭代爾夫特理工大學(TU Delft)博士畢業,中國科學院生態環境研究中心研究員,博士生導師,中國科學院“百人計劃”,荷蘭代爾夫特水力學所(WL | delft hydraulics)水環境專家,荷蘭IHE-Delft 客座教師,武漢大學客座教授,“楚天學者特聘教授”,Ecological Informatics (SCI) 副主編,Journal of Hydroinformatics (SCI) 編委。
2000年荷蘭代爾夫特IHE(IHE Delft)碩士畢業(優秀)。
2004年荷蘭代爾夫特理工大學(TU Delft)博士畢業。
1996.7-1998.6 水利部長江水利委員會水資源保護局。
1999.11-2004.10 荷蘭代爾夫特水力學所(WL | Delft Hydraulics)。
2008.08- 中國科學院生態環境研究中心。
水庫運行對下遊河道岸邊帶植被演替的影響(國家基金委,面上基金,50879086, 2009-2011)。
氣候變化作用下湖庫藻類種群結構演替及其適應性管理(國家基金委,重大國際合作項目,50920105907, 2010-2012)。
跨國界(俄羅斯)流域水環境監測斷面優化布置研究(國家公益性研究項目課題, 2008-2009)。
全國水生態環境調查與修復(水利部項目, 2007)。
Chen, Q., 2002. Data Mining Techniques and Fuzzy Logic in Modelling Harmful Algal Blooms. Invited Lecture in 1st EU HABES Project Workshop. 14 - 22 June, 2002, Helsinki, Finland。
Chen, Q., 2003. Modelling of Suspended Solid Concentrations and Water Column Irradiance in Marine Harmful Algal Blooms Forecasting. Invited Lecture in 2nd EU HABES Project Workshop. 8 - 14 March, 2003, Gothenburg, Sweden。
Chen, Q., 2003. Integrated numerical and data driven modelling of marine aquatic ecosystem. Invited Lecture in Tianjin University, China。
Chen, Q., 2005. Ecological Aspects in Coupled 1D2D Surface Flow Modeling. Invited speak in the 4th CTWF Forum, November 15-18, 2005, Zhuhai, China。
Chen, Q., 2007. Rule-based cellular automata and the applications to ecohydraulics modeling. Invited speak in the International Workshop on Advances in Hydroinformatics, June 4-7, 2007, Niagara Falls, Canada。
Chen, Q., 2008. Some praxis in catchment modeling and management. Invited speak in the 1st IWA YWP Conference, December 8-10, Gwangju, South Korea。
Chen, Q., Li, W., 2009. Analyses and modelling of aging induced pipe leakages in Beijing city. Invited speak in the World City Water Forum 2009, Aug. 18-21, Incheon, South Korea。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., Minns, A.W., 2002. Application of cellular automata to modelling competitive growth of two underwater species C. aspera and P. pectinatus in Lake Veluwe, Ecological Modelling, 147: 253-265。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., 2003. Integration of data mining techniques with heuristic knowledge in a fuzzy logic modelling of eutrophication in Taihu Lake, Ecological Modelling, 162: 55-67。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., 2003. Modelling Phaeocystis globosa Bloom in Dutch Coastal Waters by Decision Trees and Nonlinear Piecewise Regression. Ecological Modelling, 176: 277-290。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., 2003. Effects of cell size and neighbourhood type in a cellular automata based prey predator model. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 11: 609-625。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., 2004. Comparison of spatial patterns between cellular automata model simulations and remote sensing observations, IAHS Red Book, 296: 363-370。
Mynett, A.E., Chen, Q*., 2004. Cellular automata as a paradigm in ecological and ecohydraulics modeling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3305: 502-512, Springer-Verlag Press。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., 2006. Forecasting Phaeocystis globosa Blooms in the Dutch Coast by an Integrated Numerical and Decision Tree Model. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 9(3): 357-364。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., 2006. Hydroinformatics Techniques in Eco-Environmental Modelling and Management. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 8(3): 297-316。
Chen, Q., Mao, J., Li, W., 2006. Stability Analysis of Harvesting Strategies in Cellular Automata Based Predator-Prey Model. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4173: 268-276, Springer-Verlag Press。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., 2006, Modelling Algal Blooms in the Dutch Coast Waters by Integrated Numerical and Fuzzy Cellular Automata Approaches, Ecological Modelling, 199(1): 73-81。
Mao, J., Chen, Q*., Chen, Y., 2008. Three-dimensional eutrophication model and application to Taihu Lake, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 20: 278-284。
Chen Q, Ye F, 2008. Unstructured cellular Automata and the Application to Model River Riparian Vegetation Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5191: 337-344。
Qu S, Chen Q*, Recknagel F, 2008. Cellular Automata Based Simulation of Random versus Selective Harvesting Strategies in Predator-Prey Systems. Ecological Informatics, 3:252-258。
Chen Q., Tan K., Zhu C., Li R., 2009. Development and application of a two-dimensional water quality model for the Daqinghe River Mouth of the Dianchi Lake. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21:313-318。
Chen, Q., Ye, F., Li., W., 2009. Cellular automata based ecological and ecohydraulics modeling. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 11(3-4):252-265。
Li, W., Chen, Q., Mao, J., 2009. Development of 1D and 2D coupled model to simulate urban inundation: an application to Beijing Olympic Village. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(9):1613-1621。
Ye, F., Chen, Q., Li, R., 2009. Modelling the riparian vegetation evolution due to flow regulation of Lijiang River by unstructured cellular automata. Ecological informatics, doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2009.08.002。
Li, R., Chen, Q., Ye, F., 2009. Modelling the impacts of reservoir operations on the downstream riparian vegetation and fish habitats in the Lijiang River. Journal of Hydroinformatics, (in press)。
Chen, Q., Han, R., Cheng, Z., Qu, S., 2009. Individual-based modelling of fish population dynamics in the river downstream under flow regulation. Ecological Informatics (accepted)。
陳求穩, 2001.模式自組在水生態數據分析中的應用-太湖富營養化實例分析. 水利學報, 6: 91-99。
陳求穩, 歐陽志雲, 2005. 生態水力學耦合模型. 水利學報, 36(11): 1273-1279。
顏淼, 陳求穩*, 2007. 重要水源地小流域水環境動態模擬及調控研究. 水利學報, 38(9): 1038-1049。
譚夔, 陳求穩*, 毛勁喬, 李偉峰, 2007. 大清河河口水體自凈能力實驗. 生態學報, 27(11): 4737-4742)。
徐強, 陳求穩*, 劉銳平, 顧軍農, 2008. 基於管網水力模型的獨立計量分區優化. 給水排水, 34(3): 118-120。
徐強, 陳求穩*, 劉銳平, 顧軍農, 2008. 北京市某區供水管網水質變化研究及模擬. 給水排水, 34(5): 102-105。
譚夔, 陳求穩*, 朱傳保, 李若男, 2009. 滇池大清河河口二維水環境模型研究與應用. 環境科學學報, (3): 634-640。
李若男, 陳求穩*, 蔡德所, 王洪梅, 2009. 一維二維耦合模型研究水庫運行對下遊河道水環境的影響. 水利學報, 40(7): 769-775。
李偉鋒, 陳求穩*, 毛勁喬, 2009. 北京奧運村洪水淹沒風險模型研究. 科學通報, 54(3): 321-328。
李若男, 陳求穩*, 蔡德所, 王洪梅, 2009. 灕江枯水期水庫補水對下游水環境的影響. 水利學報 (在印)。
陳求穩, 程仲尼, 蔡德所, 吳世勇, 2009. 基於個體模型模擬魚類對上游水庫運行的生態響應. 水利學報, 40(8): 897-903。
李若男, 陳求穩, 吳世勇, 蔡德所, 王洪梅, 2009. 模糊數學方法模擬水庫運行影響下魚類棲息地的變化. 生態學報, (接受)。
陳求穩, 韓瑞, 吳世勇, 蔡德所, 2009. 基於個體模型研究河流調節對下游魚類種群動態的作用. 應用生態學報, (接受)。
陳求穩, 韓瑞, 葉飛, 2009. 水庫運行對下游岸邊帶植被和魚類的影響. 水動力研究與進展 A(接受)。
Liu, X., Chen, Q., Zeng, Z., 2009. Soybean residues sequestration addected by different tillage practices and the impacts on soil microbial characterstoics and enzymatic activities. Acta Ecological Sinica, (in press)。
顏淼, 陳求穩, 吳文強, 2009. 密雲水庫源區曹家路流域生態治理效果分析. 中國農村水利水電, 發稿中。
顏淼, 陳求穩, 吳文強, 2009. 曹家路流域面源污染的特徵及規律. 中國水土保持, 9(4): 18-21。
顏淼, 陳求穩, 吳文強, 2009. 典型山區流域面源污染模型研究-以曹家路流域為例. 中國水土保持, (6): 33-35。
劉孝利, 陳求穩, 曾昭霞, 顏淼, 吳文強. 典型黑土區非點源污染控制途徑研究. 中國水土保持, 2009, 5:31-33。
劉孝利, 李鳳民, 曾昭霞, 陳求穩. 黃土高原地區不同草地退耕模式水分利用效率的比較. 生態學報, 2007, 27(7): 2847 - 2855。
Chen Q., 2004. Cellular Automata and Artificial Intelligence in Ecohydraulics Modeling, Taylor & Francis Group plc, London UK, ISBN: 90 5809 696 3。
Recknagel F., Chen Q., 2008. Computational Ecology: Primer to Ecosystem Simulation and Forecasting. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg (in press)。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., 2008. Applications of Soft Computing to Environmental Hydroinformatics with Emphasis on Ecohydraulics Modelling. Practical Hydroinformatics: Computational intelligence and technological developments in water applications. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-540- 79880-4, P405-420 (Chapter 29)。
Minns, A.W., Mynett, A.E., Chen, Q., Boogaard, H.F.P., van den, 2000. A cellular automata approach to ecological modelling. In Odgaard, A.J., (ed.), Hydroinformatics 2000, Iowa, USA, 383-390。
Chen, Q., 2001. Application of cellular automata to ecohydraulics modelling. Proc. XXIX IAHR Congress, Beijing, China, Vol X: 236-242。
Chen, Q., Mynett, A.E., 2002. A robust fuzzy logic approach to modelling algal biomass. In King, J. (ed.), Proceedings of International Conference of Environmental Flows for River Systems and the 4th International Ecohydraulics Symposium. Cape Town, South Africa。
EcoCA: Modelling prey-predator dynamics by cellular automata, with broad functionalities。
LYC: modeling the competition and succession of different macrophytes in freshwater lakes by cellular automata。
FuzzHAB: fuzzy logic model for algal bloom modeling。
這些模型軟體由本人獨立開發,並共享作為研究生教學使用,目前已在荷蘭、丹麥、澳大利亞等國家的大學里使用,並隨“Ecological Modelling and Informatics”一起出售。
The 2nd prize of ‘Dayu Award’。
‘100 Talents’ of Chinese Academy of Sciences。