



1 一文?雷Yi Wen Thunder
2 丁玲?曼哈頓街頭夜景Ding Ling Night Sights in Manhattan Street
3 子岡?人之初Zi Gang The Beginning of Human Life
4 門瑞瑜?林區小鎮Men Ruiyu The Small Town on the Edge of the Forest
5 王蒙?蘇州賦Wang Meng Ode to Suzhou
6 王世穎?放生日的東湖Wang Shiying The Day of Freeing CaptiveAnimals on the East Lake
7 王了一?辣椒Wang Liaoyi Hot Pepper
8 王孝廉?小茅屋 Wang Xiaolian Little Hut
9 豐子愷?春 Feng Zikai Spring
10 田野?掛在樹梢上的風箏 Tian Yie The Kite on Top of a Tree
11 葉君健?看戲 Ye Junjian At the Open-Air Theatre
12 葉文玲?烏篷搖夢到春江Ye Wenling My Dream of Rocking Along theFuchun River in a Black-Canvas Boat
13 葉聖陶?牽牛花Ye Shengtao Morning Glory
14 葉紫?浯溪勝跡 Ye Zi Scenic Spots at Wuxi Brook
15 馮驥才?珍珠鳥Feng Jicai A Pair of Pearl Birds
16 馮亦代?向日葵 Feng Yidai Sunflower
17 劉心武?人情似紙 Liu Xinwu Human Relationships Are Like Paper
18 那家倫?長城賦Na Jialun Ode to the Great Wall
19 孫犁?老家Sun Li Old Home
20 孫福熙?紅海上的一幕 Sun Fuxi A Scene on the Red Sea
21 老舍?趵突泉的欣賞 Lao She Admiration of Baotu Spring
22 朱自清?匆匆 Zhu Ziqing Days Gone By
23 朱湘?江行的晨暮Zhu Xiang Morning and Evening on the River
24 方令孺?家 Fan Lingru Family
25 羊令野?水亭與竹樓之間 Yang Lingye Between the“Water Pavilion”and the“Bamboo Tower”
26 許地山?春底林野 Xu Dishan Spring Peach Woods
27 許達然?瀑布與石頭 Xu Daran Waterfall and the Rock
28 李大釗?五峰遊記 Li Dazhao A Tour to the Wufeng(Five Peaks)Mountains
29 李廣田?山色 Li Guangtian Mountain Scenery
30 李天芳?種一片太陽花 Li Tianfang Portulaca Grandiflora Hook
31 李長之?大自然的禮讚 Li Changzhi A Song in Praise of Nature
32 沈從文天安門前 Shen Congwen In Front of Tian An Men
33 鄒志安?黃土 Zou Zhi’an Loess
34 楊羽儀水鄉茶居 Yang Yuyi Tea Stalls in the Water Region
35 楊朔?香山紅葉 Yang Shuo The Red Leaves on the Fragrant Hill
36 岑桑?殘雪斷想 Cen Sang The Melting Snow
37 廬隱?玫瑰的刺 Lu Yin The Thorns on Roses
38 麗尼鷹之歌 Li Ni The Song of an Eagle
39 嚴敦易?綠波 Yan Dunyi Green Waves
40 何其芳?雨前He Qifang Before the Rain
41 蘇雪林?溪水Su Xuelin Stream Water
42 佘樹森?舊居賦She Shusen Ode to My Old Residence
43 周立波?燈Zhou Libo Lamp44 周作人?鳥聲 Zhou Zuoren Birds Songs
45 周建人?白果樹 Zhou Jianren Ginkgo Tree
46 和谷?遊子吟 He Gu A Journeyer's Song
47 季羨林夾竹桃 Ji Xianlin Oleander
48 茅盾?白楊禮讚 Mao Dun A Song in Praise of the White Poplar
49 金馬?螻蟻壯歌 Jin Ma A Heroic Song for the Nonentities
50 鄭振鐸海燕 Zheng Zhenduo Swallows
51 宗璞紫藤蘿瀑布 Zong Pu The Waterfall of Violet Chinese Wistaria
52 郁達夫?故都的秋 Yu Dafu Autumn in the Old Capital City
53 羅蘭?秋頌 Luo Lan In Praise of Autumn
54 林語堂?雪 Lin Yutang Snow
55 司馬中原?古老的故事 Sima Zhongyuan Age-old Stories
56 胡適?差不多先生傳 Hu Shi A Biography of Mr.Almost
57 梁實秋?鳥 Liang Shiqiu Birds
58 梁遇春?淚與笑 Liang Yuchun Tears and Laughters
59 梁容若?夏天 Liang Rongruo Summer Days
60 張潔?我的四季 Zhang Jie My Seasons
61 張拓蕪?佐茶的魚 Zhang Tuowu Fish to Go with Tea
62 張曉風?春之懷古Zhang Xiaofeng Meditating on Springs of the Past
63 張秀亞?杏黃月 Zhang Xiuya An Apricot Moon
64 哲中?過戈壁 Zhe Zhong Crossing the Gobi Desert
65 徐志摩?翡冷翠山居閑話Xu Zhimo Digression of Life in the Feilengcui Mountains
66 袁昌英?愛美 Yuan Changying My Love for Beauty
67 席慕容?貝殼 Xi Murong A Pretty Shell
68 郭沫若?杜鵑 Guo Moruo Cuckoo
69 錢鍾書?窗Qian Zhongshu Window
70 謝大光鼎湖山聽泉 Xie Daguang Listening to the Sound of Springin the Dinghu Mountain
71 謝冰瑩愛晚亭 Xie Bingying The Aiwan Pavilion
72 章武海峽女神 Zhang Wu Goddess of the Straits
73 黃宗英?夢的回聲 Huang Zongying Echoes of a Dream
74 曹明華?美 Cao Minghua Beauty
75 琦君?方寸田原 Qi Jun A Square Inch of Pastoral Area
76 魯迅?夜頌 Lu Xun A Song in Praise of Night
77 薛爾康?北國秋葉 Xue Erkang Autumn Leaves in the North
78 靳以?綠河行 Jin Yi Travelling Along the Green River
79 管樺?奔 Guan Hua Water Waves
80 臧克家?爐火 Zang Kejia Stove Fire
81 碧野?天然湖與果子溝 Bi Ye Natural Lake and Fruit Gully
82 端木蕻良?耐力 Duanmu Hongliang Perseverance